Are women and men equal?

My friend, a lawyer, is unironically one hundred percent convinced that men and women are EXACTLY the same, and that any and all differences are caused by culture. I keep pointing towards things like physical ability, color perception blah blah and such, he says that it's random, or that I'm picking samples that agree with me, and so on. According to him both genders actually think EXACTLY the same, and it has nothing to do with genes.

We've had this conversation multiple times, exactly the same with races, where I said that blacks are better sprinters because of a higher chance of a certain gene which increases the explosivity in their leg muscles, to which he again replied it's random.

How do I make him realise that men and women ARE different and pre-destined to be better at certain things and that most of it has nothing to do with cultural pre-destination or whatever he calls it? (If i'm the one wrong, just prove me wrong, I won't mind)

Keep in mind the guy is extremely intelligent, IQ 150+, a fucking genius IN EVERYTHING since he was born (including social relations), yet he goes ape-retarded when it comes to differences between races, genders etc. (Also that gender is a social construct)

And no, he isn't looking at it from a law standpoint.

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your friend is a fucking retard

one fucks and one gets fucked, obviously they're not equal

There is only one gender. Women are property.

The great poet Tucker Max once wrote that there are only two types of men: coke and Hookers, and Beer and Titties. Have your Lawier friend ask his female peers if they enjoy their boyfriends doing coke off of their asses, or licking beer off of their tits. Either way you will garner much more information. Gonna go out on a limb here and say he’s either Indian or a Junior (((Partner)))

Opposites attract

Your friend isn't anonymous like you are now. Consider his career if it went out he didn't consider the sexes equal. Of course he'll give you the default normie answers when his name is attached.

>women are equal

Is this friend of yours perhaps a woman?

Yes but you must calculate depreciating value and lend/leasing in your country hahaha. WWII was hilarious...for us, enjoy your Moores

Men fuck women, the only place women fuck men is in the courts. Pretty sure this is why the majority of Female Lawiers love to be spanked when they tell me how shitty their husbands are

I don't think he's a genius if he can't even see the difference in male/female skeletal structure.

I'd say that they are complementary, not equal. They have unique roles but both are important, one creates life and the other protects it.

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He is saying it's random because he is fixated on individuals.
If he is a lawyer he is looking at individual cases.
He cannot see the forest through the trees.
This is a problem with all lemmings in european populations.
They become focused on individual emotional sensationalized stories in the media like a child being killed at the US border and cannot see the greater threat of foreign immigration.

Talk about trends. Take about averages and ratios.
13% of the population commit 50% of the murders.
Talk about groups as a whole. Not individuals.

Are men and women the same? Well as a man if you love getting posed, planted, choked and fucked then yes you are equal to a woman and have no place in a position of leadership...
I know you want what's on my mind...
I know you like what's on my mind...
I know it eats you up inside...
I know, I know, I know, you know...
Here I come, I come, I come, I come...
Sex type thing, Stone Temple Pilots...

You should try to explain him the concept of probability distributions. It seems like in his mind two things being random means all differences vanish if we look at large enough samples.

he's gay
that seems like the answer, otherwise it's hard for me to imagine otherwise

Sure, Wikipedia is frequently pozzed, but seriously:

Who gives a shit what some random faggot thinks? There are so many obvious differences between people. This is like saying lions are the same as house cats.

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...yea yea Jews are bad can't talk right now!

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nobody is equal to anybody else
men and women aren't equal
men and other men aren't equal
women and other women aren't equal
'equality' is an illusion of society so that the weak can repress their fear of the strong
it's a necessary illusion though, and serves it's function fairly well, but an illusion nonetheless

But people will just tell you the opposite as a response. “The word isn’t black and white” etc.

The news media did a very fine job on the population. Everyone thinks they’re smart as shit when in reality they just parrot things they’ve heard.

Seriously these people don’t know anything except rehearsed lines of speech.

very based

source on pic?

>he's gay
seems like an odd way of saying he's a faggot

Since your friend is a lawyer he likely has never worked closely with females in an office-type job where the obvious natural differences in behavior go on display. If he really is 150+ IQ then he should have the ability to think critically and understand the necessity of objective truth rather than subjective pandering

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>gender is a social construct
Gender is synonym for sex. These people are absolutely retarded.

That's why it is largely pointless to use rational arguments to lemmings. They only respond to emotional stories that trigger their feelings.
They only follow the trends set by the media and will only behave in a way they perceive they are expected to behave.

Focus on people who can listen to reason. The small minority in our populations that can think independently of group thought.
If we can reach enough independent thinkers, we can act to lead the lemmings.

Your friend is socially retarded like most "highly educated" people. It's always the same with these people and you're too weak mentally to deal with him because you're in awe of his IQ and law degree.

about fucking time.

Time to cancel all "women" sports, stop favoring women in divorces and idiotic talks of gender bias

It’s called culling the herd you jackass

Men by 30 realize their only natural enemy is Catwoman and Poison Ivy (aposymatism, colored hair goblins)...just be like our lord and savior, wonder around with such women until you’re 30 in a career, then suddenly just get Based AF and only give such women advice without fucking them. Donald Trump and Jesus Christ are the same person; also Paton

I am not talking about the transsexuals, faggots, muslims, blacks and other foreign refuse.
I am talking about our people.
there's no point in violence against the lemmings. They will be a useful tool, if only for their numbers, when the time comes.
We need to lead our people by setting the trends and fashions for them to follow.

Nah not really, put slaves to work. Here’s a useful tip for deprograming radicals: Jews take just the tip, Arabs cut off the whole thing. You can be mad about this, you can refute all you want, but at the end of the day, where’s your dick? Hahaha slaves of Abraham are hilarious

>How do I make him realise that men and women ARE different and pre-destined to be better at certain things and that most of it has nothing to do with cultural pre-destination or whatever he calls it? (If i'm the one wrong, just prove me wrong, I won't mind)

The key when making this argument is to make it clear that you're talking about groups. Not every woman is as an individual predisposed to certain behaviors, its about women as a group being predisposed.
However your friend will probably never actually admit you've convinced him even if you did. There's too much for him to give up by changing his opinion on this.
First of all, he'll have to admit that he was wrong and you were right. That's a defeat. Then he also have to admit that everyone who has his previous idea is also wrong and could very well be wrong for a variety of reasons. Then he actually has to rethink a huge portion of his worldview.

This is a real problem with discussing important topics with some people. Sometimes its a huge matter of prestige and ideological conviction that they'll never actually change their mind.