about Jordan Peterson made me curious about Jordan Peterson. I think I’ve narrowed it down- the heavy criticism of Jordan Peterson rests on his criticism of Marxism. That’s the long and short of it. Marxism is pretty faggy, desu.
All the pissing and moaning
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah, that's just the criticism from the left.
The criticism on Jow Forums is that he won't tank his public career by naming the jew.
Therefore, apparently, he must be a kike shill.
But the truth of the matter is more people will end up here and red or blackpilled because of Jordan Peterson than all of his Jow Forums detractors and everyone they red or blackpill in their entire lives combined.
They're just too caught up in their purity spiral to realize it.
This American gets it. Most of the Canadian e-celebs are the reason why a lot of people are here
>lauren southern
>stefan molyneux
>jordan peterson
>faith goldy
ect ect ect
>The criticism on Jow Forums is that he won't tank his public career by naming the jew.
>Therefore, apparently, he must be a kike shill.
How isn't this true. He's somekind of sociopath that rode on the alt-right's back to get where he his and suddenly he has disavowed them. He's a cunt.
Excellent points. He doesn’t strike me as retarded, regardless.
Half right, he dismisses all group identity (except jews of course), when in reality the group identity that really works and can be acted upon is the national identity.
Most JP fans that hear that will just say "lol group identity is not good, individualz rule", that's why he is a gatekeeper.
Also, he always recalls upon western "identity" and conflates that with being jew and christian, when in reality western philosophy and thought is grecoroman and "muh religion is also valid" is the same reason we can't mock out in the open the cancer that Islam is.
Found the Marxist agitator.
He's a Canadian.
He goes against everything the postmodernism & neo-marxist radical far left live for.
i suggest watching this if you want to see what feminist rape is.
He is a Jew who tell the alt right to not organize.
Any questions?
Thanks, nazi user.
>Implying there's a white genocide going on
White nationalism is our family and cultures only chance for survival
>Grukdan say no tribe, only individual
>Yet, Grukdan go to long nose tribe feast
>Why he is in feast if tribe not important?
Whites are going to be hunted down and slaughtered if we don’t organize
I didn’t buy this shit until I saw the doc about Evergreen college, holy shit.
no, the problem is he's a kermit the frog sounding canadian faggot who throws together pseudo-intellectual anti-sjw word salads and cons basedboy incels into buying his book where he tells them to clean their rooms
If you only knew how bad it really is
Every single time whites became a minority, it resulted in a full scale genocide.
Haiti, Rhodesia, South Africa.
He's a globalist shill who just recognized the far left (his comrades) was pushing it's agenda too fast and too hard which would result in a backlash of extreme right wing politics. That's why he came forward to say a few obviously true things to make us think he agreed with us. Then preached against the natural conclusions in order to sabotage it.
Yes basically the critical theorists, postmodernists / poststructuralists, who are all basically just Western Marxists, came to power after 1968. Their hegemony in the institutions is now crumbling and Peterson is one of their most powerful opponents. The other is the anonymous internet counter culture.
He knows this though, he said something along the lines of:
> If white people get tired of this charade they'll also will play the identity game, and they'll play to win.
You can't go more damage control than this. He's a good self help author and a great motivational speaker, but he knows there's strength in group identity (specially against a disbanded group). And he targets his message particularly to the right.
There can't be more damage control than that.
1) the main criticism of juden peterstein is that he's a FUCKING LEAF
2) he's a modernist psychology professor that spouts a bunch of bullshit
3) he's a conman that is sucking millions of dollars out of disgruntled directionless young men who eat up his bs
I’m not against Jordan Peterson because his Maps of Meaning works are really insightful. But he has become a money whore:
- buy my book (Okay)
- and also this smaller one (Okay)
- pay 14.95 for access to the Zizek debate stream
- buy my lobster merchandise
- also pay 10.95 for my self authoring program
- and become a subscriber/patron to give me money each month
- I’m also signed up to an agency which comes with an expectation of making profit for the agency
- also I believe in god but not really but kind of but I won’t say it
It’s cool. I’ve unsubscribed from his YouTube channel, as well as Joe Rogen and all the other LA comedians. That shit just became one big shillbox.
he is a marxist you fucking moron, he fears the whit erightwingers backlash,
that's why he tries to channel angry young men away from us, and towards jewish intellectuals.
He was hand picked by media Jews to attack both the left and right that happened to be anti Semitic
Peterson is a slightly more moderate marxist than the average academic drone. He's still a marxist by any reasonable definition of the word. His solution to all of society's problems is a return to all the things that made those problems before the problems made themselves too known. It's a sort of Peter Pan complex, to use his psychobabble gobbledygook.
Yeah, I actually paid for his "self authoring program", it's literally "write 1000 words about your weaknesses, ok now about your virtues, ok now what you want your perfect life, now what happens if everything goes wrong, make a plan".
If he actually thought this is so good for people he can literally just give you a .doc document with those lines, there's literally nothing of value there.
Not a lot of Nazi grooming gangs. You’d figure, since Nazis are supposed to be so evil. Just sayin.
You are the same glowing person as OP. Jordan is not going to entrench himself in anything worth preserving. He will fade like the rest of the “intellectual dark web”. Which is just a shitty organized co-opt attempt of the dark enlightenment sentiment (whether those involved know it or not). They want to sound like an edgy alternative when they are just lukewarm non-mainstreamers with nothing significant.
Molymeme is a fraud, but worse than the others. I think JBP might actually believe what he’s doing, but Stefan is literally a cluster B personality disorder-ed has intellectual dweeb. No one of any learning takes him seriously, his e-begging is pathetic, and his behavior is literally a defense mechanism of lashing out when cornered when not bullying.
Is that Peterson making those decisions or is it his greedy Jew publisher?
Okay, Jew.
lol rAdIcAl InDiViDuAlIsT Peterstein cultists utterly seething.
Charlatan snake oil boot strapping fraud
Canada already has a founding father
>he is a marxist
He's a globohomo neo-liberal not a marxist
Everything else you said was basically correct
Every communist says "He knows nothing about marxism" but they can't say what he doesn't know about marxism.
its cuz he's a pissy moaner
>sucking millions out of directionless young men
buying a book isn’t gonna kill any of us
Marxism and bolshevism is bad but don't mention who disproportionately supported it
Identity politics is bad except when jews do it
Nationalism is bad except when jews do it
Appealing to racial iq differences to explain different outcomes is bad except when its to defend jews and jewish overrepresentation ie except when jews do it
Racial supremacism is bad except when jews do it
Ethnonationalism and ethnostates are bad except (you guessed it) when jews do it
Thats basically JBP in a nut shell