China bans fentanyl and haults its traffic to the US. Wtf fuck is going on?
China bans fentanyl and haults its traffic to the US. Wtf fuck is going on?
>making drugs illegal
it's worked so well in the past
But in this case, china was the og dealer in fentanyl trade. Selling that shit to the US to poison us and turn a profit. Though I don't know if its good or bad to have thousands of junkies cut off from their stuff. Whatever comes from this action will be interesting to say the least.
what is japan
>China bans fentanyl and haults its traffic to the US. Wtf fuck is going on?
China knows better than anyone how opium destroys a country. Trump just spoke with chairman Xi, put it together
I remember that. Huge deal but what kind of deal did trump make with china to get in I wonder?
Fuck you Im retarded, so spell it out for me.
Its symbolic. Nothing will change.
Maybe this was a term in the “trade war”. From what I could gather, Sessions main job was to fight the war on drugs that were killing you white boys. He made huge strides in Alabama and other white states.
It’s not secret that China is a huge problem in the drug war. They are always shipping over drugs and hiding it in their cheap shit.
I am also convinced that China controls the korean sex trade here in the Bay Area.
They need to kill distributors to strike fear into the heart of every other distributor.
Global worldwide currency and debt reset
>China controls the korean sex trade here in the Bay Area
I know absolutely nothing about it and I'd bet 100% you're right based on the amount of Chinese money I see flowing around into literally everything.
They got the next formula, fentanil will be delegate to that stupid shit that junkies used to commit suicide 4 a buck with like crokodyle or bath salts, the new shit will probably be 20x times more addictive and way less dangerous
like massage parlors?
Years ago there was a ban of sorts on Chinese-produced honey. That same year, honey exports from the nations surrounding China increased tremendously, some from zero. I wonder if the same will happen with fentanyl.
I am guessing that Trump promised to help them with this
wikipedia org/wiki/Belt_and_Road_Initiative
I am sure that Trump wants to invest in the project to reap future US profits and diplomatic reasons.
fentanyl is a pain killer used by hospitals. its cheaper than morphine and takes up way less space because its way more powerful. all the bullshit the media has spewed is nonsense and based on cia nigger propaganda
americas health care cost will go up nationally because even if the hospitals dont use strong painkillers often they will have to pay more for them and they will take up more space and weigh more. soooo the cost of the morphine higher the cost of shipping it higher the ability to buy bulk in any way that matters gone forever. 20 or so car accidents later they have to order more instead of 500 car accidents later
so when that shit runs out in the hospitals expect a noticeable price increase in all health care in america
Read up on project studebaker. China's actions run deeper than a simple strong arm tactic to keep Huawei supplying methods for the PRC to spy on western kids and infiltrate social media influence.
The US has ran the worldwide drug trade for decades. Literally ran, not figuratively. China has the muscle now to take back control of the eastern drug trade, and now it seems is moving in on the western drug trade.
trade dispute, that is all.
We already know liberals are inhuman monsters.
>Chelsea handler
Sick fucking bitch, her nazi grandfather would spit on her and burn the childless whore alive in the ovens
There's a difference between criminalizing possession and letting a country of billions manufacture and export a synthetic drug that's addictive and easy to OD on
> Caring what pussy liberals say or think
good, let me know when massachusetts cities ban fentynyl laced niggers.
>Read up on project studebaker.
Can you point me to an article on the subject? The only Studebaker coming up in relation to the drug trade is a woman arrested in Ohio, Cassandra Studebaker.
Trump asked for fentanyl because Dilbertman's son died from it a year ago.
Man i want those fent lollipops the military has
Her people need to be roasted in ovens.
This is a good start and might be promising but there are so many fentanyl analogues that are being synthesized in China already. Some much more powerful and dangerous than fentanyl.
Oh definitely. Triads run the bay in that sense.
>family fentanyl day
>help them with an existential challenge to the supremacy of the US
He'd have been shot if so.
Can't sauce but I understand that analogues are covered in the ban as well.
Unless they've hired more people, China doesn't really have the ability to guarantee Fent won't make it into the US from their country. The Chinese equivalent of the FDA suffers from chronic under-staffing, if I'm not mistaken. So there aren't enough inspectors to go around checking pharmaceutical labs who could make the stuff and sell it underhandedly.
This is an obvious edit, so obvious I feel dumber having pointed it out.
a small price to pay for trade negotiation
just cuz america is a 3rd world country where rednecks have to make drugs to pay for their medical bills and mexicans can just walk over empty border and sell drugs easily doesnt mean other countries cant get away with banning things
Which demographic is the most addicted?
Remember that scare regarding fentanyl in Leafland about a year ago? The deaths it could have caused? Shit is about to get real interesting for y'all.
white working class, I'd guess. but its def. a white thang, whatever reason
It may not work well in the U.S. but it will work well in China where getting caught may actually mean you'll be punished.
>example: Philippines
Scott Adams is what's going on. His son was killed by it and he unleashed unholy terror of persuasion bombs calling openly for the murder of fentanyl company CEOs and their public shaming, and justified it by (accurately) depicting them as murdering 50k Americans a year. If you watched him at that time (about 6 mos ago) it was pretty epic. His stepson had just over dosed. It was hard, and brutal to watch. He did it all on Periscope. US/China Fentanyl policy began immediately changing after than, and Trump began calling it all out. Scott Fucking Adams.
I'd like to see some USA corporate jewniggers shot and killed for fraud.
It will if there's death on the table
It's actually getting less white (usual pattern, whites on cutting edge everyone else catches up) but it's still a very white epidemic in total
>Death penalty
>China so no degenerate gangs running around
Yeah, it'll work. This is actually quite based of China btw.
China never treated Obama and other leaders with respect, they knew they were all evil degenerates that knew they were selling out their country. Who wouldn't take offers of all of the US's best secrets and billions of dollars in trade deficits? Also can you find any statue of bohemian grove anywhere in China?
>China so no degenerate gangs running around
...what? China is fucking full of criminal gangs.
People don't stop being criminals just because the government is harsh.
Literally every civilization older then a few hundred years has been harsher towards their citizens then China is now, and they still had criminals.
Some criminals are just more desperate then others, but they will always exist wherever they can.
China is making huge strides to make criminality more difficult, though.
It's always an interesting give and take between criminals and governments, but it's never going to stop.
lmao how can threats from China be real? Just pull their visas and seize their million dollar lots in Toronto nigga. Can't argue in court when you're on a plane back to Beijing.
How would you make a statue of the bohemian grove isn't it like this huge complex?
Opiates are addictive because if the high and the stronger the high the stronger the opiate, you cant really make it more addictive and less dangerous.