@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
WH Public Pool/Schedule:
>GOPAd: Thank You Pres Trump for Making America Great Again! 4/5/19
>Pres Trump arrives in Los Angeles CA 4/5/19
>Pres Trump tours New Border Wall 4/5/19
>Pres Trump presented w/piece of New Border Wall 4/5/19
>Pres Trump @Calexico Border Patrol Station 4/5/19
>Pres Trump arrives in El Centro CA 4/5/19
>Pres Trump departs DC 4/5/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 4/5/19
>VP Pence @Rice Univ Baker Inst of Public Pol 4/5/19
>VP Pence @HSI Houston 4/5/19
>SoS Pompeo on F&F 4/5/19
>SoS Pompeo on FBN 4/5/19
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/5/19
>Live@State w/USAmb2NATO Hutchison 4/5/19
>Live@State w/SpecRep4Syria Amb Jeffrey 4/5/19
>Giuliani on Hannity 4/5/19
>Lara Trump on FoxNews 4/5/19
>This Week@State 4/5/19
>Stand w/Pres Trump 4/5/19
OP pastebin:
>made it safely to new bread
nighty night /ptg/
Do not worry
Everything will work out
We will all make it
If anyone ever dares to use Rasmussen as anything but a joke, remember to post this.
Reminder, they're not sending their best folks!
Trump's actual approval is Rasm - 9 to 10 %
The Republicans picked up over five seats in the Senate and the "blue wave" didn't materialize so tell me how they were incorrect?
>I am a faggot
you didn't need to prove it again
Are your wooden doors at least cedar and scented?
reminder that the "people" polled also say pineapple is an acceptable pizza topping
You best start understanding what country in you're in boi!
Er. Good question my friend. Let me explain.
They only polled the US House Races, Generic Ballot. Not Senate Seats, which were not up in most States, as you must be aware, and as you're also aware favored Republicans more than any Senate map has favored any of the 2 parties ever.
So anyways. They predicted a +1R House Generic Result. It was actually +8.5% D. Off by 9.5%, rounded up to 10%. A massive difference, making them useless in predicting anything with their 10% margin of error... for the entire nation!
morning aus
Hahaha retards your country is the biggest laughing stock in the world. Keep deluding yourselves
Show your flag, sheckelberg.
We would NEVER, right /ptg/?
>t. Estonia
That's a weird way to spell 'biggest superpower'
it's probably finnkike
Is that an animated rocko?
>So anyways. They predicted a +1R House Generic Result. It was actually +8.5% D. Off by 9.5%, rounded up to 10%. A massive difference, making them useless in predicting anything with their 10% margin of error... for the entire nation!
Except that poll didn't have an actual to seat correlation as it was a generic vote across the country and an aggregate of people's opinions for areas they didn't even represent meaning it had zero correlation to the seats lost and gained. You're full of shit and cherry picking polling data you don't like or outright lying about. Again, kill yourself you fucking retarded nigger.
You didn't direct this at anyone, so I'll just go ahead and assume you were taking into a mirror.
He was talking about the cartels tho
>g-getting ready to kill people
>people who would face the death penalty in most of the US
oh nooooo, that sucks
even Mr. Nate Silver predicted that there was a strong chance of there being losses in the House but gains in the Senate. 2018 Senate Map was that favorable to GOP
Based and red pilled.
Can we stop Illinois from imploding?
Like a supercar being driven by an amish person lmao
>Getting ready to kill people
A guy wishes that Trump was half of what leftists make him out to be.
an amish with a booming economy and global economic and military dominance amirite
Giga Cope The Post
Yeah, that's what I said?
anything good or interesting happen today while trump was visiting the border wall?
Only intelligent thing I've ever seen him say. He openly admits the only reason the Dems gained any house seats was due to anonymity and people not realizing how shit there policies were. I heard this was how the Democrats got the Gas Tax passed in California by mislabeling it a few days before it went to vote. Due to the high profile nature of the presidential election I don't think they're going to be getting off that easy anymore. Especially with fucking retards like AOC reminding people on nearly a daily bases why it pays to pay attention to the lower house!
>Yeah, that's what I said?
I was agreeing with you
>Giga Cope The Post
This coming from the retarded nigger that claims 22 miles of fencing is all that's getting put up right now is precious. Your poll was incorrect. The Republicans that weren't loyal to Trump lost their seats and those that espoused loyalty to him kep theirs. The Senate showed serious gains for Trump giving him enough loyal member in to ram all his judges through, which will now keep the GOP's precincts from getting fucked over by the Dems.
>The Republicans that weren't loyal to Trump lost their seats and those that espoused loyalty to him kep theirs
True, losses were mainly from moderates while people who clung to Trump were protected, the biggest group that got hammered in 2018 was California Republicans
>Your poll was incorrect
....My... poll? I was the one saying Rass is useless, good that you... agree..?
>The Republicans that weren't loyal to Trump lost their seats and those that espoused loyalty to him kep theirs.
Yeah, so, nice narrative, but no truth to it whatsoever. All around the country, disavowing Trump or not Rs lost if a House seat leaned 10% or less R.
Just look at the map..
> which will now keep the GOP's precincts from getting fucked over by the Dems.
That would be the State Senate and Houses etc, not the juridiciary, usually. So again, since GOP lost the two I mentioned in many states, such as Michigan, wrong again.
>the biggest group that got hammered in 2018 was California Republicans
Yes. Because of Demographics and the Blue Wave drowning all 10% or below R districts, many of which were in CA.
>nothing but debate arguing with memeflags
this general has become so boring and it seems like the anons who made it fun and interesting have all left
All this doom saying and I repeatedly mag dumped my drum mags which were legally obtained in california.
Range was lit.
i said something like this after the elections.
the Never Trumpers retired in the House which caused so many tossups and nearly all of them went to Dems. the Never Trumpers that survived the primaries lost their elections in the House. In typical historic fashion Trump lost the house in his first midterm like it usually does but unlike those times he still made gains in the Senate. Dems have shit policies and now they have power in one of the chambers the media will cover all the crazy and embarrassing things Speaker Pelosi and the Dems do in the House. once 2020 comes more people will see the Dems as a mockery that will cause either them to lose control of the House or keep control but lose a lot plus more people give a fuck when it's a Presidential cycle. Trump will win re-election and the Senate will either stay the same or lose seats.
i had some estonian wine once.
it was poor quality.
>Yes. Because of Demographics and the Blue Wave drowning all 10% or below R districts, many of which were in CA
Which makes that specific point true, it was a House Wave election which is why people who were in purple seats got hammered and those who clung to Trump (even if they were high single digit seats) had enough to push them over the line. Waves permeate through the purple districts, which is why your only chance of surviving is hugging your base (Trump supporters) as a chance to keep afloat. Everyone who tried the moderate model got wiped out.
>not the juridiciary, usually
it always comes down to the courts, and guess what election the Dems just lost despite the polls suggesting otherwise?
>Trump congratulates Hagedorn in Wisconsin court race
>Yeah, so, nice narrative, but no truth to it whatsoever.
>True, losses were mainly from moderates while people who clung to Trump were protected, the biggest group that got hammered in 2018 was California Republicans
The results speak for themselves. You can bet your ass the GOP noticed hence the Lindsey Graham 2.0 memes and Grassley backing Trump.
Based and Redpilled.
>and those (in Purple States) who clung to Trump (even if they were high single digit seats) had enough to push them over the line.
This is the part of the narrative I object to. Do you have any examples at all? Preferably more than one..?
Haven't ever left, I can never leave, but I am super tired tonight, been sick.
where is that thread of some alien wanting to come to earth and some user saying fuck off we're full?
You guys want some salt and delusion from reddit?
>This is the part of the narrative I object to.
>Le polls I don't agree with are wrong!
>Le hundreds of miles of wall is only 22 miles of fencing.
>Le upward trending metrics are flat!
Your confirmation bias is real.
trump is a fatass boomer cunt
No matter how hard they try, they cannot change the truth. As time passes, those who were fooled awaken... Every day is getting clearer. The oppressed are actually the ones who are blind and controlled. All of this manipulation is futile. Its pointless... there is a plan but it is not science... this orchestration of evil... The plan constantly evolves and changes... but it's heading to the same place regardless... the extinction of the human race... so... we will see who wins.. the few that control the blind... or the growing masses of people who are beginning to finally see what has been done, and are slowly starting to wake others... in their midst of action and escape from the mind control of the New World Order, soon to be a failed plan...
>manlet seething.
I would feel way better about 2020 if any form of Voter ID can be implimented.
Trump even has the tools to do so built right into his whole presidency, play the not wanting Russians being able to effect our elections "anymore" angle or whatever.
so they want to collude with russia.
Most of the states that are key to his reelection already have them.
you guys are still here?
commies aren't people
How does the rest of the internet not know that this was manufactured "evidence"??
half the people her wish to be called 'her' although they have dicks, so be considerate
They're really really stupid.
(because white males)
Much respect! Its good they lost control. Now keep fighting!
I want national Voter ID so all states have to enforce it for federal elections and can't rig districts with illegals and fraud anymore.
Even quasi-dictatorial shitholes like Venezuela have nationalized Voter ID laws ffs.
lol she is talking about you guys
have sex
Voter ID doesn't matter, Democrata curing ballots a month after the election matters.
I don't stop. I just take extended naps.
Napping ruins your sleep schedule.
>This is the part of the narrative I object to. Do you have any examples at all? Preferably more than one..?
you made me dig up a 2018 House Map with Trump's endorsements for that race. Out of 49 races Trump made a personal endorsement in, he had 27 go over the line (55.1% success rate).
I will concede it wasn't the strongest conversion rate for an election, but in a wave election it was the only move that people could really make because trying to go for the "moderate" position didn't protect you.
>Among the Republican House incumbents who lost their re-election campaigns, 23 of 30 were more moderate than the median Republican in the chamber. No Democratic incumbents running for re-election in the House lost their seats.
my main point was more on moderates being the ones who got picked off than Trump supporters. Here's a graph that shows (with the exception of Dave Brat) that the most protected House Reps were on the right side of the median (represented by white dots) and the bloodbath was on the middle left of the trajectory with those white dots on the left that remained were entrenched seats.
Again, I am not disagreeing it was a wave election but the people who survived the wave were those on the side of Trump more than the moderate wing trying to please both sides.
I don't have a regular one of these anyways.
it's foolish they didn't take this route to begin with. every single person in america sue's trump to stop him from being president.
When it comes to Trump's Taxes, take a look at the language the left is hanging its hat on.
>I don't have a regular one of these anyways.
Get a job you useless NEET!
>getting a job
>have the money to not work
>not being gainfully employed
Youre a hero!!
I.. I have 2...
Because your mom wants grandchildren, and you can't procreate from her basement.
>having children
>getting divorce
>alimony payments
no thanks, ill keep my fleshlight
You'll regret it.