White Genohoax

White genocide isn't real, Jews are white and they have a decent birth rate.

Attached: XT2LTXa.jpg (700x897, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Whites are not allowed to refuse illegal mass immigration
Whites are heavily taxed to pay for shitskins benefits and foreign aid
Whites are encouraged by the media to not have children and give in into consumerism.
Whites birthrates are under generational replacement and yet the aggressive immigration does not stop.
The media and politicians demonize whites.
Shitskins homelands remain ethnostates that mass produce their own

Cope wh*Toids!

Why do you believe jews are white?
They don't share our values, they lack any sort of morality, they are very tribalistic and they invented nothing.

Says the shitalian. Look I’m shitalian too!

Attached: 558AA206-6BFB-48B7-8668-15FC31900C90.jpg (968x1936, 361K)

Whiter than you

>Italians didn't invent anything
>roman empire was based in italy

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The only hoax is that your mom lied to your dad. Your real father is a nigger. jews are not white, they are jews.

Attached: whitejew7.png (1503x1894, 1.22M)

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I mean white as identity, not skin tone.
Jews have their own separate identity very distinct and antagonistic toward the ethnic whites descent from Europa.

If jews are white, then the holocaust is white genocide.

Checkmate moron.

Pic related doesn't include non-Muslim Africans.

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Attached: muslim-and-non-muslim-fertility-rates-by-region-2010-2015-non-muslim-muslim-4020108.png (500x630, 260K)

>Jews are white
Then all their actions have been driven by racial supremacy drivel, white genocide isn't a myth, and Israel is an illegitimate terror ethno-state built on the corpses of Palestinians.

>Jews aren't white
The above still applies, just quieter.

This user gets it

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They're not even human, get out m8

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Fucking kikes are as bad as niggers with this shit.

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An impressive list of patents and niche technologies, but nothing groundbreaking.
I believe jews don't really excell on hard science, but you are very well versed on laws and anything requiring verbal intelligence alone.

Cry more jew. Your days are numbered


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don't the jews have a declining birthrate too thanks to their women taking the career pill?

Mostly stolen and plagiarized. jews are the world retarded little brother, we let them get away with things because you are so pathetic dumb and weak.

Attached: retardjewshills.jpg (949x927, 423K)