The ones who are really pulling the strings

Is it the Rothschilds or is it someone else we never heard of before that are also likely of Jewish descent?

Attached: Jacob-Rothschild-Net-Worth_00001.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread: Rising.pdf

It's neither because the Rothschild have no power besides scamming a handpick of deluded rich people and everybody has heard of current presidents of 1st world countries and most of them are not of Jewish descent.

probably a little bit of both

Attached: itsafraid.jpg (909x987, 360K)

The real redpill is realizing that the Rothschilds don't consider their Jewish descent as too terribly important except when sending social virtue signals. They have an older pedigree as do many.

think about it, how could such a small minority group have such a stranglehold over a country that was built specifically on the premise of exposing and preventing tyranny? they are REPTILES FROM ANOTHER GALAXY there is no other explanation, a bunch of manlets in funny hats can't subvert the entire fucking western world.

the ones who are pulling the strings are spirits of Satan.

Trump is pro-Jew. Cope, fag.

Attached: based tweet.jpg (1024x696, 82K)

they are babylonian pharisees. same who were responsible for babel tower

Trump moving the embassy to Jerusalem only pissed off the muslims and changed nothing for Israel.

Trump signing a piece of paper for Golan when israel has been in control of Golan for decades only served to piss of the muslims.

ISIS is wiped out.

Assad is alive.

Syria's army is bigger than before the civil war.


USA and Russia working together.

Two state solution is dead which means that all the liberal jews in the USA can no longer support Israel in any way.

Trump is only pro Israel because he says nice things and participates in ceremonies. His actual foreign policy is bad for israel.

Trump being so pro Israel is driving a wedge between the establishment dems and progressives.

Trump beign so pro israel allowed Ilhan Omar to become a star.

Trump is destroying Israel by overfeeding the parasite.

Attached: trump and assad.png (1000x500, 822K)

bumping for interest

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exiled from every nation, boom

behind them is the wandering jew no doubt

It's the devil.

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Reddit-spacing retard Arab.

Attached: hamas little bitch.jpg (800x522, 143K)

this user gets it

>no goyim they don't own the bank of international settlements or the federal reserve. and they didn't found "Isreal" that is just a myth! they are just regular rich people

>they didn't found "Isreal" that is just a myth
It is. Isreal isn't real.

>For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
The day of the oven is coming, kike.

Yeah, this is why when the bear comes chasing they’ll be happy to throw Jews in its path while (((they))) disappear

Rothschilds bow to Bogdanovs.

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It doesn't matter much what your country was built upon, because those values got corrupted long since. They managed to subvert your media so that you constantly focus on foreign affairs and try to (or claim to) expose and prevent tyranny in other countries on the other side of the globe, rather than looking at your very own corrupt politicians. You don't need to be an alien reptile to control the dumb masses with decent propaganda and misinformation.

based and bogpilled

Attached: bogdanoff quick rundown.gif (380x380, 854K)

The chink version controls china

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Hyper-dimensional Entities and their lackeys composed of Jewish and Goyim occultists.

You ever think maybe the world is just too chaotic a place and those powerful few that had a history of smart/lucky ancestors only give the barest of shits about their lineage?

Maybe instead of them seeking power and control it seeks them because they already have so much?

Whys it gotta be jews/aliens/lizard people/atlanteans?

I'm gonna give you my honest and educated opinion after having watched over nine thousand documentaries and read over nine thousand articles and blogs since 2015/2016 ....

There is an ancient order hidden from society.
This order is comprised of many clans, including jews but not limited to them.
At the top of this order, is most likely a small circle of individuals who are raised to be in this position.
It all drinkles down from there.
They think about a future history then attempt to bring it into reality,.
Everything is a game, you need to look at this from all angles and try to see every single corner and possibility (I suggest getting into strategy and rpg games this will help build your skills).
Jews and shitskins are used as pawns in this game, really it's a misstep to assume that this entire issue is just up to the kikes, which they are a problem and will be dealt with but this evil won't disappear over night.

Attached: Elite network.png (1798x1080, 1.3M)

Maybe also this.

Attached: Alien meta physics 2.jpg (1704x3403, 2.17M)

Vatican is at the top, specifically the papal bloodlines who were once the caesar's and emperors of Rome.
In 732CE emperor Constantine V married princess Irene of Khazaria, this marriage allowed to the Khazar's to convert to a new style of judaism which was non-messianic and non-deistic by design called Ashkenazim. This was done so that the Khazar could become the bankers for Rome and the Vatican, charge interest when lending out gold, and this would bypass the sin of usury considering it was illegal in christian and islamist societies. Rothschild are the direct descendants of those Khazar families who were allowed to become the bankers, as are the Habsburg, if you heard of the Black Nobility they are also a part of the European banking cartel bloodline founded by Rome and the Vatican.
Over 1200 years later and we're still under that same control system

Attached: Basel coat of arms.png (640x809, 136K) Rising.pdf

Attached: Pillars of Enlightenment.jpg (900x4100, 3.06M)

Babylonian / Satanic families with evil spirit familiars

>Vatican at the top

Anything to substantiate this claim? Videos? Pdf copies? Ect?

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the roths are most likely a front for another more secretive family. Follow the money.

First start off with the Habiru slow invasion of ancient Egypt where they introduced the concepts of polytheistic animism and usury to the people there which eventually inflated and destroyed the economy. By the time the Hyksos dynasty was created by them Ramses II ordered all of them destroyed which was later retold as the "Exodus" story with Moses and the poor pyramid building slave jew:
>Expulsion not Exodus
Book Sources:
T. Saeve-Soederbergh, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 37 (1951), 53–71
A.H. Gardiner, Egypt of the Pharaohs (1961), 155–73
S.R.K. Glanville (ed.), The Legacy of Egypt (1963), 219–21
M.A. Murray, The Splendour that was Egypt (1964), 26–32
D. Redford, Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times (1992)
D. Redford and J. Weinstein, in: ABD, 3:341–48 (extensive bibliography)
A. Rainey, in: BASOR, 295 (1994), 81–5
C. Redmount, in: BA, 58 (1995), 182–90
E. Oren (ed.), The Hyksos: New Historical and Archaeological Perspectives (1997) COS II, 5–7

Then you must learn the true lesson of the Adam and Eve story which is about predatory banking, merchant contracts and usury because this is why charging interest was considered a sin within Christian and later Islamic societies:
>The original meaning of the Adam and Eve story

Img related is from a video about the collapse of the middle east, the year in the title wasn't the exact time because it took a century but it happened around it:
>1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)

continued in next post

Attached: 1177 BCE - Sea Peoples.png (989x891, 699K)

Shekelesh founded Rome and Denyen founded the Vatican, the former is easy to find out about, the latter is not because all records have been destroyed, but there is a hint because the Denyen went by many names like Dn, Dan, Den, Danaoi, Tuatha Dé Danann and Snake, they are listed in the Torah as a tribe that loves to sail which is how they got to Ireland. You may recall the story of St Patrick who "chased the snakes" off the island, well that was an allegorical story of Patrick converting people from the control of tuatha dé Danann aka Tribe of Dan, but the irony of that is Patrick was never canonized by the Vatican since it also is a creation of Dan, and why the pope's auditorium is the head of a snake.

Attached: Vatican - pope's auditorium.jpg (698x524, 179K)

Lol what the fuck guys.
>jews aren't actually the problem
>it's the ancient Babylonian clans
I can't believe Jow Forums has become a schizo board.

Since the toothless bong shit the bed and isn't participating anymore I'll continue anyways.
The Rothschild have been the most favorable shabbos goyim for the Vatican and have earned the title of King of Jews which they used to openly speak about but much less nowadays since the creation of israhell, img related, book source below:
>The Rothschilds: The Financial Rulers Of Nations by John Reeves
which they still brag about:
>Jacob Rothschild Speaks: My Family Created Israel
but of course they aren't working alone because of the Balfour agreement which ties in the British monarchy:
>The Balfour declaration

Attached: Rothschild king of Jews 2.jpg (492x934, 293K)

How do we put it to an end?

early church fathers say antichrist will be a jew of the tribe of dan

Rothschild has no influence. Just hundreds of billions of dollars and an international network. No influence at all.

in 1917 the royals changed their name from Saxe-Gotha-Coburg to Windsor, but why is that? It's because WW2 needed to happen in order to create israhell (see Balfour Agreement) so how can the British monarchy be German and order the bombing the fuck out of Germany? That's why the name change was done.
Keep in mind that the Saxe-Gotha-Coburg's and Rothschild's are related through the Habsburg bloodline, as are the remaining European nobility and they've been pitting Europeans against each other for over a millennium in order to profit from the conflicts, nothing changed for WW1 and WW2, they still profited from the conflict while millions had to die because of it.

Attached: Royals Adopt Windsor name.jpg (1065x1080, 541K)

Whenever the bloodlines and their ways get exposed a war breaks out so they can hide again, the trick this time would be not to react to a false flag attack and follow the money behind it instead.
The most effective way to end the global control of these families is to end the Roman law of incorporation which is how they retain their power over the last two millennia. Doing so would collapse every central bank, the World Bank, International Money Fund, Bank for International Settlements, every city-state and wipe out all debt in the world.



Rothschilds are just the best known aristokikes. There's other competing families like the Lazards and Warburgs

it's not rothschild singularly but they are a big deal. don't listen to the rothschild apologists.

rothschild are papal court jews, they are the proxy via which the vatican holds majority shares in all central banks of the world.

behind/above the vatican is a network of old european noble families that are entirely outside of public perception and media scrutiny. some of them are jewish, to the extent that word can still be applied when we're talking about thousands of years. they definitely don't eat foreskin sandwiches and beat chicken to death but they are into kabbalah and probably were into it's principles before it became 'jewish' mysticism. they have their fingers in all kinds of theologically-inclined secret societies (jesuits, rose-crusians, freemasons, OTO, yada yada)

they don't compete against each other but rather work together as a mafia

I was into this RAW faggots books years ago and recently worked out he is a Shill that is spreading disinformation to distract people from the Jews
He encourages drug use, occultism and degeneracy

Attached: Robert anton Wilson is a Kike shill.jpg (3120x4160, 2.18M)

Fuck me, no wonder you larp as a nazi, flaggot

This btw


red shields...

somehow I think they operate by infiltrating fire departments.

That, and the whole "Fahrenheit 451" thing.

I got you a little red pill about Australia.

Most Australian banks (Commonwealth, NAB, Westpac, ANZ) first or second major shareholder is HSBC.

Most Australian media companies (Nine, Seven, Newscorp) first or second major shareholders are HSBC and JP Morgan. Our MSM are constantly covering up the housing bubble and telling people to buy houses. It's Australian culture to be obsessed with property.. well where does culture come from?

So yeah it's a whole bunch of Jews.

As far as the Rothschilds are concerned, they have specifically gone into mergers and acquisitions specifically to hide their wealth, so no one really knows. Maybe it would be possible to get an idea with a lot of investigation.

Jews turn the lives of people into hell on Earth and must be purged for this:

Based and possibility simulating probabilities and uncollapsed quantum outcomes across multiple universes and timelines pilled.

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Here is the youtube channel of a guy who claims to be the victim of a zersetzung campaign.

Operation Catalyst

Satan -> Black Pope -> White Pope -> Queen of England

Only those 3 have direct contact with Satan. Francis is the first jesuit White Pope. Black Popes are all jesuits. The third temple will be built during Francis' reign. The mark of the beast currency system will be implemented. Satan will reveal himself to all and sit on the throne of David. This will all happen during Francis' reign.

Black Nobility Council of 13:
>Bruce, Cavendish(Kennedy), De Medici, Hanover, Habsburg, Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair (St Clair), Warburg (Bank), Windsor (Saxe-Gotha-Coburg)

Black Nobility:
>Astor, Stanley, Morgan, Goldman, Kuhn/Kohn/Cohn/Cohen, Oppenheimer, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg, Spencer-Churchill, Stuart/Stewart, Planck, Smith, Jasper, Levy, Palmer, Gordon, Moore, Fitzgerald, Kennedy(Cavendish), Noble, Bennett, Forbes, Beresford, Bancroft, Barclay, Cabot, Higginson, Adams, Baker, Coffin, Cooper, Delano, Gardner, Otis, Quincy, Rice, Bush, Lehman, Tudor, Sassoon, Shermans, Clarkes, Royces, Lindsays, Raffles, Robinson, Pratt, Bartlett, Abraham, Guggenheim, Loeb, Strauss, Sach, Lazard, Seaf, Schiff, Schroder, Harriman

Why don't "most rich people" lists never mention the Rothschild family?

>Is it the Rothschilds or is it someone else we never heard of before that are also likely of Jewish descent?

Its not the Rothschilds, although they are very high up in the power structure. We dont know the names or the faces of the top dogs. I dont even understand how they wield their power or where it comes from.


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Why would any of the current world leaders give a fuck about some random chair in israel
and why would the jews let some christian faith based leader sit in their country
sounds gay