The absolute state of subliminal desires of white girls.
The absolute state of subliminal desires of white girls
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This is what those "hypno" videos you see on pornhub do to your subconscious brain.
(old news btw)
you think white girls keep their desire to fuck superior black men and not inferior whites like you on the downlow?
Actually they normally do, because they are well aware of the social damage of being a coal burner. In fact, most white women who have fucked a nigger will vehemently deny the fact when asked, simply out of fear of shame.
Cmon user you do understand that women only react to shame, right?
>implying this is not a result of having 24/7 access to unlimited, free, neurologically damaging pornography in her pocket after decades of being subjected to race-mixing propaganda
You know what goes in all fields
Anybody but you.
>Someone on drugs thinks she's sucking black dick.
I see flying tigers as well when I am too high.
Stop spamming the board faggot. Statistically nearly no race wants blacks. Get used to it.
Niggers won't exist in 200 years. Your fertility rate has dropped to 1.8 and it's falling. You're all being converted into trannies and faggots at an alarming rate. Since you're a nigger I'll explain to you that a fertility rate of 1.8 means that your population is shrinking. It takes a little over 2 children born per woman to sustain a population since men don't have babies. I knew you needed that explained to you because you're a stupid nigger.
Why can't Amerimongrels use local anesthesia?
Fucking subhumans, holy shit.
> blacks won't exist
er, user...
And the garbage mods will leave this thread up. Because they are fucking cucks.
wtf are the dentists giving to these retarded kids? there has to be something else in that tank. also, why the fuck do you drug your kids when simple local anesthesia would do just fine and is used everywhere else in the world? is that some kind of a fetish in the US, drugging your kids and watching them behave like retards?
this world truly is a clown world...
Yeah, nah.
wow, this one case you provided sure proves a worldwide phenomenon
how do you think blacks are going to sustain a civilization when the white man goes extinct?
I realize this, and then I see shit like this and I think to myself; is there even a fucking point in trying to date ever again? How do I even learn how to find this shit out? You can't ask, because you'll just get lied to, and there is no way in hell I would ever want a fucking coal burner as a partner. Fucking lame man, what the fuck is this hell we live in?
What kind of druga are you given when going to surgery in America?
this was so fake and gay... bitch was putting on for the camera.
most of them are pussies so they go fully under...
That's what I was thinking kek. No one here even uses general anaesthesia unless the wisdom tooth is blocking a nerve or in other rare circumstances. Amerimuttia is like third world shithole when it comes to healthcare.
this will not breed out the white race.
the baby born from race mixing would neither black or white. However people consider mixed people to be black if they look black enough. Which means after there is a large mixed population coal burners will go after them. This means that if this continues then after a few generations, a "mixed" person would look more white than black.
>then I see shit like this and I think to myself; is there even a fucking point in trying to date ever again?
>How do I even learn how to find this shit out? You can't ask, because you'll just get lied to, and there is no way in hell I would ever want a fucking coal burner as a partner.
Women are whores.
>what the fuck is this hell we live in?
What the fuck, how old is she?
I never understood why you use laughing gas instead of local anesthesia. That's kid of stone age medicine.
>having nigger blood but looking ''white'' makes you white
The absolute state of las Creaturas....
>muh fertility rates will continue to fall
You’re retarded.
That is what I was thinking but needed a confirmation
americans hahahaa
Wh*Toids on suicide watch!!!
This is still the best one.
It's easy to sift through the trash. The signs are obvious. Them listening to modern music, especially rap, is one.
>wisdom teeth removal surgery
Wisdom tooth removal is a kike scam, just like circumcision.