Should Bestiality Be Legal?

>inb4 it already is, nigger,miscegenation,ect

Cross species is what I'm alluding to, in the OP. That aside, animals already have no rights. So why arbitrarily extend a fringe conduct to them, when such an ethical concern is inconsistent in regards to other areas of their treatment that get disregarded? I.e, farm house abuse, slaughter, enslavement,ect. Fyi, from my knowledge animals products aren't an absolute for human survival. So you can't argue from the pov of necessity. And to clarify, I'm not a vegan. In case some failed abortion uses that as a talking point against me.

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Other urls found in this thread: mare vagina&selectedindex=1&adt=1&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=2,6

because it's degenerate

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bow to the horse cock

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Yes, because as far as I'm aware killing livestock animals is legal and jacking off with your dick wrapped in deli meat is legal, so somewhere inbetween there bestiality goes from being illegal to being legal if you kill and butcher the animal first which doesn't make sense to me.

if they look like that and can consent sure but otherwise no, fucking animals in their current form and state of mind is wrong.

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Having a hard time poking a hole in this logic desu

No, because once an animal mates with a human, they will only mate with humans for the rest of their lives, and animals don't ask for consent first either.

>is wrong

How so?

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desu my dog doesnt mind when i get out the peanut butter.

They don't consent to farm house slaughter either, yet that's still permissible for some reason.

Pic related.

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an animal doesn't have the brain capacity to consent but hopefully crispr gets perfected to the point that I can have my genetically engineered cowgirls who can consent to a deep dicking.

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legal bestiality would solve the incel problem

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It's pretty much the easiest "crime" to get away with, they aren't going to tell anyone (unless you're screwing a parrot)

>an animal doesn't have the brain capacity to consent
Not really sure that's true. If a woman sticks out her butt and her dog actively decides to mount her then it's obviously consenting. Also, usually if an animal doesn't want you doing something it will let you know, violently. If some dude was banging a horse and it didn't want him there it'd kick him and he would probably end up in the hospital if not dead.

>this is the best defense animal rapists can concoct

>A non issue complaint from a retard who didn't elaborate with a rebuttal

And explain to me how mutilating animals in confined spaces for taste pleasure is morally permissible, yet using said biological utilities for other facets of joy is wrong?

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>salughtering animals to eat is taste pleasure
>slaughtering an animal to eat is the equivalent of sodomizing them
You really are a nigger huh?

>killing an animal is less cruel than putting your dick in it

>to eat

You don't require animal products for immediate survival, nor do you need them for anything else. If you did, pic related wouldn't be alive. And the logic follows the same, as in both instances pleasure is the criteria for justifying abuse.

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>muh feefees
I popped a free range steer with a captive bolt, instant kill, and ended the stress free life of an animal that couldn't survive in the wild to begin with. You want to stick your dick in an organism you aren't remotely biologically compatible with. I suppose this is the part where you break out another false equivalencely without thinking about how animals eat other animals or how they lack sentience.
don't (you) me nigger

>dumbbell curls are the only exercise in the world
>You want to stick your dick in an organism you aren't remotely biologically compatible with.
You're not biologically compatible with your own hand, but you don't let that stop you.

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(you), and did the animal consent to that transaction? If you interchanged that position of abuse with a Human subject, would it still be morally permissible according to your logic?

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imagine when it poops
Like 6 times a day...

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stop I can't get any more erect

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>nutrition is not needed for immediate survival

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>other sources of nutrition aren't available to offset needless slaughter

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seriously tho, is there going to be more horse porn or not?

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I've already been banned five odd times because of related nonsense. So maybe you post some. Bonus points for pink mare pussy btw.

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>vegetables contain all the nutrients needed for a healthy life

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>50+ year old vegans don't exist

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>50+ year old vegans are healthy

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>Health doesn't correlate with longevity

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>doesnt have any more brainlet memes
fuck, you win

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There’s nothing wrong with Furries, Jow Forumsturds are mad they’ll never have a traditional fox gf

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>pic related wouldn't be alive.
He’s barely hanging on.
4:10 he's insane

He's 6'3+, so his frame is appropriate for his ethnic back ground(blacks tend to be ectomorphic) and or height. Besides he's bigger now, if that means anything.

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>Wanting to fuck a dirty stinky animal full of fleas and diseases

Fuck off to /b/ already

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>Not wanting to domesticate cattle into fuckable humanoid substitutes for a nagging cunt epidemic

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Refer to pic related.

Also, Dont you have a truck of peace to dodge?

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No people who practice it should be gassed
and people like OP who ask dumb ass questions like that should be gassed along with them.

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Can you all shut the fuck up and focus on some real fucking problems. How i wish i was pampered to the point where i could argue online about some guy sticking his dick in a dog.

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Because you can't breed with them.

I really want to post a succulent pink mare pucci to show case apparent superiority in reference to your sub 3. But the mods are stuck up, so maybe google something related , and find the appeal.

>A relative sense of righteousness with no objective meaning

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My frame of appeal has to do with horses only, in regards to this topic.

You can't breed a trap, yet it's still legal to engage in intercourse with one.

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More of this by chance?

Here's a starter fyi: mare vagina&selectedindex=1&adt=1&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=2,6

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>Sparse amounts of muscle near the buttocks
>Lose back side with no reinforced muscle support for additive pleasure
>Soft with a texture of thinly sliced turkey labia wise

Mare pussy > (you). See:

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You're misinterpreting the argument. An animal and human can never produce a child. A trap can still mate with a female and produce a baby. That's why it will never be legal.

No I'm being consistent, as your claim was that (you) can't breed them. There fore they should be illegal for sexual intercourse. And I accentuated the absurdity of this statement, by putting a legal agent into this context. So whether or not the party in question is capable of breeding some other way (both are) excluding you is irrelevant, as the premise of your argument focused on a self insert.

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>asking for consent is the same as being asked for consent
this is how stupid you are

>Raping minors with brain damage is okay because they can't articulate a question

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>That aside, animals already have no rights
this is incorrect tho

Bible explicitly and repeatedly says it's wrong.

>inb4 muh relative morality totally allows for it!

Most furries want to fuck dogs, so the whole fee fees argument about slaughtering for food falls flat.

>But you can do it in china
Go fuck dogs in china then. Try and see what you can do here.

I'm not a Christian so that argument is only worth your world view, i.e nothing in regards to anyone but you.

>x wants to do y
>So z is wrong

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Forgot pic related.

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>inb4 it already is, nigger,miscegenation,ect
it already is

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Pikachu has great abs.

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Make anthros real, that would be a reasonable compromise. Screw having a fembot wife, I want an anthro snow leopard wife.

An anthro robot seems a good alternative if the genetically enginnering doesn't work it

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Maybe, but at the end of the day it's still a substitute for having real anthros. Only thing is I don't know what plausible excuse there would be to genetically engineer animal people.

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I'll stick with humanoid cow girld thanks.

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Whatever, more doggo waifu for me, I guess.

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doggo waifus are best waifus.

Right side has a purpose, left side is just degenerate acts to please your urges. Learn the difference.