Transgenderism is simply people identifying as the gender

that they associate with treatment, from society, that they want.

It really is that simple.

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Tellinge them they can achieve that realisticly is telling them a self destructive lie.You don't set people up to fail that is cruel.

So what you are saying that to fix this deviant behavior we will have to beat them with lead pipes?

Yes, this is true.

But consider that most trans are men, and that society, including other men, are acting to make men's lives more difficult.

Well at least you got the flag right lol

So mental illness is non existent?

>But consider that most trans are men, and that society, including other men, are acting to make men's lives more difficult.
And that's a good thing

>So what you are saying that to fix this deviant behavior we will have to beat them with lead pipes?
There is no fix, other than time.
I made OP to lessen confusion, and fruitless action, by those who misunderstand transgenderism.

>Well at least you got the flag right.
Logic has no nationality!

>So mental illness is non existent?
Transgenderism is not a mental illness, just fruitless action

>>But consider that most trans are men, and that society, including other men, are acting to make men's lives more difficult.
>And that's a good thing

It is over.

There’s nothing wrong about a feminine penis, user.

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Did you forget to use your proxy shlomo?

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Those eyes

>Those eyes
She's sane

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That flag...hmmm

Google "Gender Dysphoria"

My god her face inspires me

>That flag...hmmm
Truth has no borders!

Why are you repeating lines akin to this constantly?

>Google "Gender Dysphoria"
Nice appeal to authority

you forgot to use your vpn kike

Why does it bother you?

Not all Jews are Kikes?

Wtf does fruitless action mean

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I wouldn't say it is simply like that. I know that this days tranny activists are pushing the meme of "you don't have to have dysphoria to be trans" and so on. I disagree with that, as I am a tranny and have suffered from gender dysphoria for a long time and trying to found out way out without transitioning till I broke. And I feel even insulted when someone come and tell: "it is just a self identity"

they're just modern day eunuchs

>Transgenderism is simply people identifying as the gender Anonymous
Nice fucking trickery there, cunt

That's what's called "nature".

How many of these threads are you going to make?

>>Transgenderism is simply people identifying as the gender Anonymous
>Nice fucking trickery there, cunt

Why must one have dysphoria?

It is what it is

>How many of these threads are you going to make?
Why does discussion offend you? a

>Transgenderism is simply people identifying as the gender Anonymous
>Nice fucking trickery there, cunt
You just got mega cunted. theres no vaccine for your strain of the mumps

Then why aren't your traitors in the media pushing it onto Israel as well? Why us it just the lügenpresse in the West doing it? Because it is social conditioning to break the family unit and societal binds that tie us together so you parasitic vermin can profit of of us.

I see you, rat. Spreader of ideological disease. Rodents of the most disgusting kind, creating filth wherever they tread. We see you

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Is "fruitless action" a testicle removal joke?


Men are men.
Women are women.
Nothing can change this.
Trying to force others to change the words they use to address someone is authoritarian bullshit.
Feeding people the lie that they can change from one sex to another is a lie designed to siphon money from the mentally ill for such treatments, which have proven to be ineffective at curing the root of the disorder (suicide rates same at all stages of “transition”).
We used to think that lobotomy was a perfectly reasonable and desirable medical practice when in truth it was nightmarish barbarism being visited on the most vulnerable members of society.
History will judge our period harshly for the horrors it imposed on men and women who felt unable to live up to what society expects of them,
People like you will be judged the harshest. Remember that.

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Schizophrenics are simply people identifying with and carrying out the orders from the God inside their head.

It really is that simple. Stand still for the knife attack, kike.

Transgenderism emerges from societal conditions.
It's not pushed on anyone- it can't be

Why do you think I'm on a side?

Did I say it offended me? I just wished you'd own up to creating the same thread multiple times.

A young and vulnerable man, for example, feels unable to live up to the pressures of being a man.
Whether we like it or not, no matter how much feel good bullshit is put out there, society expects certain things of men and women.
But, a man who identifies as trans is suddenly cocooned and fawned over by adoring leftists who applaud their “bravery”.
Small wonder they buy into it, having finally found acceptance.

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Only second time
Get over yourself

So then all mental illnesses are appeal to authority. So why did you say wrong when I said none exist?

That's just societal conditions- it's not action towards anyone


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I'm giving information- and instead of debating it, you're telling me that someone else disagrees

You're jewish. You're on all sides depending on which way the wind blows.

>You're jewish. You're on all sides depending on which way the wind blows.

So it's only not appeal to authority when it suits you? This exposes a logical fallacy in all of your statements

Context, idiot

What context?

You lying cock. It's at least three.

I'm giving information- and instead of debating it, you're telling me that someone else disagrees

That is, I'm not appealing to authority, but rather giving an argument

>You lying cock. It's at least three.

>Schizophrenia is a mental illness
>not appeal to authority

>gender dysphoria is a mental illness
>appeal to authority
Its quite clear to see your intentions with logical fallacies. I am giving you information, you are not debating it

Nobody is going to dictate how I interact with people, if you identify as whatever the fuck leave me alone. People are shitty enough as it is

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Wanting to be treated like a female is a female trait.

I'm unsure what you're saying.
But it seems like you're being obtuse

>Wanting to be treated like a female is a female trait.

Transgenderism is simply mental illness.

It really is that simple.

Its very simple to understand what I'm saying. You're being intentionally hypocritical and now you're being intentionally ignorant

>its only not appealing to authority when its suits me

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What the fuck. That's an outright lie.

How do you fuckers read through Leviticus every year, clearly know that it's a mitzvah to kill these people, but worry more about eating fucking dairy too soon after meat?

kill yourself tranny

ITT: Kike practicing his pilpul, poorly.