I unironically believe Trump is a good President

If he doesn't do anything stupid. I will vote for him again in 2020.

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I believe that Trump is draining the swamp and all 2020 spam is a distraction from that.

>If he doesn’t do anything stupid
So a whole 5 seconds after he was sworn in?

Trump is globo-homo like your meme.

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I'll believe the drained swamp when I see it, but at this juncture I'm content to wait and see if he's going to start making me tired of winning.

Can't fight the seether. Seether is neither black or white...

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TRUMP 2020. He's got my vote. His victory in 2020 will lead to mass suicides of liberals and I can't wait. Those who don't kill themselves will finally leave the country.


>>Operation: Martin Brenton Luther Tarrant

>>Spread [The Great Replacement]


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Bumping for an actual quality thread for once.
>Trump is love, Trump is life.
>All mad hatters and haters, get the knife.

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>Bamping for justice

Absolutely based and red pilled

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I rather have a mass suicide of boomers desu

>I unironically believe Trump is a good President.
better than the last two anyway

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not everybody, but certainly lots

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Last four

Not much resistance.
I guess Soros don't like paying overtime.

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Trump was easily the lesser of two evils in 2016 and will probably be so again in 2020.
If nothing else, hes forcing the left to be reactionary to his agenda instead of proactive of their own

>endless streams of migrants
>endless streams of migrants

the only difference is Trump complains about it and makes publicity stunts. it's going to lead to the same place soon enough so what's the point?
in the mean time I won't be taxed quite as much but that's about it.

i don’t think he’s terrible but he’s not good and he’s already done plenty wrong. he’ll win with or without me voting so i don’t really care.

basically what every cuckservative has ran on since Reagan.
>hey we aren't as bad as those other gays

i’ve heard that argument in every single election for my entire life. it’s really getting tiresome man

Well in a first past the post system like we have in this country you only get two choices so you tend to vote for the guy who's not as bad as the other guy
>implying I should intentionally vote for the worse candidate

before Trump I was at the point of not giving a fuck and letting all go to shit. I'll give it to Trump, his rhetoric really gave me hope but anymore it's all just empty words.

the only good thing he's done so far on immigration is cutting refugees but now because of that Somali bitch we know why. our masters don't like their golems attacking them.
so Trump just imports literal fucking niggers, yup the majority of refugees now are coming from the Congo.

>importing nigs
>illegal immigration worse than ever
>shilling for more "legal" immigrants

so really the only point in voting is to keep a few more tax shekels in my pocket before it all goes to shit.
which basically makes voting pretty worthless. the oligarchs do what they want anyway.

>tax money to stop fags from dying to AIDS
>tax money for foreign shitskin women
>no wall (a non-congruous fence isn't a wall)
>tax money to pissrael
>shitskins still flooding into the country
>we must stop the scourge of antisemitism
he's a trash president that belongs in the garbage heap of history.

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He's an excellent President, operating in clown world

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>If he doesn't do anything stupid.
what fucking timeline did you come from?

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This isn't Russia, the people who hold real power in America are judges.
And elected officials appoint judges.
Are conservative judges going to rule that segregation is ok again and start holocausting minorities?
No, but they might say that my kid shouldn't be taken away from me because his preschool teacher actually thinks hes a girl and I'm abusing him by not pumping him full of synthetic hormones ala canada.
No, my agenda will never be truly represented by a mainstream politician but voting does have some power and we can use it to try to beat back the inevitable decay, if only for our and our children's lifetimes

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>if he doesn't do anything stupid
Like suck kike dick? Give kikes our money to build their wall, but can't build ours? Good thing he hasn't done anything stupid. So vote for him 2020 so we can give more tax cuts to oligarchs while we pay israel with our tax dollars. Don't forget to vote for the Christian zionist party.

Don't like trump. What I DO like is watching other people loose their minds, and Trump is GREAT for that. Him winning the Presidency again in 2020 would be fantastic. Imagine the salt-storm that would cause.

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1/10 of 1% of our budget goes to Israel. I'm more concerned with the other 99.9%

I think you should look up what oligarchy means
>a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution.
I think this perfect describes the US political system. call them the deep state or donor class it really doesn't matter. they control the American political system.

>the people who hold real power in America are judges
that my friend is judicial tyranny which is a convenient way for our ruling class to circumnavigate popular will. that only began post civil rights act which created a judicial tyranny, which is around the same time the invasion began.
only oligarchs rule that way.

voting only has marginal power and absolute zero when it conflicts with our oligarchs or deep state or donor class, whatever term makes you comfortable.

where in Syria solely for the sake of Israel, we invaded Iraq because Saddam was a threat to Israel. virtually all of our Middle East policy is for the sake of Israel.

Most of this board supports Trump.
A large portion of the people who talk shit about him here will end up voting for him because of how shit the other candidate will be.

The anti trump spamming you see is an extremely loud minority.
Pay attention the file names of the pictures they post.
You will realize you see the same guy posting 20-30 times a day.

Meh, he's been lame-ducked already, so nothing special to say about his presidency. I will say he's done a bang up job of not starting a new war so far, something his predecessors can't claim, so he deserves some credit for that alone.

if anyone, anywhere, ACTUALLY wanted to change the landscape of american presidential politics? One would HAVE TO do something about donating money to politicians for votes. Special interest groups? ";literally" write their own laws and HAND them to lawmakers to get them passed. Special interest groups, big corporations and industry coalitions, foreign governments? Its all one big free-for-all. tick russia-nothing-gate up your ass, the clintons took SO MUCH money from CHINA it wasn not even FUNNY. They BOTH do it.

the TRUMP bashing, is hysterically funny? because ALL off these whiny shills? have always but a SINGLE answer: somehow? some way? voting for one or another DEMOcrat candidate? funny how thats ALWAYS the "answer". (which makes it OBVIOUS)
my two favorite SILLY messages? "trump is a jew! vote DEMOCRAT instead! (yeah, tht'll be less jewey)
and... vote YANG? he's a racist and hates niggers! (really? vote democrat, and, white people are in charge again, huh? wow)
the most retarded shit i ever heard, to be perfectly fucking honest

They were the same fucking choice
Except one fucks you slower.
Fuck this theatre and fuck democracy.

No to change the political climate is violence this has always been the case in human history


Anyone who isn’t a libtard, a stormfag or a blackpilled faggot knows he’s doing a good job despite being surrounded by enemies. Idk of many people who can do what he’s doing and survive. God bless the man. Trump 2020 because fuck you.

I’ll vote for trump again in 2020 but my taxes did go up higher than a motherfucker this year


Is he stopping this? No? Then he is shit.

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