Fortnite is creating Alt-right extremists
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Seriously, fortnite is the gayest of gay game... just dance is more manly
>New York Times
>female author
>assistant professor of game studies
>and a gamer
I heard adam lanza invented fortnite
nothing is more fertile to the growth of white nationalism than the behavior of jews
>game studies
What the fuck is that? I can be paid to mouth off about video games at a university?
She’s probably just jealous that nobody likes her stoopid app game
They're right though, that's how I was recruited. From Fortnite to Pewdiepie, and from Pewdiepie to E;R. That's how I became literally Hitler
>Today's class is about why Legion was right and the NCR should be destroyed...
these people are so out of touch with reality yet are "professors" teaching the youth of tomorrow
if they cant even get gaming right what else are they lying about
>>and a gamer
No, you're not.
>assistant professor
So not a professor?
Fortnite is owned by the Chinese regime
Fortnite is creating communist collaborators like Tim Sweeney and his Epic Games, spyware on millions of fortnite kiddy's players sending data back to the chinks
Fortnite is pretty gay but these faggots need a rope soon
>assistant professor of game studies
What kind of fucking cucked position is that?
I'm assuming it's about the economics of video games, but still sounds retarded.
It's almost as if being exposed to our ideology and not being able to construct a valid argument against our viewpoints turns people to our side.
At least that's what happened to me.
> Hail Caesar
Raising my dick up.
>Slow boil analogy
>Always accuse others of that which you are guilty
Like clockwork
Who from Jow Forums plays fortnite? Its just the fringe of our influence. Jow Forums memes seeps into the net as a whole and gaming communitys especially. There is no real exposure to any idology on fortnite.
>SJW: The Game
>creating alt-right anything
Journalists are retarded.
because alt right is correct and humorous. Thats why these zoomers like it
Apologies, Hans. I wasn't specifically meaning Fortnite, but any avenue that may expose one to Jow Forums's gospel.
Wait was that not the plan Jow Forums? Have I been waiting my time actively recruiting fascist youths on Fortnite and Sea of Thieves?
The entire article is just baseless fear mongering. She just goes on about how white nationalist boogeymen are in your child's video games trying to recruit them, but doesn't offer anything concrete to back up anything she claims.
you couldn't reasonably ask a pigeon to anything more than that
I can only pretend to grasp the world view of these people
Dis is gud.
Wasn't it the Republicans who were supposed to be against video games?
Does the article use the phrase "alt-right pipeline?" That seems to be a popular phrase these days.
Go home gamer girl
>being so dumb that you deny this
The progression was the same for most of us on here and it just continues
video games -> memes -> dark humor -> pursuit of offensive humor -> Jow Forums -> normalization of offensive humor /(most stop here, the incel/beta/angry at the world group continue)/ -> radicalization of vulnerable faggots -> alt-right
good tidings my fellow gamers.
engagement is exploding on pol/
truth will out
Kek, the market wins again
Usage of Jow Forums has been in steady decline for about a year. Post rate remains the same due to autism, but unique users has been declining.
The Honkler has been proven racis. Seent it on ADL.com
Seemingly. Its the use of VPNs that mask the rise.
Nothing will mirror the period around AD 2016 obviously but the trends are intact.
* visit
Can we talk about how the modern university is complete waste of time that costs a great deal, and that also renders its victims less capable of functioning in the world?
Oh, yes, Fortnite or whatever. Carry on professor.
This seems worthy of a professorship.
>wanting to believe this bad that Jow Forums wasn't just pump and dumped for some election shilling by all sides
Why would VPNs mask an increase in users? Lol
Its ephemeral meming. new thing. mossad stuff
You're why the board needs age verification...
How the fuck can someone be a professor in something they know less about than your average teenage boy?
You can verify this dick ? bitch ass cuck
Reminded me of this piece of wisdom posted so long ago by an incredibly insightful user.
Probably a business class. Business and economics have been studying games since the 90s.
This is literal advertising.
Stop bumping these shitty threads.
>and then you co-rule the world with other outists/autists/artists
Well game theory isnt new. this is more deconstructionist late anthro stuff.
work on the brexit bro....
want nothing more from brit pol til the shits situated
Hahahaha is this what you've "experienced" with women? Christ, dude. Maybe don't build your views of women on what you see stalking on instagram.
>thinks incels would play nice with power
You'd all be poisoning each others mountain dew in a heartbeat.
Playing phones games does not qualify as being a gamer.
Great read.
They never learn. Ever.
I wonder if their elites are as blind as stupid as well or just playing dumb?
From what I'm observing all over the world they remind me of the Prussian generals that knew their shit and then the times changed and the machine gun developed quickly and they couldn't change their tactics because they got completely used to their old tactics. They weren't dumb, quite the opposite, just unable to adapt.
The left is what caused the uprising on the right and the popularity of the right. No one else. They should fucking know it.
And the internet is the medium responsible for successful spread of the right's ideas. And yet their tactics stay the same, even though the times changed. That really baffles me sometimes.
It's battle royale. Battle royale games are fun to real gamers, be it PUBG or Ring of Elysium. It just so happens that Fortnite is from the same people who brought us everything from Jill of the Jungle to Unreal Tournament.
t. oldfag gamer
ya and no. mothering surely is an enormously complex role if ultimately somewhat prosaic.
I used to agree with this, but sadly there are more people who have phones than have consoles/PCs these days, so it's a far wider audience. Hence you now have a lot of mobile(albeit shitty) ports of real games.
Greetings fellow gamers. We're all just gamers here.
Its selling ads largely. The SPLC guy grew out of a direct marketing scam.
He realized ultimately that you could skip the intermediary step of providing a good and just market to sensibilities and gullibility of your client.
Guy has $US500mm in the caymans now with complete control
So that Ninja guy is alt-right? lol
BANK nigga....BANK
In the 1980's people said that heavy metal, rock and roll, Dungeons and Dragons, and Saturday morning cartoons were causing kids and young adults to become satanists and commit suicide.
The Alt-Right scare is the same form of moral panic that is used by every generation to try to control the society. Prohibition, The Red Scare, The Satanic Panic, The Militia Movement, and now the Alt-Right scare. It's all the same thing just a new name and Boogeyman.
lol...this makes you sad.
Literally seethe more, roastie.
>hey your post is gay
As I said earlier, we need age verification on here.
Minecraft is the one true game
This, humor makes people want freedom, then they see the leftists oppressing it and come to Jow Forums to have true fun. From there on, they just start to notice things and we all know how it ends up.
I would power bang tipper gore even now in her decrepadry. Bish hot as balls
You need a cock in yur ass peed...thats your gig
>notice things
Should say "get confirmation bias out the ass." The kids who get radicalized by this board are vulnerable faggots who need excuses for why they failed at life. If your critical thinking stays intact you don't get suckered into thinking Jow Forums memes are close to true.
Nobody is even interacting with you. You can't even get people to notice you on an anonymous image board.
they are actually massive global majorities.
check your glabalsim bro
This is true.
Bar room games comes to mind: pool, darts, and so on.
Seems like it didn't used to be that way though.
When I was in middle school and high school, girls were happy to hang out with us, go to bowling alleys, pool tables, darts, road trips, camping, hanging out by the lake, etc.
Probably depends on the girl, but does seem like their willingness to engage with men is waning.
Yes we need age verification and gender verification to keep out toasty roasties such as yourself
More seductive than you think...politics itself is creation of an abstract ideal. Communism, National socialism, Ceaserism.
What movie is this from?
Most leftists have already decided we can't possibly be right so they have to go to great lengths to explain how it's a "psychological/sociological phenomenon" that people go to the right end of the spectrum. The leftists that are actually intellectually honest with themselves, like I was, and who engage with the arguments soon turn.
... so dju end up doin em
Let me know when I'm supposed to "turn." I've been here quite a while and still aren't some drooling right-wing tard.
Probably something more pozzed with the usual buzzwords ''white cis developers'' ''privledged gamers'' and how they can ruin gaming as an entertainment option for whites.