nuclear annihilation of this filthy subhuman abomination piece of shit aidshole cancer of the planet absolute disgrace of human existence WHEN??
Nuclear annihilation of this filthy subhuman abomination piece of shit aidshole cancer of the planet absolute disgrace...
never, cuck
We will serve putin and make a gay-killer desth squad. We will hunt you down faggot.
>make a gay-killer desth squad
only strictly hetero
Fuck you kike.
I don't know why Russia cares about bean republics like venezuela but i think it is amazing you have freedom of speech and degenerates are in their rightful place.
America is like a commie country.
only few ppl will get this joke about Suheil, mostly all from /sg/
what, got your sissy ass beaten again by some gopnik? poor little thing, go cry on 2ch, they'll pat you on your head.
>i think it is amazing you have freedom of speech
Kill yourself.
>degenerates are in their rightful place
yes, they are in rashka
Only after we turn the entirety of the Middle East into an Irradiated Glass Crater. Priorities man....
Their second most popular party after Putin is the literal Communist Party you retard russiaboo cuck
Fuck off you dont deserve the easy way and pass out, just stay alive and suffer eternally
I see Navalny/Sobchak voters are awake.
Only Poland and Baltic states outright banned communists, the rest of East bloc countries allowed them to rebrand into social democrats (Bernie style) and they're more popular there than in Russia.
nsdap voter reporting in
I hope best for mother Russia my family come here to America in late 90's and I was only small lad so no clear memory of the mother land but still my heart pine for the steppes and babushkas.
>I was only small lad
Pray small enough to get rid of accent.
There's one insane Jew on Youtube that arrived at the age of 13, he speaks like shit and wonders why women avoid him. He's about to go back, people are kinder to him here.
Let's go bowling
the surname on the nameplate is male
Mean while in Russia videos stole my heart over a decade ago.
I will always love you Ivan
You should Cadmium poison Jews posting with your flag tho
back to 2ch you pidor
It would be less painful, but I feel that you guys are about to undergo another Soviet style economic collapse. It hurts me when I see that the Russian average chad vlads are the cannon fodder for the dumb political cartel.
Chad vlads are based. I don't know what to say...just fight or get to America
no u
You guys should just split. The country is way too large and populated with too many ethnic minorities. There should only be a Russia made of Russians, not one made of Khanty, Mansi, Mari, Tatars, Udmurt, Erzya and all those Uralic tribes.
They have nowhere to run, it's us, China and nothing in between.
Entities large enough, like Kazakhstan or Belarus, they seceded.
We will have our revenge for what they did in 2016.
Even moreso because they won't take any steps to undo it be releasing the kompromat they have.
When the pendulum swings.
Patience USA needs its ABM shields ready first.
They are already in place.
Not surprised a Finn has no clue...
Wait there's a 2 chan. I'm only vaguely hearing about 8 chan.
The very next time a Democrat takes office.
Hillary was already going to do it.
I thought Russia was the last hold out for the White man?
You mean the Semitic world (((OP)))?
these people dont affiliate themselves with white race. they hate europeans, they hate americans, they only follow what brainwashing media tells them and if anything, they are anti white