Does the violent rhetoric coming from these people worry you

does the violent rhetoric coming from these people worry you

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Honestly, yes. Not so much on the individual level. Most of them are absolutely pathetic dregs of society and the gene pool. But a group of these retards exerting the power of a state allows them to become the petty and cruel little tyrants they are. The USSR was filled with them.

I just plotz a kogel

All my ancestors did was get these poos to make some tea then left them to kill each other when they got bored.


No. I have conservative political messages written on my car in white shoe polish and no one ever says a motherfucking thing to me

zoomers pls go

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pretty edgy

In this clown world where police do whatever the elected officials tell them, yeah. They do. Not individually. But the way this country works is if you’re elected and have enough of your people elected, you’re basically god. so yeah these ppl could turn life upside down

no it excites me. i hate my life and want to die fighting.

Hi Doug, what's your address? You can bring lots of friends, but I'll show up to your place and we can have a talk about it.

I didn't know there was an IT department at hogwarts

No. That faggot (and those like him) couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. As soon as the first shots rang out, he'd cry like the little bitch that he is.

>mouthbreathing shitskin

Indians are just mad cause they have already fucked their country up beyond the point of all hope. They need someone to blame. Europeans and Americans make fun of Indians. England's history with India. All these facts make white's their perfect enemy. They should really stfu though because they live in a shit hole of their own creation. They just want white pussy so bad they can't stay in their hell hole, they have to stink up our countries as well.

Is this suppose to be from the UK?
When your city or country has a lot of niggers, it's only a matter of time before a huge culture clash happens. Niggers & non-niggers will eventually clash.

this guy looks like he couldn't even beat up a sandwich.

We have all the guns

Is that Harry Pooter?

see what the media is doing to OUR CHILDREN? It is making them into enraged communists or passionate constitutionalists which basically leads to nazism when u do get red pilled.
Journalists are an enemy of the people.

that little bitch ass nigger probably can't even tie his own shoes. he aint doing shit.

No. The retard has it backwards.

The strength of a few good men overpower the strength of many wicked ones.

Case in point
> muh 1%.

If they didnt need the money they would have organized into productive units instead of cancerous blobs to be mowed down like grass.

The jfkpsa still applies though. We gotta change up the system because the same people funding these antifa groups of dissent are playing the other side and stuffing their pocket with military grade hardware they feel that a well regulate militia of locals shouldnt be allowed to obtain legally.

Gimme my 3d printed automatic shotgun like a swat bro instead of a farmers sawed off double barrel and we will see if ruby ridge goes down the same way

Man, Stingy from Lazytown seems a little unhinged these days!

I guess? It doesn't add to my worry, though. Just confirms it. I already know shit's fucked and life is messy.

No more than the violent rhetoric from you fags. I like it, personally! Everyone's a fucking LARPer, it's brought me a lot of joy in my life

No, this guy could be killed with a slap.


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Filipino fascism when?

This is a child, he will grow out of it. Let him get his knees muddied and go home crying to mama, he's only going to end up hurting himself.

Is this little poolet talking about killing us nahzees, or is he a Nahzee and is talking to leftists?

Also, I wont be concerned until they out number us and have completely taken over our military.

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yes, they want me to side with them against the horrible fat cat billionaires but the billionaires just want their cheap veggies and fruits on their estates while these people want me dead

so, easy choice

Look who he's replying to. He's threatening someone based on their surname and ethnicity. Irony's fucking dead, I guess.

Haha wow, this is just the kind of thing DOUG would say!

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lol you have to wonder if Doug has been made aware that he is being talked about on the most extreme underground nazi website in the world.
>Up next on cnn, Immigrant targeted by nazi's.

have to get past these first

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does this fag even know what a faggot it?

Those people will scatter at the first sign of trouble. They think they are tough because they have the state on their side, but they don't understand the state is there to protect property only and take notes on how they died.

Someone watches too many movies. That kid won’t do shit, even if he tried he literally couldn’t do shit. It’s all fan fiction in his head.

>protect property
These people want that to go away.

No. I could drop a dozen of them as if I were in kung fu hustle
Them and what army lmao

>subhuman shitskins with attitudes

Yes. I'm aware of the last hundred years of history. Many millions dead to socialism. It's almost here.

The vocal left is literally the minority though. They are all full of shit keyboard warriors. Not to mention that if they actually wanted a violent revolution they picked the absolute worst population of people to pick on. No social revolution has ever attacked an armed majority. Good luck kid.