Lesbian couple murders all 6 of their adopted kids and kills themselves, press F
Lesbian couple murders all 6 of their adopted kids and kills themselves, press F
Dare I say based faggots?
Two birds as they say
press F to pay respext
Took out 6 niggers and 2 fags, it was pretty based
make that eight
Less niggers and dykes. Why is this a bad thing?
nobody likes lesbians for a reason
>Six niggers
>Two faggots
Good riddance.
Based dykes. Kill those niggers before they kill someone.
Based and cliffpilled
wtf i love homo adoption now
Thanks for brigtening my day. I needed a sensible chuckle
Based and redpilled
Unironically did more to cleanse their country of nogs than Jow Forums ever will
they look like normal kids and not nasty dindus too
wonder why they did it
whoa, wtf is this shit?
no it's S for spit on their graves; dumbo
based lebs
Looks like the next "fuck having borders and laws and shit" meme.
Thank you sir.
>2003 GMC Yukon XL seats between 8 and 9
>Took 8 on the swan dive
Decent ratio
This Jew gets spared the gas
Pretty sad story.
Thank you for your service
I’m no fan of carpet munchers, but let’s be fair here. Have you ever seen a woman attempt to drive? Flying off a cliff at 90 mph without braking is totally within the realistic boundaries of “accident”.
Waste of a perfectly good car
Kek. No
This is completely accurate.
>Be me
>Degenerate lesbian
>Want to fight for the ethnostate but love puss too much
>Take two white wombs from the army
>I try to bury my guilt down
>Descend further into degeneracy
>Local rabbi tells me to adopt some niglets
>Says something about "White women with black children is the ultimate psychological weapon against the goyim"
>Fuck it, my life can't get any worse
>Adopt 6 of them
>My life is hell
>Every second of my life is filled with screeches and gibs
>Don't even have time to fuck my wife, the hook that baited me into this degeneracy
>As soon as we try to get frisky, Tyroyal will need some grapedrank
>Christchurch happens
>Try to act disgusted
>In reality I feel a burning in my loins like never before
>Read the manifesto
>Why don't I do something?
>Tell the family we're talking a road trip
>Get on the highway
>Cranking the speed
>50, 60, 70, 80
>"Heh heh, hey honey, you're going a bit fast"
>I look over and feel disgust and rage fill me
>The harlot who pulled me away from any sort of meaningful life now cares about safety?
>I hear some hooting from the back
>"Ayo moms, I finna wanna get some popeyes asap too but we gonna get dabbed on if you don't-"
>Swerve as hard as a I can
>The guardrail is like tinfoil
>Fly off the cliff toward the water
>I hear the muffled cry of "WORLD STAR" come the back
>Moments before the impact I hear a voice
>"Come home my child"
>Every bone in my body is shattered
>Can't even scream in pain
>I feel myself being lifted by some force
>Look down and see my broken body
>Look up to the skies and see a one-eyed man and a woman
>The man looks at me with approval, the woman has a smile on her face
>I feel myself fill with sadness, I begin weeping
>"Come home, Valkyrie"
>not owning a 12 passenger van instead
Jonathan Hart! Wo oh oh oh! Jennifer Hart! Wo oh oh oh!
That was well done user.
Why on earth would you adopt six niglets if you are racist
To abuse the fuck out of them duh
Funniest thing I have read in months on this damn site. Congrats nigga
Are all lesbians racist?
If you read the story, the kids kept calling the fucking cops because they didn't like getting spanked and they dindu nuffin. That's probably why they started denying them food as punishment, which then made the little shits go to the neighbors. The authorities were going to crucify these women anyway, so they must have figured they'd take those ungrateful little nigglets with them.
[F] to Pay Respects. Godspeed, Cliffdivers
It's almost as if adopting six children is a really irresponsible thing to do in the first place.
I don't usually give it out, and I don't usually say that I would give it since I think that would be quite narcissistic of me and I'm not that type of guy, but you sir totally deserve a gold, so here you go
>I hear the muffled cry of "WORLD STAR" come the back
Based. What have you guys done for whites today.
>allowing sodomites to adopt
The only interest sodomites have in raising children is to either produce more sodomites, rape them, or murder them.
Gays adopting children in the first place is an extremely irresponsible thing to do
They did the world a favor.
What are the odds a straight black boy will develop normally with two white dykes raising him. It's impossible for them to be a functioning adult at that point.
Not saying you're wrong, but they corrected their mistake. Toll paid.
Maybe some of the older African American gentlemen had already extended courtesy of potential fornication with the adoptive female guardians.
They did it out of pride and not shame. At least in my opinion.
friendly reminder: