We're building the wall biatches.


Attached: BasedGenZ.jpg (1536x2048, 355K)

Other urls found in this thread:

those are some weak facial hair genetics

nice slat barrier and wire LMAO

he's probably like 15 user

I think the fuck not. They're more progressive and diverse than millennials.

Leave the kid alone, incel.

Can't believe I'm agreeing with a commie here. It's true

>Generation Z are going to be a bunch of MIGA boomers instead of actual nationalists
The west is utterly doomed

Zoomers are gay. Zoomer here but not gay, I swear.

Attached: Le Happy Merchant Sweating.jpg (183x232, 12K)


Attached: MAGA.gif (400x336, 1.33M)

Facts don't care about your feelings

wrong. all wrong. none of you are actual Gen Z I bet.

if you look into the eyes of an actual white Gen Z male who isn’t gay you see the radicalization

That's a fence...

Nah, they're really anti-Israel from my experiences. But the trade off is they're unabashed lefty faggots and a good number of them are gay or prone to being used by gays.
Just don't go full catgirl or whatever and you're OK in my book.

>Concertina wire
You're not stopping anything

Attached: Razor_Wire_Bunch.jpg (640x480, 72K)

This is the reason his eyes look like this (pic related).

Attached: thetideisturning.gif (326x281, 170K)

I'm 18. While male. 70% of my friends are white, we're all liberal. Even the cringy Trump supporting kids at my school are pretty socially progressive.

Yikes I said liberal. I meant socialist

the problem is you’re not 18, you’re a faggot nigger who’s posts are politically charged with no intent on finding the truth and you’re just here to ‘troll’ because you’ve been on Jow Forums for so many years you’re a husk or your former self and probably live with your mommy or even worse, live alone and don’t shave. you prob do drugs too and need (You)’s to survive. how pathetic.

yeah my cock into your mouth, nigger

I bet your fat ass can't squeeze though.

That’s fucking awesome

Everyone was liberal when they were 18, faggot

Attached: 14902908202982039.jpg (474x328, 26K)

I have an 8 year old boy, somehow hes more red pilled than me. Told me yesterday Africa needs to get nuked. Proud papa moment.

literally nothing he said was true, don’t concede to his point

the apple never falls far from the tree

Attached: 142098209702.jpg (316x400, 7K)

You're probably right but his drivel is anecdotal hearsay that can't be proven one way or another so I might as well entertain it: worldview drastically changes as life experience is gained

Attached: 1243098209820'.jpg (1096x616, 57K)

It's supported by pew research center you fucking chud

Most Boomer post all week.

You in college, user?

Step Aside, Boomers, it’s Gen MAGAZoomer’s Turn!

Attached: MAGAZoomer.jpg (440x390, 65K)


Gen Z didn't build shit. They didn't even vote.

No finishing HS next month

Early based. College was a mistake.

>supposed to be a big beautiful 30 foot high concrete wall.
>we have an easily scaled series of fences.
All you have to do to climb the fence is use a standard rope. Toss it over the top, reach through the slats and now you can have your buddies pull you up to the top. EZ PZ.



TRUMP.2020! TRUMP.2020! TRUMP.2020!

Attached: GenZTrump2020BuildTheWall.jpg (1522x2048, 1.48M)