Species with higher birth rates will replace species with lower birth rates...

Species with higher birth rates will replace species with lower birth rates. If you don't want to be replaced then increase your birth rate. It's not complicated.

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tfw no qt brown gf

Shun the race mixers

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So profound user, thanks

We're busy paying for the welfare of millions of non workers. We could have twice as many children if we cut off the moochers.

Ban the pill.

Nobody seems to get this.
White women are functionally sterile.
There is no breeding superiority to a high time pref savage race of indiscriminate fuckers that don't have the cause/effect neurons in their smooth brains.

the incentives for having children are pretty awful and no where near close to the costs.
plus I'm too busy slaving away to pay taxes so non-whites can get free shit here and abroad.
If the government gave me as much as they gave them to have children i'd have 15 little shits running around by now

OP, don't give them false hope.

Live your life in peace, nothing we can do short of nuclear war will make a dent.

Africa is one of the few continents where abortion is mostly illegal. You're basically a nigger for wanting to limit freedom.

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Naw, I'd rather slaughter you all instead.


That brownie needs a jolly good raping.

The species with higher birth rates also depend on the people with lower birthrates to fund and support their births. Cut off the funds and their birthrates will lower.

she's sooooooo cute!


Species with highest number of offspring that _make it to adulthood_ and reproduce replace other species. Stop feeding Africa....

poor people breed more because they need children as a social safety net.

You cant just cut funding. That will only increase fertility. You have to blow up their hospitals and limit medicine so the extra children they can produce die to malaria more often.

You gotta go all in.

And it will never happen.

you cant choose to be a slave

Species the reproduce excessively will also eat through their resources and damage the food chain such that massive reduction in its population will occur, possibly to the point of extinction if the change is over a few generations and the species has not had time to evolve or adjust.

If you look at nature, you realize that this is not true. Both R and K type can provide an advantage, depending on the environment. (((Modern society))) has removed the disadvantage for K type in the west and at the same time, opened the gates for invasion. We don't have to become more K type, we can never win at their game. We have evolved the way we did because it is a benefit in colder climate with very limited resources. We have to close the gates and remove the invaders.

Africa is one of the most fertile places on the planet. You cant starve them. They can make their own food.

Necessity is the mother of invention. I know you fucks like to say "nigger nigger nigger x, nigger can't do x!"

But dont underestimate your enemy. When people starve they mobilize. And theres a lot of countries in the world. Hell, the dutch are the 2nd largest producers of food. If things got really bad and you were right about niggers being helpless fucks, there would be no guarantee others wouldn't step in.

Not against the idea of stopping aid. I have a cuckold fetish and stopping aid in africa increases immigration to Europe, similar to how the stopping of Guatemalan aid from Trump will increase caravans coming from their (to make up for all the cheap labor the USA has lost due to trump decreasing illegal crossings, he needs to replenish competition for farming/construction)

I rather have systematic genocide toward the parasites.
Like cancer treatment

>poor people breed more because they need children as a social safety net.
No, they breed more because they have nothing to do with their lives but fuck and other people pay for it anyway so it's no cost to them

I'm just going to race mix, after spending some time on Jow Forums I don't think we are going to save the white race.

>Necessity is the mother of invention.
honestly this. after the famines and civil wars kill off all the lowest IQ individuals the average african IQ will have risen significantly. similar to how the black death killed mostly poor and low IQ europeans.

white nations were given the Jew pill. as soon as Western girls hit puberty they are given hormones that destroys their fertility and irreversibly damages there brains.
with native white birth rates destroyed, our Jews overlords import non whites from every brute nation on earth.
this has been going on since the 1960's because the Jew cannot operate in a homogeneous society. they need to create hatred and division in order to operate.

white birth rates were fine before the total Jew infestation of our society. wherever that parasite is removed it will be restored.

Too bad the species that is reproducing the most hasn't produced shit in over 6000 yrs, & has become more of a burden than anything else.

If niggers want a race war, I gladly welcome it!

Or cut the gibs and immigration and let them starve themselves.

>if you dont want to be negrified just become niggers
really makes you think


If only niggers stopped being lazy, stupid and belligerent. Hey niggers, stop being lazy, stupid and belligerent.

Stop whining, incel.

eh, you should look into why developed countries have such a low birth rate.

In the past, children used to just die off to basically everything. Mothers would die too. Disease, birth defects. The mortality rate was tremendous.

And since there were no nursing homes, you really had to pump out kids

It takes a few generations to erase the culture of having tons of kids. Hence why even though China is very developed now, it will take another generation or two to lower their fertility to a more realistic level.

Places like Africa, India, are in a weird in-between state, where they have some advantages like advanced medicine and plentiful food, but still no safety net. And thus people are able to have way more babies than they actually need. To be rich in their old age.

>If you don't want to be replaced then increase your birth rate. It's not complicated

That's funny cause typically it's the exact same ppl who whiteknight for female privileges and go sperging apeshit if you mention no longer accepting female rights, which would solve 99% of all social problems in a split sec AND boost birthrates AND create a culture of families ..'

can you elaborate? Its hard to tell what your point is.

>no longer accepting female rights

Which rights?

Moderns whites lack the intellect to understand this concept. Natural selection makes no exceptions.

white people are naturally able to breed a lot more than they are doing right now

in Finland, most mothers in 1940s to 1950s had gave birth to 10+ kids

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>nation moving closer and closer to automation
>need MORE people
High birth rates are for developing nations, not developed nations

shut up nigger

Then why do wolves and foxes exist in the same environment, same works with Orca and sharks, mice, rats shrews, and voles.
also sage

It is profound around these parts. Everyone wants to focus on how Arabs or Blacks our outfucking us but no-one is asking how to equalise those two rates or turn it in our favour.

because they dont compete for the same resources, brainlet.

>You're basically a nigger for wanting to limit freedom.

Freedom to be genocided.
No concept of future.
High time preference.
Indiscriminate sexual behavior.

Abortion is illegal because NGOs, evangelicals, and Islam have convinced these simple savages that it's bad. This is not a nigger position.

Detailed birthrate stats separated by race:

I wish whites would stop giving niggers gibs

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>Jew cannot operate in a homogeneous society.
>literally took power while the society was homogeneous

I'm going to laugh at you when all the technology that whites built, from refrigeration to flying, crumbles to dust when there is no one left to maintain it.
Remember, you asked for this.

>if we weren't gay we would be straight

Wow thanks for that information. Now go and topple your government with a violent revolution..... oh wait you can't

> If you don't want to be replaced then increase your birth rate.
Or massively decrease their survival rate.

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Or you kill your competitors. I like that one.

The worlds overpopulated. Shitting out kids wont do shit. Youre gonna end up killing each other eventually.

Taking the easy way out yet again.

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She cute. Is she Muslim?

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Doesn't work when third worlders are also getting imported in huge numbers, while the ones already here are shitting out more kids.
If the white birth rate did skyrocket they would just hurry to import more shitskins

You can't keep this fucking bullshit up forever.

Developed (white) countries have low birthrates because whites are intelligent enough to know pumping out tons of kids is a net negative for everyone. You need moderation in all things, balance.

one reason trump will win because everyone is sick and tired of ungrateful mooching creatures. send them back

The clown has to stop juggling sooner or later.

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