The Insidious Strawman

What is it called when one side pretends to be the other side but argues for them in an ineffective and embarrassing way on purpose?

You see it here, plebbit, on the news, is it just basic kikery but in a more advanced form on the internet?

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I dont know the exact name but theres an expanding brain meme where it has you arguing your opponents side more effectively than they can, in order to force better arguments from your side.

Controlled opposition


Gas lighting

That's called steelmanning

No gas lighting is when you lie to someone to make them question their insanity. Like insisting to your wife you took your honeymoon in Germany, not France, even if you really did take it in France. Or politically, when you insist America was never white

political agitator

I think it's a subset of gas lighting since thats a very general term for manipulation, controlled opposition is closer to it but it's not exactly the same since the opposition isn't always pretending or controlled necessarily.

Wtf does a lolbertarian lefty look like?
How does one conflate that?

probably anarcho-syndicalism or eco-anarchism or whatever the leftist version of anarcho-capitalism is

Is the top right corner Rodrigo Duterte?

If yes LoL

thats pinochet i think

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...but user I thought that the "throwing people from helicopters" thing was only a Duterte one!

Surprised theres not a definition for it considering how common it is, maybe "gaslit opposition" or "false opposition" or "reverse strawman", something along these lines


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I do this, it's a lot of fun really. You go on normie sites like facebook, twitter, and reddit and start saying absolutely retarded alt-left shit and watch people sperg out. Like telling people to not use hate speech around you because they say "retarded". Saying that "mailman" is a microagression because they should be called "mail people of all genders". Generally retarded shit like that is good for the intro when you want to pull people in without going too hard. Then you pull out the "why we need to pay reparations" "white people are evil and should be lynched" "men are criminals and need to be locked up" etc.
It doesnt do much good on here, but you do need people arguing against you in order to reenforce your beliefs, which is what the discord trannies are good for.

If you're not around enough other right wingers, you'll do more good by pretending to be a retarded liberal than ranting about the jews.

Those Pepes are surprisingly well placed.

if youre looking for a specific fallacy that it is you wont find it. its more akin to a false flag in the scope of political debate. fallacious argument would be used as weapon under a false flag to sway political discourse. as far as i know there isnt a specific term for this, i propose ratio ex dissimulato. which google tells me is latin for “argument from disguise”. although i doubt that is correct.

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>Controlled opposition
It's this.

I think this is on the right track,dedicating false personas to false narratives for political purposes were almost impossible to meme before mass communication and internet, so that's why theres no phrase for it yet.

No, Controlled opposition might still believe what they say but have specific constraints and what they can say publically and are usually in leadership positions, modern neo-nazi groups are a good example.

What I'm talking about is when someone on one side pretends to be someone on the other side and uses arguments that may or not be logically sound but are argued in a way that makes it ineffective.


Thats just another word for being manipulative, what I'm talking about is similar to controlled opposition but on a more "grassroots" level.

jesus who cares
fuck off and write your soc 101 term paper yourself dipshit

No need to be so angry, it's an important topic that deserves some thought

>he thinks confederates are authoritarian

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