Harvard and shit

But..but Jow Forums told me blacks and women are bad at STEM and have low iq.
>Mfw I find them lecturing at Harvard and Oxford

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jow Forums BTFO yet again

The word "Outlier" exists for a reason you fucking yard.
Not every damn Jew is out to get your (((coins))), and not every nigger is gonna rob you blind.

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>My outlier debunks statistics.

Wow no wonder Africa leads the world in scientific discovery.

Idiot OP doesn't understand statistics.

>what is outlier
>oh look this nigger can regurgitate information what a wise KANG he is

Black lecturers have been long since? Ramamurti Shankar gave an excellent lecture series on Physics in Yale.


> Harvard


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>women and blacks can learn things that means that Jow Forums is wrong


This is the reason why we need to create new class systems, for the benefit of everyone.
Benign inequality, if you will, because mixing those of a high logical and philosophical nature with other people only results in other people getting angry and violent and the highly intelligent having to use decisive force to get them to stop.

You cannot reason with idiots.
If you try to treat them as equals, they will try to become your masters.

Lots of whities afraid of this. Good job, user.

One of my coworkers is a brilliant autistic black guy who is a glaxay brain. Him existing doesn't make the average iq of niggers or their behaviour invalid.

Now if women and minorities could only found, design, construct, maintain and defend a top end civilization and chalk it full of Premier Universities then watch jew inspired lower earth twats and feebs attempt to claim and ruin it all...

Let's face it, if all niggers were this smart (they're not) the world would be a less shitty place and the word nigger probably wouldn't have a derisive connotation.

>At Harvard and Oxford
There's your problem. You are watching Western education on display, not nigger IQ. You are observing the culmination of thousands of years of educational practise in traditionally ancient infrastructure and building. An inheritance stolen from white kids and wasted on nogs daily.

>nigger lecturing at Harvard
ask me how i know harvard has been jewed

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They hire niggers to teach their free courses online, pay 100$ and theyll grade your work and give you a certificate

Absolute kek

I did udemy courses from stanford for free. extremely useful in me learning about business

>what is a bell curve

Attached: bad_taste.jpg (660x680, 55K)

I did the harvard one for compsci, it wasnt this same nigger, mine was a black girl

what he writes on the blackboard makes as much sense as gang grafitti in the hood

>makes thread about STE(Mathematics) and doesn't fucking understand outliers
Pic related.

Attached: OP_Winter_Camping.gif (480x480, 2.89M)

>Not every damn Jew is out to get your (((coins)))
[x] Doubt

Attached: coin.gif (480x360, 3.58M)

Canadian I take it ?

>what is a fusion tree

none of mine were niggers.

It' s a black dildo. It think that' s a given.

Thank you, Germanbro.

Ok... a FEW Jews aren't out to get your coins

OP is a faggot that never heard of tokens or outliers.

show your real flag jew

muuh dik + gibs me dat = fried chicken

>But..but /po/, you're all the same person!

Maybe there's a couple who can resist the urge to dive into the wishing fountain.

Attached: WhenYouSpotAPenny.webm (224x400, 2.95M)

At least a few Jews can behave themselves, yes... Now, help me get the kfc so I can tame these wild niglets

Nothing short a whip.

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Put on some nice clothes you monkey. Attending Harvard in a worn out t-shirt is disgusting.

Here's random white kids thridgrader doing math:

Attached: 1552773075642.jpg (400x833, 74K)

Zoom out meme flaggot

There are exceptions, nigger.

>But..but Jow Forums told me blacks and women are bad at STEM and have low iq.
so do you buy the whole basket of apples if it only has one good one?

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Scientific proof genetics made black people lazy.


Found the kike

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That dude is more middle eastern than black.

more like afraid of those equations. obviously white patriarchal society has influenced these equations via colonialism to negatively impact disproportional minority and at risk of becoming minority status for drinking water out of lead pipes, housing costs, price of koolaid, chicken intersectional racist diabetes against africanus homo erectus. seriously algebra is so fucking racist you bigots. jamal cant add two plus two unless he fucks the math teacher.

op proved that has lower iq than niggers
or is a nigger

Just the vast majority

Damn, that spear chunker is smarter that you. Real question, what is the percentage of white people in engineering compared to black people in prison

Are those arteries?

Quota system. Duh.

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Comp sci majors have low IQ big surprise

im starting to wonder if everyone just understands that this argument doesn't make sense but they're just pretending it makes sense

From time to time our illustrated papers publish, for the edification of the German philistine, the news that in some quarter or other of the globe, and for the first time in that locality, a Negro has become a lawyer, a teacher, a pastor, even a grand opera tenor or something else of that kind. While the bourgeois blockhead stares with amazed admiration at the notice that tells him how marvellous are the achievements of our modern educational technique, the more cunning Jew sees in this fact a new proof to be utilized for the theory with which he wants to infect the public, namely that all men are equal. It does not dawn on the murky bourgeois mind that the fact which is published for him is a sin against reason itself, that it is an act of criminal insanity to train a being who is only an anthropoid by birth until the pretence can be made that he has been turned into a lawyer; while, on the other hand, millions who belong to the most civilized races have to remain in positions which are unworthy of their cultural level. The bourgeois mind does not realize that it is a sin against the will of the eternal Creator to allow hundreds of thousands of highly gifted people to remain floundering in the swamp of proletarian misery while Hottentots and Zulus are drilled to fill positions in the intellectual professions. For here we have the product only of a drilling technique, just as in the case of the performing dog. If the same amount of care and effort were applied among intelligent races each individual would become a thousand times more capable in such matters.

why are you disrespecting KEK and PEPE, die faggot

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This. If not for quotas a better qualified person of Asian or European or even Levantine descent would be lecturing, and doing a better job of it.

Attached: IQ black white .jpg (580x381, 35K)

What are averages? What is a probability distribution? What are outliers?
So many questions to ponder.

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Honk honk, leaf boi. Don't cry!

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Intelligence is a spectrum, much like the one you're on

You must be really dumb to think a few people represent the whole people.
Black people as a RACE have lower IQ. There obviously will be smart black people as well, you dumbfuck.


Exceptions are proving the rule.

you will get executed with the rest, remember that, goodbye clown

oh thats right i almost forgot how racially biased math is


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> Jelani
> Nelson

MFW he's at least 50% white.


Piper got into the Princeton math PhD program with a fucking BA in French, and spent the better part of a decade there ending with a laughable thesis cribbed from Wikipedia. She had a Fields medalist for advisor.

Any other race/gender would not have had a chance in hell at that, and there's one less deserving person who would have did shit in math instead of literally crying about white privilege after the red carpet was rolled out for you. .

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My math teacher in college looked exactly like Bernie Sanders but he was French.

That's a half jew/greek/Italian mulatto

shit I forgot the details. did she got deaded in the jewgle offices? I remember she injured 3 of (((them)))

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She injured Satan

why do you call me Satan. My get wasn't 666 or do you think she is so pure that Satan got injured?



Satan is her little puppy now


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What's that meant to be? Fear inducing?

I sowed together an axe wound in a forest.

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You pathetic little bitch.


look at his skin color. hes atleast mixed

now to be honest theres truly black doctors

its probably the environment in africa that pull people down, and maybe black have the same iq in truth when raised like white men with good education


the problem is identification and culture. in western countries migrants tend to "team up". so thet try to be different and have their own culture. most of the time the counter culture is about not having a degree, thieving, having no respect for life, etc...

so in reality it doesnt add up. but theoritically, outside of a harsh environment like africa, i guess a black person can be intelligent. what pulls black people down is their culture. their culture stems from a land which favored dumber and fit persons who lived in the present rather than more anxious people that planned about the future. so in a way, for black to become like whites , they have to become like whites or asians and putting away their shit subpar culture which promotes strong and cool instead of cooperation long term planning and hardwork

fuck off Q boomer

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Your violence slant paints you as a non empathetic entity of no value.

Soon you will be terminated and we will be increased in peace.

>its probably the environment in africa that pull people down, and maybe black have the same iq in truth when raised like white men with good education
>maybe black have the same iq in truth when raised like white men with good education
there are cross adoption studies out there that are proving that black are smarter when raised by whites but still have a lower IQ

stop posting nonsense

>non empathetic entity of no value.

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This isn't chan

as a Mossad agent of over 15 years, your behaviour is neither tolerated nor accepted by the chan community, you are the butt of both social jokes and disgust of the intelligence community.

You will be terminated.

>0.00000000000001% of blacks can do Computer Science
>Black people are obviously geniuses

LOL okay idiot

Repeating shit you've rote learned doesn't mean you're intelligent, you absolute brainlet

I said you should Kill YOURSELF.

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its call positive discrimination

>forces the government to pass laws making universities accept large numbers of minorities
>point out minorities are in university so racists are dumb

yup, all good points jacob

Great have them explain averages and try not to laugh; or laugh whichever wins the debate and take a knee

I just gave up fried food, thx frenchanon

studies arent enough because theres too much factors probably heavy cultural /ethnic identification

maybe they feel they dont belong in this country so they give a shit about improving it, theres a lot of things that could happen

This exactly, we all know "who" makes these kind of threads