So anons, which path have you chosen?

So anons, which path have you chosen?

The left, where nothing is right?

Or the right, where nothing is left?

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I chose the third position.

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Were in a clownworld. Ive chosen the honkpill.

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Attached: Always-do-the-right-thing-quote.jpg (500x500, 28K)

Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Justin Trudeau, and Nancy Pelosi are ALL enemies of the people. If it weren’t for them standing in our way, we would have ALL be living in the ideal world. An Anarcho-Paleo-Primitive society. With marijuana freely available for everyone. We could replace oil with hemp biofuel. We could power our factories with hemp. Our electricity. We could have THC edibles freely available so nobody ever goes hungry. We could replace the financial system with a marijuana based economic system. But everyone is a Republican Fascist Conservative who refuses to take action to enforce a Weed based economy to protect our environment, our poor, and our nations finances. We could put Big Pharmaceutical companies out of business. Who needs expensive cancer treatments when all natural THC and hemp based solutions are available, and which have proven to be more effective than conventional western medicine.

Anarchism is nowhere near being sustainable.

Well let's use real definitions Instead of Autistic slang.

>The economic (left–right) axis measures one's opinion of how the economy should be run: 'left is defined as the desire for the economy to be run by a cooperative collective agency (which can mean the state, but can also mean a network of communes) while 'right' is defined as the desire for the economy to be left to the devices of competing individuals and organizations.

Look at that. Economic responsibility for the individual, would be dumb to have a Government 22 Trillion dollars in debt try to run our economy.

My wall after a month on pol

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both are jews

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lol 420/10

Look everyone we have someone with unironic autism

Unironic radical centrism.

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the center where things are "eh allright"

>2019 AD
>getting limited by morality and politics
>not realising the parts are greater than the whole
>refusing to accept that every ideal,religion and right is an artifical construct that only cucks obey
>not being a chad voluntary egoist and serving your self interest

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The path of Christ

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That (pic related) is good shit.

Yep, I mean look how great the current hyper individualism of the west is making it.

this shit is helluva gay lmao

Well, If you meant to say that form of anarchy is unsustainable -youre not wrong. Tech is necessary - (user, im talkin to you...) -but it is absolutely possible and given the nature of the problems we face, anarchy is the -only possible- solution. Dare I say it -

Anarchy is the final solution.

I'd rather be a beta Nazi, I think I'd sooner suck George Soros' cock directly than be an Antifa member.

Damn ressentiment is not resentment

>Strasserism as a handy tool to employ the centrifugal forces of this dysfunctional shitheap of a society
>removal of said shitheap, public execution of the figureheads of the old regime
>thorough purge of any illoyal members within the own movement after Machtergreifung

Attached: khaaaaan'd.jpg (358x828, 145K)

>confining your spirit by artifically imposed dogma to sustain your favorite civilization to a subjective standard of greatness.
Have fun being just a cog in the machine, npc. It's just a lifetime of bearing your self imposed chains after all :^)