The Yankstain

>It's yet another episode of "Yank flag tells other nations to engage in violent revolution against their government"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank tells you that all the best people left your shitty nation to escape the king of Europe"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank draws parallels to miscegenation, inter-racial rape, muhammads dick in any given discourse"
>Its yet another episode of "Yank tells you how much of a 'fag nation' yours is despite his literally giving birth to POZ and LGBT pride parades"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank tells you he would "kick your ass" in a war and that we should be thanking them for 'saving yurop'
>It's yet another episode of "Yank tells other nation their food is shit as they guzzle down brominated corn syrup soda"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank tells you that you aren't white"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank brings up the time he betrayed your people to the arch nemesis of the one he is descended from then randomly posts dates and calls you a "limp wristed fag"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank shows unparalled ignorance and a child like, basic view of the world that crosses jingoistic chauvinism with an obsession with black penis"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank makes a references to licences for the 100,000,000,000th time"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank flings shit at other nations while he himself is up to his neck in the stinkiest, foulest diarrhoea imaginable"
>It's yet another episode of "Yank desperately bootlicks his tyrannical law enforcement and politicians"

How do we deal with these 56% monsters? Every day, every week, every month they spew the same diatribes, the same one liners - almost as if they are NPC's. They show no introspection, no erudition, no brevity.
We cannot tolerate it any longer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're just as jewed as us. Trying to shuffle the blame to the people is a kike tactic. Kike.

>It's yet another episode of "Yank has a startlingly low reading comprehension and verbal IQ and starts rambling about Jews"

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Do some'ink abou' it, bloodsausage enthusiast.

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I have recently been putting all American flags through the filter in 4chanx. The quality of this board suddenly increases when meme flags and your ilk are no longer in the equation. It's as if the board magically jumps up two standard deviations in IQ. Maybe you should try it sometime.


>the jews are completely innocent

just stop to give a shit about them

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This is Jow Forums.
Everybody is the worst.

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I blame the water

>He's still rambling about Jews despite this thread having nothing to do with them.

Maybe keep your obsession with kikes to threads tangentially related to them, perhaps?

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>I filter americans
>immediately replies to american
You're a tier higher on the butthurt obsessed scale. Do you even have a loicense to post here?

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>subverted good goy is angry at other subverted good goyim
this is god damn hilarious

>It's yet another episode of "Yank has trouble comprehending that to converse with Americans in this thread I would have course turned my filters off."

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Okay mate I'm a subverted good goyim and I have been brainwashed into serving YHWH and the Jewish people whilst trying to destroy the united white race. Whatever you say Diego-Tyrone Vasquez de la Xianjiang province

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>I filter americans and the board quality goes up
>but let me turn that off so I can see what the americans are saying

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Hello Britian how's the Suez canal doing.....oh wait,well at least you have India.......oh.

You put a lot of time into this post, how about you just get to the point and say it straight? I got no time to go through all your greentext and try to interpret it.

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Why would I have made this thread if I didn't want to converse with Yankoids and see what they were saying you carping dolt.

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Ban on North America would drastically improve Jow Forums.

Well, at least you're being honest about it.

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>look, I'm obsessed with americans so I felt like I could get their attention by making a thread saying I hate them and tell them I filter them, but I'm just turning my filter off this once. OMG what are they saying???

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>be yuropoor
>watch your nation that your forefathers built ravaged and raped by immigrants
>go on Jow Forums
>haha dem foockin' yanks bruv hrehehehreheheh
>hear the moans of your wife in the other room as her womb is filled with the seed of the somali she has submitted to
>f-fifty s-six percent, bruv...

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>It's yet another episode of "Yank draws parallels to miscegenation, inter-racial rape, muhammads dick in any given discourse"

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Sick work on every post proving OP right bros.

Help them lad. They don't need to be like this. So many of them are lost.

>muhammads dick
it's a dick you can't escape wh*teboi
have fun staying in the EU, bong, i'll be expecting a large surge of mutt memes as a cope when that's announced

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Most of the time individuals with US flags who reply in a retarded or in an extremely hateful way are shitskin immigrants.

>it's a dick you can't escape wh*teboi

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One of the most cucked countries on earth is mad.

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Oy vey

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Mate you can get arrested for producing or selling raw milk I cannot comprehend how you think you are in a better position than us -and I am not claiming we are in much a better position than you

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this is god damn hilarious

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nobody thinks we're in a better position than you but when you make these obvious cope threads you don't put yourself in a good light either

>you can get arrested for producing or selling raw milk
And collecting rain water.

>here is a news paper article
>spoon id
>bad teeth
>tv licence
>1400 girls

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You literally live on 1984 island
You have to be trolling.
You can go to jail for twitter banter.
You have to to be trolling.

You can go to jail for fucking words you didn't even say.
Word you typed out.
You can literally go to jail for words you fucking typed out once. .

Count Dankula even got in trouble for teaching his dog the nazi salute AS A JOKE
There's no way you people actually think that you're not living on 1984 island.
Literally one of the most cucked countries on this entire planet.

No response, so what's getting slided?

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Its called black pudding you terminal mucksavage

whiter than you muhammad

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Nothing dude, look at the first page. There is nothing of value on Jow Forums right now.

Ah yes, the several threads up on "IM BLACK. Say sorry" "HONK HONK LOL" "OMG UK Y U DO DIS" "HAHA yuroKEKS!!!!" are pertinent and important discussions.

>Its annudah episode of British m8 being evious of teh fact he ain’t an american and own guns and voice how he feels about dem niggers and goat rapers about he feel about dem.

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Hey Anglo friend.
Everyone sucks.
Us Americans tend to lash out because, up until fairly recently, we actually had a really free nation. We’re not used to subjugation in the same way that you are, and as such react differently.
As a friendly reminder, don’t take this place seriously.

You're actually not
Excuse the blister I was bitten by a spider.

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I think your a tremendous faggot and cock sucker who’s breath preptually smells like another man’s asshole.

However I will agree that the honk meme is pretty much cancer. Anyone who tries to find serious meaning behind it is a tremendous turbo faggot who needs to get a job and a gf or go anhero like supreme gentleman eliot rodger.

well, new york does need saving..

While I agree with both of you I'm still going to dig

Can't wait till I finally become Spiderbong and bin the worlds knives.

Share if you find something that's not utter garbage.

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Isn’t it hilarious how you can tell op is a Muslim shitskin by his atrocious grasp of the English language and poor attempts of Jew tier divide and conquer.

Assange being moved to UK
Trump choosing gold standard nominees for federal reserve

Not much going on, but maybe I haven't been looking enough and I'm drunk. But I'm putting a meme flag through the ringer for posting ISDF models and he hasn't shown his flag yet

>hand your country over to mudslims
>lets the nigger rape your daughters and castrate your sons
>"b-b-but amurica is FAT"
Europe is fucked.

>It's yet another episode of "Yank tells you that all the best people left your shitty nation to escape the king of Europe"
That's not why we left. It was that 3 Day Week nonsense.

Good that arrange is being moved, but uk? And what about gold reserves?

Also the thread I'm grilling a new in
Everyone else should grill him too

>it's yet another episode of "Yank lives in Bong's head rent-free"

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There has been no reference to abundant American adiposity in this thread, I'm afraid. Better luck next time.

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>Amerangutans rush any British flag in any thread and start posting news clippings, webms and repeating one liners - often personally blaming me for rotherham

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Best American is will Smith
Second best American is Tupac
Third best American is Carl Sagan
Fourth best American is easy e
Fifth best American is Michael Jackson

>violent revolution against your government
>a bad thing
you deserve to be erased honestly
you're the textbook definition of goyim

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They'll just spam little mutt memes and call us obese while the pendulum blade swings closer. Kind of pathetic really. I pity them even if I shitpost sometimes.

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>yet another episode of neo ottoman dancerboy posting without his loicense.

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You first mate. I mean you've got all those guns - you just will NOT stop harping on about them. When are you going to set an example?


>proving my points about Yankoid discourse :)

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I'm highly offended by your hate speech, you have been reported to the Queen, hope you have your internet loicence.

oi you got loicense for that post ?

I like the yank shitposting and Jow Forums wouldn't be the same without it. Canada can fuck off 9 out of 10 times though.

america america america

You think I have a wife? Many thanks for the compliment my white brother

Dont forget dutch posters, truly the leafs of europe.

This isn't true, Americans do think they are vastly superior and in a much better position than all of Europe. And they might be right, but only thanks to your Constitution, which you refuse to actually employ despite being rapidly replaced as a majority in the nation your forefathers built.

where's your license

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Holy fuck I hadn't thought of it like this before lol

Rent free.

they got all the guns but invented white flight. they also never even had a breivik or tarrant. fucking larpers is what they are.

You're not in a position to criticise others.
You're dominated by a fucking poo, humiliated by not even being allowed to have a fucking butter knife and you're such a coward inbred ugly abomination of a people that instead of protesting you're taking it all up in the ass and trying to find justifications on why it's "acceptable" and "progressive".
You're literally the worst people imaginable on earth and thanks to the internet everyone can see it and point the finger at you yellow toothed mongrels and say "COWARD".
Fuck you. I hope you get even more ridiculous police state laws and keep being a fucking paypig to these fucking oligarchs that hate you and I hope muslims will make your life even more unlivable and I want to see you trying to find a justification on why it's not that bad.

tfw you are so insecure in your own statehood you shit talk the single greatest independent nation on Earth.

Hey, at least we're not paying for Greece you fucking chinless wonder!

Drop the meme flag, you know and I know your one of us

thats not a minority

Only thing worse than bongs living in denial from their tiny island with nowhere to go are leafs pretending they're any less mutt in the face of humiliation from other eurofags.

yea, im american

>Coming from the same memeflagfag that probably starts "NZ SHOOTING WAS FAKE GOYS!" threads.
Lol this is great.

we just got hybrid vigor bro

no i hardly ever make threads. i do think the shooter was an idiot tho for targeting innocents.

Why do Br*Toids do this so often
I mean we call G*rmanoids krauts but not nearly as much
And no one uses "Tommies" anymore...
Burgers has always made the most sense and fits the theme of naming countries inhabitants after their iconic food. Yank just sounds like one of those rooty tootie point and shooty Br*toid words

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someone cant take the banter , back to plebbit with thee


>hon hon hon le big nose et stinky armpits man

shut up pierre

stfu you carpetbagger, u see OP it's just banter stop being a butthurt fag

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quit defending the leaf faggot
bong banter is trash

>>It's yet another episode of "Yank flings shit at other nations while he himself is up to his neck in the stinkiest, foulest diarrhoea imaginable"

burgers can not bant

Back to back World War Champions!

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