The Finns Partys new video now in English about censorship, political correctness and immigration...

The Finns Partys new video now in English about censorship, political correctness and immigration. Finnish media and lefties are so butthurt about this.

Watch this glorious video and give it more views and attention! Finnish version already has almost 400k views.

Jussi "Mestari" Halla-aho is the leader of Finland's most based political party, Perussuomalaiset (The Finns Party in English). He and his party is strongly against immigration and other insane policies enforced and supported by Finnish leftists and meme-right wingers. His party is the only one refusing to support immigrant child rapists and other criminals. Halla-aho himself has a tongue as sharp as a surgeon's knife and has repeatedly managed to silence his opponents by sheer words. This has earned him the name "Mestari", or Master in English. Election season for the Finnish Parliament is on right now. This guy is an intellectual giant and he keeps destroying libtards every single time.

Thank you Master/Kiitos Mestari!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Here is Finnish version, more views would be appreciated! All friends of Jow Forums i humbly ask you to thumb these videos up!
Thank you have a great day

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I can already imagine prime minister Halla-aho's first outdoor speech in Senaatintori. On a beautiful summer day, thousands of people are cheering in a patriotic euphory for their long-waited leader:


That noise is heard in the offices of HS, Vihreä Lanka and Radio Rock as well as in the left-wing parties like Vasemmistoliitto and Vihreät. Statues of communist leaders like Lenin are shaking to the edge of their shelves and begin to fall and break. Yelling of the people triggers psychosomatic heart- and brain infarctions amongst the leftists, feminists and other SJW people in those rooms.

And the cheering of the people feels like its going on forever.

And finally, smiling Master asks for silence with only a little wave with his hand. Then he begins an overwhelming verbalic liturgy that finally cuts off the brainwashing cancer spread in the minds of finnish people by left-wing and greenies.

Oh, how bright future Finland has ahead...

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The finns party that outlawed The nordic resistance movement?

Btw, what was the party of that crazu finn who got banned from the parlament after yelling "sieg heil" in a debate?

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Video is good but too true for the elites. They will censor it.

You probably mean Seppo Lehto. Picture related, absolute madlad.

Also, fuck the resistance movement, why the hell Finns would like to unite with Sweden?

Attached: Lenin nuolee Seppo Lehdon anusta 8.9.2013 pic162.jpg (640x426, 107K)

Nah, it was even on the cinema as commercial, and leftists got so mad about it.

Perussuomalaiset dont like nordic resistance

I dont remember anyone yelling sieg heil

this is my first comment ever in Jow Forums

They have already shadow banned it from appearing in search suggestions.

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Nigger Jani Toivola got destroyed by our Master, no wonder he quit politics

Welcome fren

Very nice comment take tää :D

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Seppo Lehto

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Ota tää :D

Easy to make finland great again, do everything opposite to sweden and then we should go liberate scandinavia from lefitst and black scum.

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Very based

Waiting for the psychotic SKE sperg to appear

hahaa wtf i just watched. theres no room for populism in europe. we want keep open borders. refugees welcome!


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Shoutings :DDD

Why do you hate yourself so much?

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kiitos mestari

Pretty much this

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Ah, fuck it, why not. Gave the english version some attention. Godspeed, buds.

I heard rumors that after Winlands glorious victory the rest of Europe will come to its senses and banish mozzlims and juden to hell and beyond

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Once again finland has to show the world way of life and survival.

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Do u have angry birds version of that meme?

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And then people complain when persut does not keep their promises :-DDD

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Master when he was younger

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A vote for Halla-aho is ä vote for 90s speed metal.

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cute cat

Checked the polls and holy shit Finnish women are insanely bluepilled, take out women's rights to vote and True Finns would be first

Did the right wing party at Netherlands win the elections by the way?

Blame the boomers. The can't vote for PS because they have been brainwashed by the established media that they are evil racist fascist nazis (also stupid drunk hillbillies).

ending was legit when he shut his book "no monster is coming to save you."

Welcome finn fren

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Boomers are the biggest roadblock really. No matter how based and redpilled they might personally be, they are physically incapable of ever actually voting for anyone else than cuckservatives or social democrats.

Look at that fucking GAP between men and women

Glad to hear our problems are one in the same as frustrating as it is.

"user vote! Vote for Finns Party."

Finns are the most autistic cunts in Scandinavia without a doubt. I have no idea what’s going on itt but whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.

Tää :D

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Nothing much, we're just getting rid of the parasites, you should know it very well down under.

We finnish anons don't even know what happened. This video was just posted and OP didn't post after that. Master knows how to use meme magic. He simply said in this video:

"user, vote. Vote for Finns Party."

Pic is random ^

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>Also, fuck the resistance movement, why the hell Finns would like to unite with Sweden?
Nordic Resistance Movement realizes geopolitics well enough to know that countries with population of 5 million can not be sovereign of the liberal world-empire.

You guys do know that Finland would get blockaded harder than North Korea if we wanted to become independent, right? If we had the Nordics on our side, there would at least be a chance of being able to become self-sufficient or make the blockade too expensive.

Sauce to leftist silencing? In English?

Not really, tl;dr
>make a video and upload on youtube
>leftist report it
>youtube blocks it from search
people who know the link will share it anyway
>people start reuploading the video

I’m starting to think that being drunk anywhere else is the same as being sober in fingolia. Remind me to ask a glass of water what that feels like

Finns are the master race

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There's the possibility of forming an economic/military bloc, instead of a supranational government..
Ideally scandinavian + baltic.

isnt this what the nordic council is for? a united stance but with different governments, there is no good reason to make a mini nordic-eu

Give 1 (you) or a tää:D-ääni Finland you are voting for perusS :D

>theres no room for populism in europe
Tell that to the "far right" parties that have exploded in nearly every European country.

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If I could hope for the best thing ever, it would be:
>finland, sweden and norway
>no muslims
>no africans or what so ever
>no christians
>no jews
>segregated and peaceful but lethal military force of the north

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except your martinni knives break super easy compared to superior swedish mora sandvik steel

>be White
>make money
>share a house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses leftist globalist government and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scale

Finns need to linking up and doing this before it's too late.

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oh rabbi, i am laffin

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your countrymen have made a good name for you finns through memes and feels, welcome

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Well we could be more integrated, provided the eu eats shit and dies. ie a mini nordic-eu would be the best choice here obviously.
There's no way people anywhere would accept a true united government. IIt's a stupid pipe dream and the reason why most Finnish nationalists don't support the nordic resistance movement.

hey dude. welcome. enjoy the good natured ball busting. no homo.

I voted for Purrri :3

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What do you mean? We are the most prosperous countries in the world, where the fuck would we need subhumans from south and middle-east or asia to do our work? We can do it better in everything. Literally everything. And I miss you my swedish and norwegian brothers.

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>le based alt light civic nationalists
Into the trash they go Perkka

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Ok, Ahmed.

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Way more based than most nationalist/populist parties around. Besides you can't get very far with sieg heils and shitty optics, change has to be gradual.

Shut up, Africa

im thinking of the bloc of countries like v5 instead of a united supranational government ruling over the nordic countries
nordic council being the uniting force outwards working so that each country gets a good business deal or something

"Suns may rise and set in Suomi,
Rise and set for generations,
When the North will learn my teachings,
Will recall my wisdom-sayings,
Hungry for the true religion.
Then will Suomi need my coming,
Watch for me at dawn of morning,
That I may bring back the Sampo,
Bring anew the harp of joyance,
Bring again the golden moonlight,
Bring again the silver sunshine,
Peace and plenty to the Northland."
Is Halla-aho Väinämöinen reincarnated?

Attached: suomen tulevaisuus.jpg (1920x952, 275K)

Or lets just make it simple, we just segrate others and we work together. We have wood, we have oil, we have iron. We have superior schooling system, we have superior human resource. What the fk are they gonna do if we cut ourselves off from the world banks and do our own? Our military powers combined are stronger than goddamn north-korea and they arent getting wiped off from the face of the earth.

6/5 bait

This would be the best imo, I'd also consider taking the baltics in. They're pretty much lost without nato/us otherwise. Besides you can think of it as the swedish empire 2: electric boogaloo.
It would have to be somewhat integrated either way. Also every country has to benefit form it more than from sucking up to bigger blocs.

Yeah, outlaw the militant groups. The CIA must not be allowed to create a white ISIS, nothing would suit globalist aims better then to turn all European countries into something like Ukraine.

Why did he let the traitors go though? I was hoping to some disembowelment. This is why politics suck nowadays.

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Leftists are already almost tearfully screeching about how that video normalizes and promotes violence, they would have gotten strokes from something like that.

Finlands sak är vår sak

How one gibes tää:D votes here??

>The finns party that outlawed The nordic resistance movement?
Even more based

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fuck off nigger

Bump from me. I'll watch it and judge for myself.


they're not called the "true" finns anymore?

So what did you think?

Yes, the English version is now "Finns Party", which I personally think is a better translation.

>f-finns party will collapse

Protip: polls are fake

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