Which refugees are the worst, which refugees the best?

Which refugees are the worst, which refugees the best?

Attached: refugees welcome.png (1560x1410, 254K)

Best - Tibetans
Worst - Muslims of any kind

Attached: from-a-moral-point-of-view-i-think-that-the-43789559.png (500x300, 87K)

All of them are shit


Worst - Slavic
Best - Pakistani


Never seen a real 'fugees, only niggers and sandniggers in search for gibs.

Attached: children_fugees.jpg (891x719, 249K)

Absolute worst tier: any north african,somalis and pakis

Acceptable tier: CHRISTIAN syrians, iranians

Sand niggers


Attached: A-FUCKING-LEAF.jpg (300x450, 16K)

Iranians that fled the Islamic revolution are ok.
Everyone else are just money grabbing subhumans.
The worst are Somalis.

>Show up
>"I am Christian"

Oh better let him in they never lie

>Best - Pakistani
I wonder who's behind this post

Attached: 1491023270407.jpg (620x413, 37K)

Bestfugee coming through.

Attached: 240px-Alan_Kurdi_lifeless_body.jpg (240x197, 14K)

>Which refugees are the worst
non European
>which refugees the best?

This. Iranians are decent people from the ones I know. Same goes for real Syrian refugees. I know a few that already speak our language decently. They actually put in effort to integrate. Doesn't change the fact that they don't belong here of course. And yeah, Somali's are the worst of the worst. Absolute monkeys. I don't know how anyone could even consider them human.

There shouldn’t even be paki refugees. There is no war in Pakistan. Most of the pakis that are coming to Europe under the guise of being a refugee are LARPing as Syrians


Best Somali
Worst Koreans


The answer on who the best refugees is pretty easy to answer.

Attached: POL welcomes refugees.jpg (974x649, 172K)