
Where do you stand?

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Every negro gets a resettled back in Africa. We'll clear out a spot, like Liberia.

It’s the only way to right the injustice done to them. Even though they’re never happy anyways

Jews were behind slavery. Let them fucking pay

For what, slavery or Jim Crow period?
If for slavery I'm for it.
I'm for it with conditions though, the people who have ancestors who owned slaves should be the ones paying reparations.
And blacks should have their DNA tested to see which percentage of African DNA they have, the less % of african DNA the less reparations they get.

That niggers owe a lot of money to the federal goverment and jews owe a lot of money to everyone.

on the neck of any nigger or heb filth

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reparations for all the working class

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irony being that when nigger es-slaves went to liberia the first time they just acted like whites and looked down on african niggers and used them as slaves

I really like that the Democrats are getting seized by another round of this insanity as another election gets started. It will probably be completely dropped and forgotten by the time the primaries are over lest it damage them in the general election, but one can hope otherwise at least.

Notice how all the old people are sick of that shit, but the young impressionable youth are thoroughly indoctrinated.

Niggs have been getting reparations for the past 50 years via welfare.


If the African slaves are who 'built this country"...why did not other nations that used Trans Atlantic slaves, rise to superpower status?

For the US trillion$ of dollars poured into Africa and black Americans in welfare...we have already exceeded the $400K per white American.

Why are no arab nations being looked at for African slave trade? Why do the African kings get a pass for selling their own people?

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Let’s say the gov gave $400k to each black alive now and in the future. That’s $14.8 trillion. Then they’d breed like rabbits to steal their kid’s money. After 10 years 98% of them would be penniless and would want more money. Money hasn’t and won’t fix the problem. You got Mexicans coming here that can’t even speak English that succeed. If you gave out reparations at even $100k I think you’ll see a country wide strike of non blacks of all races or armed citizens of non black races burning shit down. You see the US is already fucking broke. You’ll need a reparations tax to pay for it. It won’t be cheap at $200,000 for every non black.

Jews absolutely should pay reparations.

Yes, let's make white taxpayers fork over billions of their dollars to lazy ass niggers who've been living off welfare their entire lives... for shit that happened 160+ years ago.

The smarter move would be to make Mexico pay us billions of dollars for taking care of half of their filthy population for the past 40 years.

It doesn’t matter where I stand because it’s IMPOSSIBLE

Niggers are a worthless race that can only survive on the good will of whites

CIVIL WAR II motherfuckers
my grandparents moved to the USA in 1912 and they never had any black bastard slaves

Niggers over the years have gotten more in welfare than they ever made for their slave owners. Reparations for what? They OWE US if anything.

I say that if anyone wants reparations we take the figure they suggest and subtract from it the last 50 years of welfare going to blacks. I suspect they'll owe us money.

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People are projecting African population as if the welfare and free food will just continue forever. They don't realize that we own them, since they can't survive on their own. MAFIA SITUATION.

It's a great way to turn dems into a single race party and repubs as every other race. Bunch of whitecucks are 'in favor' of reparations in theory, but when they actually say 'every black gets $X0,000 dollars in reparations' every white, Asian and legal Mexican is going to get extremely assmad.

Reparations for the entire working class or for nobody.
This race-based shit is just a rationale to hire a bunch of degreed Democrat social workers to (((guide))) others' lives.

i'm fine with niggers paying reparations.

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It's also a way to drain money from white people and give it to niggers who will just squander it on (((useless crap, like jewelry and air jordans))). Basically, if they take money from whites and give it to blacks, it will eventually end up in jewish hands.

Blacks never buy land or anything useful with their money they get from (((sports))) or (((rap))) or whatever. Jews basically use the black race as a money laundering scheme.

Reparations would only be spent on further degeneracy. If we were serious we wold just let them reclaim their natural climate where the sun swelters. If black america had a nation state its economy would be reliant on white farmers yet again so I guess any money devoted to adressing this issue will have to be seriously dealt with after the entertainment empire crashes the system with its pedocracy

Nigga I will leave the country if it means keeping your greedy hands out of my income.

death to the capitalist, comrade

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Don't even validate leftists and their pets when they call for reparations. Just tell them to go fuck themselves. They're not arguing in good faith.

I will NEVER pay taxes again if this bullshit happens.

I'll personally pay reparations to all black people who were ever slaves if the black community of The U.S.A. pays back all the welfare we have given and all the cost for court systems and private prison systems.

I'm not joking, i'll literally pay every dollar I ever make to them if they do this.
It's only fair.

i agree that niggers owe white people reparations for the hundreds of years of rape, murder and violence committed against us

Al Sharpton looks like a Jew wearing a mask. He acts like one too.

Where do I stand? I want all trannies euthanized

>reparations for all the working class
So not nigs?

what is it about this bitch that is so hynotic?


I dont owe you shit...nigger

do whites get reparations from muslims when millions of whites were enslaved?

i could have fucked her

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We give them all one way plane tickets to Africa

I dunno, where do you stand on spiraling white terrorism?

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We've been paying reparations since 1965. Tens of trillions so far. When does it end?

I think if this is happening, the NEETs of Jow Forums had better figure out a way to get a serious job- FAST.

The only real and honest reparations is a one way ticket to Liberia and I would gladly start paying taxes for that to happen

Based and redpilled


Faggots get the helicopter

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Reparations the blacks who sold the slaves pay

Good insight

Why would the US owe niggers anything? If it wasn't for them they'd still be in Africa eating mud to survive

Nasim is pure and should be recognized as a saint, definitely not a ****
you should apologize.

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That legit looks like a great core exercise

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Do you hate Jews? Do you enjoy Shitposting and NSFW content? Paste this link in the server join section for (((discord))): Cqgn8tW

Where do I stand? From an obscurred position with clear sightlines and preferentially minimal crosswinds.
Want to start a war? This is how...

>where do u stand?

if reparations passes i will immediately start lynching niggers (in minecraft)

kys glow niggers

Pay them, then tell them to shut the fuck up, their race card will no longer be accepted.

In 10 years we'd be right back where we are now and people would say we stole their dignity with a handout.

One way ticket to any country other than the USA is all I'm willing to finance

the thought of every nog getting this much money is fucking hilarious. society would crumble.

I'm pro-reparations. Give every descendant of slaves 10 acres of land in Detroit and a mule. Let's see if they can build Wakanda using that.

Also Israel should pay reparations to all mutilated Americans.
Such a barbaric practice has no grounds in the west

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A lot of whites died in a war that guaranteed niggers could choose to live on welfare sucking society dry with their useless presence. Reparations have been paid 10 fold. Those blue gummed baboons owe the white man now.

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God damn Reverand Al is short. Did he also lose bone density when he lost all that weight?

A big no

Jussie Smollet won't even pay Chicago the $130K he owes for faking a hate crime. The black community will never pay the reparations they owe to the world for centuries of property crime. The only solution is to enslave them until they can repay what they owe.

Do you believe whites still exist in America? If so what percentage of whites owe reparations because many came to America after slavery ended. Also Africans and arabs participated in the African slave trade. Native americans enslaved blacks do they owe reparations?

Reparations is having a place in the civilized world and being able to take advantage of its infinite opportunities and abundance. If it hadn't been for slavery their black asses would be living in shit huts in the Congo.

So how's that work? How do we determine who pays and who benefits?
Personally, I expect reparations from Africans, Arabians, Asians, Native Americans, etc for enslavement of Europeans, so if nigreps or any other reps is ever demanded, I'm calling it a wash.

>Pay up goy!

Do they mean rapearations?

I guess it's a hell no OP I mean whites were enslaved by arabs for centuries. Do I get reparations for it?

You jews always depend on us not knowing history. Many such cases sad.

Only the descendants of slave owners and slave traders should pay reparations.

>the Democrat party collapses
>American Jews mass emigrate to Israel

>40 acres prime farmland and a mule
>full citizenship and voting rights
>made a whole new country and built cities just for them to start their own African America

what the fuck else do they want?
we paid a ton of reparations.
where was the thank you for freedom?
why has no one pointed this out?
what the FUCK do they think Liberia is?

we just keep paying and paying. they never become like us, they just get worse and worse.
I will spend my LIFE trying to put an END to foreign aid that is keeping them fed enough to overbreed.
There has never existed a more ungrateful and hopeless race than blacks.

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Fucking no

blacks decided white gibs > their own free country to wakanda around in.
that is the truth of niggers.

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Soros could pay it all himself.

how are there so many of you that don't know this?

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what the fuck is that?

only slaves asks fors ders gibs
if you believe in reparations
only niggers want reparations

thats a nude selfie of the new ghostbuster.
she is a comedy star just like amy schumer.

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Why don't they ask the Jews?? They were the slave traders after all


No one deserves reparations.

This is the only solution they will always ask for more

Give it to them.
It will only make them weaker & more dependant upon the white man.


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I want reparations for all the crap I’ve read online, like there should be reparations.

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Didn’t Al Sharpton get busted selling cocaine?

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They don't deserve shit.
Nobody alive was under that slavery, same with the slave masters.
Don't give me that leftist newspeak they still are affected or benefit from systems of institutionalized whatever.
You can stretch such a bullshit lofty tangential link but won't blame the blacks that sold them in their homeland?
The only thing I'd be willing to give is a one way ticket back with their citizenship revoked.
Go back to your magical wakanda you were whisked away from, I'm sure you'll find it preferable to America.