Are you a meat eating predator or a passified plant eating prey?

Plants lack the vitamins found in meat and eating only vegetables will make you malnourished and skinny as fuck until you eventually collapse and die.

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Sure, but you don't need to eat tree rats to prove you have a penis. Get some standards, fuck

carnivore gang gang

how do i get them gains

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he probably has lots of salmonella bacteria in his mouth
his way isn't sustainable for world population too

i like raw meat .
i win

salmonella from your momma's asshole bitch

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look at my profile.. what do you think kid? kek

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le 56%erz ?

I'm an omnivore. Knowing what I am, I eat both. Meat and veggies. Because I'm not a total retard.

100 percent white bucko

That dude is such a cry baby bitch

>believing we are not in control of our evolutionary development
>regurgitating (((industry))) memes
>pointing to (((controlled opposition)))

fucking moron

Meat is not necessary. Killing is not necessary. Eat eggs and milk harvested humanly from animals instead.

based and natso pilled

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Being a faggot on a mongolian woodblock forun isnt necessary, yet here you are

kek muh delusions


not an argument. Even dogs and cats who get fed raw meat suffer from it and they are better at dealing with raw meat than humans.

They call him Baby-hands McGraw

you can't tell me this isnt a 100 % white face

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i have eaten squirrel, rabbit, deer, snake, and probably other game meat too. When i kill a deer? i cut it up myself and use every ounce of the meat. My CAT goes crazy for it, by the way. Because i have ground my OWN deer meat fresh? i usually enjoy a handful of the raw ground meat along with my cats, who also fight over the raw deer ground meat. Because i love sushi/sashimi? when filleting steelhead fresh: i cut up and ate a gigantic fillet raw off the fish. Yum. also the eggs, thats "roe". A little ONIONS to dip in? i am good to go. Raw meat doesnt hurt you at all.

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kys texan faggot.
you probably like kikes

This dude says he doesnt work out.. Is this possible? He really doesnt have that gym look, he is too proportionate and not vascular at all.

>kys texan faggot.
>you probably like kikes
...and you sound like you like cock.

Just because a plate has a nutrient, that doesnt mean it is in a bioavailable form.

easily attainable physique without "working out", provided you lead an active lifestyle with lots of activity and outdoors stuff.

Vegan lies

do you like kikes/israel ??
i want to make sure

His right hand holding the plastic looks big

Eat the livers faggot thats where the nutrients are

I dunno, his shoulders are fucking huge. There is something to this raw meat thing.

>eating only vegetables will make you malnourished and skinny as fuck until you eventually collapse and die.

Yeah, I wish I was as malnourished as pic related, you dumb nigger.

You have vegans squatting 300kg, while your best example of an "carnivore apex predator" is a larper balding autist which doesn't even lift.

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>what are dinosaurs that don't eat meat
Just eat more vegetables and fruit.

what did you start going vegan today?

dat autist face

who said you had to eat it raw fucktard

Looks like all that onions won't hold out for long, that dude isn't going to make it.

Milk is bad for you

inflammatory C reactive protein is bad for sure, but the fat of the milk I would argue is still good for you.

If you drink skim milk you deserve to die.

technically at a base level you can get everything from plants BUT 2 amino acids. the real question is how much plant matter do you need to eat to equal 1 quarter pound of ground beef. how much spinach do you need to eat to equal the iron. on a protein level since no plant source will give you those 2 amino acids its no contest but lets pretend protein is 1 thing and not many (sugars are seen the same way by liberals). how much beans and rice do you need to eat to equal the protein (needs to be complete protein no peanut butter faggots allowed)?

when your done crunching the numbers look at the cost. its cheaper just to eat the quarter pound of ground beef

Where do you get B12, K2, A (don't say carrots we know that's bullshit), Omega 3 in DHA form?

All pasteurized milk is bad for you and nutrientless

said on a machine made of toxic chemicals

Meat and the sun gives you all the vitamins
You can supplement 1 apple 1 carrot a few berries per day. But this is only after you've healed your body of decades of abuse

"Pasteurized milk is an excellent source of calcium, protein, riboflavin, vitamin A, and phosphorus. It is a good source of thiamine and vitamin B12. Pasteurized milk is also fortified with vitamin D, making it a good source of this essential vitamin that many Canadians are deficient in."

Oh yeah calcium isn't good for you, I'm not sure where the B12 claim comes from but other than that it's got SOME benefits.

Carrots are useless, you don't even get the vitamin A from them.

Literally no reason to eat fruit at all, vitamin C is a worthless vitamin if you don't metabolize carbohydrates.

Animals are my friends... so I don't eat them. Problem with that? Go fuck yourself

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Vegans BTFO by the simple mention of 4 essential nutrients they can't get.

Enjoy your malnutrition.

All animal products are proven to be unhealthy. A true Aryan Alpha male eats a plant based diet.

>All animal products are proven to be unhealthy. A true Aryan Alpha male eats a plant based diet.

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retard, jews are the onescontrolling the opposition and painting veganism as a far left liberal pussy idea

meat eater. but sv3rige is still a toilet brain mongoloid.

How can you get so pissed off that other people eat different things than you do that you make it the focal point of your life? Why not just let them eat their kale and other bullshit until they die early and move the fuck on?

holy fucking shit communists actually have no brains

the current food pyramid for all western countries is mostly grains and lots of fruit and veg. That's the opposite of painting it as a liberal pussy idea.

Enjoy infertility

Judging by the size of that guy’s hands he’s only 5’6”. I’m not taking dieting advice from a manlet. Besides, who the fuck is actually a vegan that’s not simply virtue signaling?

LMAO still no counter to a list 4 simple essential nutrients that you vegetable brains will never have

I mean you are vegans, I don't know why I even expect your brain to function properly let alone counter this argument

Do you eat your computer?


You forgot all these important animal proteins, you know, that we can't create on our own.

do cheese and butter instead, ezpz

I got an argument for ya.
pic related

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>these carnivores are healthier without meat
Cats go blind without taurine you fucking idiot

The elephant eats only vegetables, and even the lions yield to him when something is on his mind.

lol I always eat my steak rare and I've never had a problem. must suck having a weak gut from the constant stress of worrying that you'll be raped by an Arab nigger

elephants eat pupu
do you eat pupu?
are you an elephant?

your gut is nothing like an elephants, they can turn fibre into fat via fermentation, you can't do that.

I don't need to eat healthy either. I'll just take drugs to stay alive.

99% of vegans are retarded.

do you have any supervegan vitality to sell.

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Reminder that people in Okinawa have the longest live expectancy on the planet and the eat a balanced diet.
Don't fall for the vegan/keto meme.

Everything is bad for you you fucking faggot. Living just makes to die sooner so shut the fuck up and giddy up.

How do I heal my Body Senpai?

elephants don't eat pupu.

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This is the truth, people who deny it just want to bath in their vices with earplugs in

>literally has no brains

Go research the fact that vegans have higher iq, higher testosterone and higher fertility.

bullshit. 9/10 of every "vegan" i meet? ia a fedora tipping sissy, the kind that makes that big "happy face" bullshit look. Every hunter i know? is at least half a tough guy... every "vegetariam" I meet? is at least half a liberal fag. like i said, i call "bullshit"

That’s because they are fags who do it out of empathy since they are so feminized.

If you actually do the research you will have to come to the conclusion that it’s healthier. The research on it is solid. Go watch what the health or forks over knives for starters

its the complete opposite actually wtf are u talking about
your brain literally cant be healthy without animal fat and shrinks


except every one who goes from veganism to carnivore is the healthiest they've ever been the results speak for them self

Pussified *

Anecdotal evidence is not enough. Most people who switch from omnivore to vegan say the same thing

The real redpill is that you should only eat meat you've killed and processed yourself.

retard clarence started roiding 4 years ago

You are weak if you only eat greens and strong if you eat meat, it's just common sense, meat has more protein and other nutrients to give that plants can't.

Animals are your ONLY friends!
Go fuck them, like you always do.