Nuclear annihilation of this filthy subhuman abomination piece of shit aidshole cancer of the planet absolute disgrace...

nuclear annihilation of this filthy subhuman abomination piece of shit aidshole cancer of the planet absolute disgrace of human existence WHEN??

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never, cuck

We will serve putin and make a gay-killer desth squad. We will hunt you down faggot.

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>make a gay-killer desth squad
only strictly hetero

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Fuck you kike.

I don't know why Russia cares about bean republics like venezuela but i think it is amazing you have freedom of speech and degenerates are in their rightful place.

America is like a commie country.

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only few ppl will get this joke about Suheil, mostly all from /sg/


what, got your sissy ass beaten again by some gopnik? poor little thing, go cry on 2ch, they'll pat you on your head.

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