The alt right is dead.. that is fact but who killed it?

The alt right is dead.. that is fact but who killed it?

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(((Richard spencer)))

The Alt Right is a memeword created by the Media and (((Spencer))).

James Alex Fields

A Dodge Charger.

It was a Straw Man to be set up and knocked down as an example to any whites who might try to break their (((chains.))) The strangest part about the timing to my eyes is that the strategy struck me as about 20 years too early. What does that mean? Simple: Most white Good Goyim still make bank off Mass Immigration Cheap Labor. These whites will do anything, even self destruct, to keep from giving up their Cheap Laborers. That the Organizers of Unite The Right didn't know this is suspicious to me. (These are the people who were aware enough to chant Jews Will Not Replace Us!, but not aware enough to realize that all the rich white Good Goyim of Charlottesville would play dirty with their protest? Sloppy Job Mossad!)

its 100% not dead and growing by the day you smelly little monkey

It never existed in the first place.
It was a honeypot.

The NZ shooter. Everyone realized how retarded their dreams look to the real world

The biggest problem is that a counter culture cannot survive victory. The Alt-Right was conceived as an alternative (it's there in the name) to mainstream conservatives, but when Trump won and the GoP fell in line, there was no authority left to revel against. We're part of the mainstream conservative culture now.

This is a good thing, but it also means the trappings of rebellion against the establishment don't make much sense anymore.

What is dead can never die.

Alt-lite is a legitimate viewpoint. No sane person likes the idea of being blamed for the action of someone they never met in their life, who happens to look like them.


>using buzzwords coined by the left
You are an enormous faggot. Leave this place.

>The alt right is dead
And that's a good thing.
>but who killed it?
The same Jews that made it.

Nonsense, junglenigger

(((Charlottesville Mayor)))

The alt right was created to be killed. European ingroup preference will continue growing though.

Gee, i really wander....

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>It was a Straw Man to be set up and knocked down
This. They needed a victory, having been repeatedly humiliated by us over and over during the previous two years or so. So they created a label, slapped it on a few losers, and then went after them with the full force of the establishment power.

Alt-Right is a voodoo doll they can stab and poke any time they need to look like they're winning.

>its 100% not dead and growing by the day you smelly little monkey
Right the alt-right is JQ aware race realists on the internet. We're growing. The IRL stuff will be a natural function but isn't a definition of alt-right. It's what you know rather what you do. Once we reach critical mass we'll take over.

we are here and more numerous than ever cuck

The Anglo master race has spoken


Ben shapiro

It killed itself. It hit one rough patch, then collapsed. They correctly identified that Charlottesville had been a misstep turned fiasco, but the reaction to them did ten times more damage, because that reaction for so many guys was to go "welp its over, alt-right is over", and ironically this is what actually killed it. They couldn't just knuckle down and get over one shitty episode. They thought it would just be plain sailing after Trump won, and didn't realize that political struggle invariably involves setbacks.

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Charlottesville was obviously what killed it but in better details what killed it is ''the media will call us nazi anyway so might as well go full retard'' was unironically the mainstream mentality back then. Their inability to disassociate/disavow anybody no matter how fucking dumb and retarded they are and basically having no standards whatsoever as long as youre edgy

Also what killed it, the incels won't like it but i dont give a shit is how they treat women in general. you won't create a movement by treating half of your potential recruit and the gender meta isn't like it was back in the 1900s but to understand that you need to not be an incel and to have an IQ of over 90 so 75% of the alt-right was disqualified right off the bat

But if you really want a name it was spencer and jason kessler or whatever his last name is

the only thing he ever killed are some of my brain cells

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dodge challenger

Mossads goals were achieved with that NZ faggots moves

Smart leaf
>they have no standards
The minute people like Cantwell and Heinbach were allowed to exist within the movement it was doomed to fail.

is it really dead? Charlottesville was still less than two years ago, two years is absolutely nothing in long term political time. another three or four years into the future white discontent may grow to the point where there are ten Charlottesvilles a month every month.

the alt right is not going anywhere it's only growing more and more

Everyone on Jow Forums. You made it insufferable.

I think the DIA, although a few other three letter diversity hires were LARPing too hard. Hilarity always ensues when they are too autistic to tow the (((party))) line


The same people who created it.

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my backwards swastika

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It was never a thing

Reported to the THOT Police, Blak James Bond will visit yew tonite *South African Accent*

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Not who. What.
Optics killed it, the instant media turned "you will not replace us" to "jew will not replace us", it was dead.
Carpooning the whale didn't improve matters. Now it's just a grab bag category for "journalists" and the like to toss people they disagree with into.

Stormfags and guys like Spencer.

Don’t be stupid. After the left starting Doxxing people the Alt right learned it’s lesson and went underground. That’s what intelligent white peoples do, they learn from their mistakes.

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faggy quote from a degenerate faggot, not surprised considering your faggot memeflag.

Gigantic red pill: Canada is a concentration for (((our))) undesirables; Ontario is a concentration camp for (((Canadian))) undesirrables. Imagine telling your kids you have a government job and doing Cyber Security...You’re either a 180 Lb cat woman or a 145lb taxman with slutty daughters that spent your savings in Hull :)

It will go on the way the Nazis and the Klan continue to go on. The Left will use it as a boogeyman to crack down on whites and glowniggers and retards will start groups from time to time.

Pretty sure intelligent white people just make white babies; pro tip sport fuck abroad so you can avoid a mid life crisis and (((child support)))...or see how many white babies you can make in prison

No it will keep growing and take over. I can speculate too.

Whatever you (((say))).

This, every dissident movement obviously attracts marginalized people, but the inability to police such people while simultaneously reaching out is what doomed it. Plus people like Richard Spencer simply don't have the leadership qualities to be a political organizer, there's a lack of people who had "brick and mortar" skills.

I think the "Alt Right" may be dead, but that doesn't mean the dissident forces that were being channeled by it are dead by any means. If anything they're even stronger and will eventually find a new vehicle to challenge the system.

Yeah but tbqh feds and are hilarious, haven’t you seen Harold and Kumar? Pro tip: it’s hilarious when they use the same pawns in ANTIFA and the Alt Right

This is a vapid straw man. Sure, some have pride and take credit for something they had no part in. But nationalism is not about pride in your nation and people as I see it, it is about a responsibility to your nation and people. Working for the betterment of your nation is the only way you can contribute to the quality of your descendants lives.

It never existed you stupid monkey.


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You guy’s get BTFO with out the cops helping you.

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Charlottesville killed it, at least for me. Before Charlottesville, I was reading a lot of alt right content. Every morning I would start my day reading Counter Currents, Occidental Observer, Amren, and Vdare. It was well written, intelligent content. I wasn't active on twitter, but I followed a lot of alt right accounts, and they were all intelligent people. I truly believed the alt right was the smartest group of people in politics. Then I saw the people at Charlottesville and they were the same dirtbags I always associated with white identity politics prior to discovering alt right content. Since then, it seems like the alt right has taken to live streams on youtube, and it's a fucking freak show. The alt right is human garbage.

Shut up Hue! Don’t you have to hurry to the beach and put some lotion on your degenerate mom’s bunda??

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"They are winning because they're willing to go farther".

Tell me how he is wrong, memeflag? Everyone spazzes out and cowers from the united jewish-paid cuckoldry that is Antifa. The "alt-right" spazzes out over their unification but does nothing to unite and fight back. He is not wrong. The left has their version of might=right but the right does not, or at least has not shown it and have figureheads in the media promote it much like the maxists have done- because we do not have any presence in the mainstream media. At least now we don't, and whatever presence we could have supported is now pushed to the side because giant pussies such as yourself. So how was he wrong? How was he wrong in pointing out the obvious fact that we still do not have any blatant unification of like-minded individuals that pose a threat to kike-funded powers? Would it so wrong for him to wish for us to show that we have inherent power to take our own lives into our own hands outside of controlled (((democratic))) voting? inb4 memeflaggot says i'm glowing

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Noticed how Spencer walked away like nothing happened? What kind of manlet hits the a guy in the head with a wrench and doesn’t even leave a mark? Hahah

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Destiny debated all of them at once and won.

Alt-right isn't dead
We're in the Bear Trap because Spencer was an idiot.
But we're winning on the issues and people are talking about issues like race realism.
The far-left was gone full anti-white which makes us stronger.

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nationalism and white identity is rising

Dude you guy’s are bunch of pedos.

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I thought the leaderless alt right got told to infiltrate to the gop republicans, also the democrats, and push for 1488 goals. Last time I checked Jared Taylor's youtube subscriber base wasn't going down.

>alt right
There was never any such thing as the "alt right", and the term was a boogeyman created by the left, just like the term "fake news" and the "#metoo". They like to weaponize idiots with cool catch phrases, and apparently you are an idiot who believes in such things.

It was never a thing to begin with.

hi leaf, finally spring, how's photosynthesis going so far?

It was never a thing to begin with, either you're right wing or you're not. I wish someone would shoot Spencer for even starting that faggot club of a movement.

The Cathedral.

>It was never a thing to begin with, either you're right wing or you're not. I wish someone would shoot Spencer for even starting that faggot club of a movement.
he;s an idiot but alt-right is a great way to rebrand neo-nazi.

A bunch of different things. Spencer had a lot to do with it when he took his planned proverbial cliff leap. Southern been tasked with reconstituting those who didn't follow Spencer back into Civnat garbage.

>amren and vdare
Still pretty high quality content from them. If they went in this direction it would've been better. Honestly I hope Taylor doesn't let Spencer anywhere near amren anymore.

conspiracy theories... you people are such morons. why cant you get through you thick skulls that people dont want your nationalist bullshit you moronic cloth lover?

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did you buy his powders to become a man?

kill all nationalists

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Ironic (((bro))), I'm not the one pushing demoralisation.

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Not an argument. Back to Discord, buttblasted shekelgrubbing kike faggot.

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Alt-right means neo-Nazi. It's just a term.

>who killed it?
The (((Alt-Right)))

long live antifa, long live the black bloc,. communism will win

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I can tell you’re Jewish by the way you type. Both niggers and Jew’s stand out like a sore thumb on here.

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>he;s an idiot but alt-right is a great way to rebrand neo-nazi.

Maybe before but at this point alt right pretty much means Neo Nazi to normies because of spencer throwing up roman salutes on camera right after Trump won.

the alt-right was never a thing. Libs just needed a new boogeyman because yelling NAZI has lost all meaning. Better question is "what word will libs invent for 2020"?

Both Nazi and Neo- Nazi are like terms.

Typical britbong

your retarded alex jones tier conspiracy tin foil crap has been btfo many many times

>people don't want nationalism

Is that why it's growing all over the western world?

It was never alive.

It was always just a label for leftists to categorize various things they could not put a finger on an 'others' box, if you will.

If someone is retarded enough to call themselves this label and make videos about it, that's just them being retarded.


>people dont want your nationalist bullshit
My sides! A lot of people lining up for you kikes to starve them to death? Why are you neo-liberals such retarded scum?

That’s Alex Jones retard. Besides I am not even part of the Altright. Your group is pro pedophila, you know that right?

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Start naming Jews

Bring it.

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>Your group is pro pedophila, you know that right?

Why do you think he supports them?

>people don't want nationalists

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So define alt-right and neo-Nazi?

Race realism, JQ wise, nationalism.

Essentially the same. That's a better argument than some meme flaggot posting made-up chlidish shit about my IQ isn't it?