Angry White Male Lab

This defiantly wont lead to more school shootings.

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Can't wait until these faggot niggers meme this shit into reality

Imagine what the person teaching this will look like..

Ban Islam all terrorist attacks solved

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why kansas? i thought they were cool... :(


>school shootings
Why do they always shoot up the school?
There's so many better places to shoot up.

>did you know that if you continually emasculate males they get really, really angry at you?
>let's emasculate them more that won't lead to consequences
Everyone involved is a fucking retard.

Kansas is not dare i say ar kansas

Angry White Male Lab
Angry Black Male Lab
Angry Asian Male Lab
Angry White female Lab
Angry Black female Lab
Angry Asian female Lab

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Gonna predict this course is going to surprisingly redpilled but will still reach the opposite conclusion in terms of prognosis because it's taught by SJW.

For example
>Men don't like working with others they don't see as equals. This is why they withdraw and become angry.
>How can we make them more cooperative?

Also pic related.

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topkek this strategy will work in england.
in scotland, ireland and wales the parents will just remove their kids from the school until they cease their faggotry worked when i was in school and they wanted us to learn about islam and judaism

I'm okay with less college applicants and teacher layoffs.

How are they going to prove white men are actually angry, studying antifa violence?

This is why school is so god damned expensive.


It fucking would be desu.

It’s interesting that whereas Sun Tzu said to know thy enemy, the left start running classes to deliberately misrepresent theirs.

I say, don't let this get you upset or concerned. If a bunch of tards want to flush hundreds of dollars down the drain taking a bullshit class like this, let them. We should actually be encouraging retards like this to take more useless classes, to ensure they throw away their money and learn no practical skills, rendering them completely harmless.

clown world is a good thing
this should be encouraged

>angry white males get segregated
>grades shoot up, incidences of fighting and mischief go way down
>brown people start agitating to be included in "unfair, segregated classrooms devoted to enhancing white privilege"
cap it

angywhitemenistan sounds comfy

no1 has seen an angry nigger chimp the fuck out before?

>the world: please let us in

Notice everyone still wants in

They will probably just ridicule and tell how angry white men are that way just because of their small dicks and sexual frustration.

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It’s sad, they wind up unemployed with a massive student debt and somehow still think nazis are their biggest problem

>Absolutely useless courses
Remove government loan guarantees and make universities cosign loans.

is that image unironically promoting thug culture and lying press?

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sounds pretty guud

> pay to learn about white men in college
> learn about angry black men outside school for free

>this college is commie!

I had no idea it was still 2014! Take it back to plebbit faggot

>this unironically happens
we are in the end times lads. Jesus will return, the Jews get punished and Islam gets erased

White people were more discreet they made courses for finding out why niggers always break the law but called it criminal justice

That pun was so bad, even Carlos was too ashamed to show his face.

this should be the entire class

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They'll probably use school shootings or other gun related statistics.

This sounds like Utopia, sign me the fuck up.
Also, why do they assume there will be a shit ton of pollution when the sign reads:

School shooters are outliers, if you tried to use them to prove something about a population you’d risk having the theory applied to Muslims. Other gun stats just show black people killing each other and white people killing themselves

is it because of all the niggers, Jews, Muslims, and chinks flooding their civilization you think?

i want off this ride/.

All I know about Kansas is what I read when I studied the American Civil War and hopefully it hasn't changed too much there. Brutal place.

Goddamn kikes with their goy lackeys

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>constantly shit on young white men for being young white men
>wonder why they start getting angry and shooting you
>continue pissing them off
Gonna laugh my ass off the day I read about one of these classes getting shot up.

I go there, wanted to sign up for this shit and see what the enemy thinks Im up to, but it didnt fit the proper time or credit requirements.

The funniest part is they're trying to portray it as a bad place, but even when they do, they still draw people waiting outside wanting to live there. America is such a hateful, cruel, racist, sexist, gun crazy place to live, yet all these people are constantly crawling to get in, and refuse to leave despite having the means to get the fuck out.

> defiantly

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You could literally provide evidence that all minorities are a nuisance holding us back, and get an A+.

Beginning spring 2019, students at University of Jow Forums will have the chance to take a course that charts the rise of the "subversive Marxist jew" in the U.S. and Great Britain.

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>will have the chance
itll be mandatory in 2 years

Jow Forums - dad jokes

>yfw they dedicate an entire university course to us to study our shitposts

>no homos
y-you don't count traps, right user?

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At the ripe age of 31, Im glad Im going to be an old man and watch from the sidelines when WW3 starts and generation znowflake gets exposed to hars realities as cannon fodder.

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Already happened. Someone post the meme course and study of Jow Forums.

Except this is going to indoctrinate even more people into the left wing cult. Plus if not enough people take it they're just gonna make it mandatory. Even worse this cancer won't just stay confined to the university but will start to spread throughout the state, which combined with immigration means in 10 to 20 years the state will probably go blue or ''full pozzed'' if you will. Unironically stripping the liberals of this stranglehold on education is just as important as stopping immigration.

They'll go from "having the chance" to making it "this course is obligatory or no degree".
Because only white people are bad, everyone else is just systematically suffering.

you must have missed this part

>Because only white people are bad
No, because only white people have complex enough behavior to be studied. Imagine "angry black male" course consisting of something more than "nigs -> noggin".

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>thinks they won't become human resources workers
>thinks these ideas don't diffuse among society
>thinks women educated in this shit don't run the education sector

Jesus fuck. Didn't you see Biden disavow white men? Liberals have to disavow white men. Watch next election cycle.

This and this.

>Hinter den Feindmaechten...

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People who take classes like this are wracking up tens of thousands of dollars in debt for a worthless education.
Kids, I would say study something real like stem, then again you will have to work with subhuman retards who can't speak english, in american offices. So really, just study how to use firearms.

The Aussie understands.

If you haven’t noticed yet, the people who control society are trying to make this type of education not worthless.


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General order 14 soon

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Sure, but what can you do with a worthless education? It takes analysis skills at a bare minimum to do anything of value, and these retards obviously don't have that even.
As far as pushing retarded minorities and women into jobs goes, they are doing tjat everywhere, and it doesn't matter what qualifications they have other than the right, "oppressed", disgusting phenotypes.

Philanthropy and social issues are all business now, it’s the new sex of marketing.

(((They))) see the writing on the wall and are trying desperately to keep white males as the submissive cucks that most of them are, with the exception of a few vigilantes who slayed for white survival.

I grew up ultra lib as a white anti white, in a culture full of such people. As I began to awaken around 2002-2005 I began to get some very unPC skills under my belt. Some of the old Liberals I know actually asked me to do bad things for them. I said no, because they are anti white and anti male. Besides, violence doesn't win the mind war until the minds of every white male have been awakened. Once the white males all know the score, the females will follow anything the males do. (Don't play games with violence kiddies. Teach whites how to talk about white replacement if you want to be able to fight effectively in the future.)

Jew Masters and White Self Hating Idiots depend on a docile, obedient white working class males for everything to run smoothly. When that changes, things fall apart for the white replacement agenda.

So, rather than respectfully addressing the concerns of these "angry white males", they choose instead to deliberately provoke them further. Presumably, the reason for this is that, in their minds, white males SHOULD be badgered, berated, insulted, disrespected, and abused, and that this should apply to all white males, indiscriminately, regardless of age, regardless of circumstance, regardless of character. Fascinating paradigm. If I may be so bold, I do believe that this will only lead to even angrier white males, and more of them.

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Lawrence is a liberal shithole.

Trust me, I live there.

haha this will totally be the platform were like minded angry white men find together.

>is it possible that some deep-state /ourguys/ are pushing this sewage out faster than intended?
>boomers who realised they sold out their countries to groups that despise them, and will despise their descendants - too late?
>up the output, make it clear as day that whites need special interest group rights
>Normal, young ppl I talk to think the 'fuck whitey' thing is getting out of hand specifically re: the media
>and this is the United Cringedom btw, imagine what populations with actual balls are thinking
>tfw whites become a protected group that you're not allowed to criticise over the next 10yrs
heh heh heh heh heh

Shit like this is what keeps pushing me away from these people and more towards supporting whites.

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Nothing on that list is even controversial. That's how far we've fallen.

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