Reparations question

Black user here, why does this issue enrage other racial groups in america? All of them are the descendants of immigrants, while we are not. We are a literal ethnic creation of american history, and are thus a special group, who deserves special things. Everybody else are americans by choice, and can always return to their homelands if they don't like it. I figure it wouldn't be such a problem for the Jow Forumstard types as much as they like to fap over germany and what not, so actually moving back there would not really be a major stretch.

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we dont owe you shit...nigger

but you do.

The greatest reparation would be sending African-Americans back to their homeland in Africa. It's a crime to keep them here in a racist whiteboi country.

but africa is not their homeland, they're children of america, albiet bastard children.

How much money are you requesting? How does someone qualify? Would, for example, Barack Obama qualify for reparations being that he's half Caucasian and half Kenyan? What if his father was an American Black? would that make a difference? Would he only receive half the reparations of a full-blooded Black American?

This, they just want gibs. Endless gibs

Same money for any just part of it is they are deported to Liberia and thier genome is logged so none of thier spawn may ever return.

Wrong cunt. Nobody owes them anything.

>full bloode
black americans as an ethnic group are mixed by definition to widely varying degrees.

America is a fundamentally racist country and blacks will continue to suffer from systemic white supremacy. Monetary reparations is not a long-term solution. The only long-term solution is for people of African descent to return to the homeland of their ancestors, and to develop their own societies that represent their interests, their values, their culture and heritage.


Generally speaking, when people point at you and laugh, it's not rage.

Begging for this just makes them even more hated.

Makes The US more unstable cause fo the rage created.

Shit like this Gets Trump elected.

Next time David Duke will get elected cause of shit like this

So are we employing the "one drop rule" for this program? By that I mean, need a person only be, for example, 1% Black to get the reparations?

we deserve it. Our sacrifice created a nation that europeans like yourselves could immigrate to en mass, and have better opportunities than you could have ever imagined in europe.

There no reality or validity to this at all. This is the rambling nonsensical babbling of a Communist indoctrinated moron. You are wrong

since when have we not been employing the one drop rule to define "black" in america?

You cucks have been on welfare for fucking decades you don't need anymore of my money...

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How about we give you Mississippi and Louisiana and y'all stay there.

Every thread here is just a bait thread. I mean holy shit who writes

> can just return to their homeland

> literal ethnic creation of American history

> american by choice

Unironically? Sage this fucking cancer.

You want the blacks to stay here?

How are we able to ascertain if someone is 1% black by visual inspection alone?

>thus a special group, who deserves special things.
Nobody deserves special treatment or special things. You are not royalty but just a nigger.

No gibs for you

>lives in canada

It would be much easier for whites to leave, since they legitimately have homelands outside of america.

You wouldn't be on US soil if the white man hadn't brought you over.
Be grateful

Because "black" is not a race and not all black Americans are the descendants of American slaves

> Amount owed per slave per capita - welfare received - damages done to society

You’re still in the red

Blacks have legitimate homelands in Africa. It's not under colonial rule anymore.

Liberia was created for you, specifically you

If they belong to the nation then why does the nation owe the reparations?

The Great Society’s Great Cost By PATRICK J. BUCHANAN

If we judge Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society only by the dollars spent to improve the lives of the poor and near-poor,
an astronomical $20 trillion, it was a success:

The federal government runs more than 80-means tested programs that provide cash, food, housing,
medical care and targeted social services to poor and low-income Americans.
Government spent $916 billion on these programs in 2012 alone, and roughly 100 million Americans
received aid from at least one of them, at an average cost of $9,000 per recipient. (That figure
doesn’t include Security or Medicare.) Federal and state welfare spending, adjusted for inflation,
is 16 times greater than it was in 1964.

Yet, if we judge the Great Society by its 'goal', providing the poor with their basic family needs so they can go out into the marketplace and find jobs and join their fellow Americans, it has been “a catastrophe.”

Scores of millions of Americans are today less able to achieve self-sufficiency through work than were their grandparents.

And by providing for all the needs that the father used to provide for his family, the Great Society has helped make fathers superfluous.
We have created a system where a teenage girl who becomes pregnant can have all her basic needs met by government.
This is a primary cause of the rise in illegitimacy in America from 6 percent of all births in 1963 to 41 percent today, and to 53 percent among Hispanics and 73 percent among African-Americans.

And that record illegitimacy rate is directly tied to the drug use rate, the dropout rate, the crime rate, and the incarceration rate.

If the goal of the Great Society was to turn America’s tax consumers into taxpayers, it has been a total failure.

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we gave you niggers land and a mule and what did yall do with it? sell it for some fucking goat pussy
its no my fault your dumb slave ancestors got fucked over by jews
ask the kikes for the money, only thing youll get from me is a FMJ nigger

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Since 1968

Try and convince people to pay more money to people they don't know, the Gov' does that and nobody likes them. Catch my drift?
Historical grievances are far removed from the living today, and they don't want to part with what little wealth they have.

I will give you all the money that you could spend in a lifetime but you must leave America and return to Africa forever.
Let’s do that now!

What you deserve is a swift kick to the face

You are not White. You are not American.

Other groups (especially recent non white immigrants) were told that they are "hard working" while our Black asses are "lazy." This is despite the fact that OUR ancestors built this fucking country into what it is today. They would not be here if it weren't for the rights we fought and died for. We're the only group of people who've fought in every war this nation has ever been in.

Now racist Dems want to gentrify our neighborhoods and replace us with Spics, Chinks, Pajeets and Hipsters. They want to offer amnesty to border hoppers whilst they continue to hold our brethren behind bars for victimless "crimes." The white woman received 80 percent of the affirmative action jobs that were supposed to go to Black men. Now these Jonny Come Lately immigrants want to cut ahead of us too.

As a result we, the American Descendents of Slavery (ADOS) have no choice but to push for reparations. Every other group that this country has wronged: Jews, Japs, Indians and so on have gotten reparations. This country gives more money to fucking Israel than they do to its own people. Even racist ass Ann Coulter said that Civil Rights / Affirmative Action were meant for ADOS ONLY!

Tldr; would you rather give handouts to dirty Mexicans and Chinks who don't belong here or reparations to the niggas that deserve them?

>americans by choice, and can always return to their homelands if they don't like it.
So can you. You would also have a slightly higher IQ to take advantage of thanks to white admixture.
Meanwhile my native land is being sold out to Africans.

Not black Americans who constitute a unique ethnic group. Their ethnogenesis happened in the americas. They are products of america, not immigrants to it. Any idea to the contrary is just something that is projected on to them by the descendants of immigrants who are likely subconsciously despise how deeply rooted in america black americans are.

I am European but my ancestors are from 7 different European countries, America is my only homeland. Neither of us has lived as a slave for even one second, you don't deserve reparations for something that dead men imposed upon other dead men. The Indians are a special group thus they get special treatment. If your ancestors were not slaves you would be living in Africa right now. Do you want to live in Africa?

Because the bag is for all americans, not just black people.

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Because you owe it to your kids to take care of them, especially if you make a living out of abusing them.

>Their ethnogenesis happened in the americas. They are products of america
Any 3nd generation white American can say the same.

You are not black

If we kill all blacks and jews there will be nobody to give reparations to, there's your final solution.

And when we were running it, it was relatively stable, until the CIA decided to sabotage it by flooding it with guns arming the natives. America didn't want an example of us having a stable colony on the world stage, so they sabotaged it like the abusive parent it is.

How to get it? If not proof based, then every American can take it. It's going to be a proof based system, so do you have to provide your own proof or must the state provide someone to investigate on your behalf like that PBS show? If self proven, it will become a "muh systemically oppressed can't prove themselves gib investigator". That's a huge task for free. How long is the window open? If the investigator can't find proof, when does he say "you are not eligible"? It won't be allowed to have an end. Say someone recieves reparation, are their descendants now ineligible? If yes then does it go to the oldest living member? Or longest even? Imagine the pettiness. If not then you are looking at a state funded race that have infinite gibs until the line runs out, which is less likely now that each person gets this free money. Unconstitutional?
Will this be a one time payout for all living descendants of slavery or will this recur every number of years?

It's not possible to do this without provokig slavery pt2

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If you agree to leave the rest of the country and move to the southeast, you can have an ethnostate and cash reparations, as long as you stay on your side of the border forever.

but it's culturally ingrained, all creoles who are colonial era mulattoes are considered "pure blacks", this constitutes a massive portion of the black population. Pic related is considered "black", because of this.

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White = european

>We are a literal ethnic creation of american history, and are thus a special group, who deserves special things.

Oh, but you do receive special things. You receive a disproportionate amount of taxpayer money despite being a net drain on the economy. You have government programs that ensure you'll be prioritized for positions and roles you aren't qualified for simply because of your skin color. You had an entire country made for you to return to, and your ancestors chose to remain here. You have the entire media and entertainment industry catering to your every whim simply because you screech the loudest. You have an entire race handling you with kid gloves because God forbid we ever commit the sin of holding you to the same standards as we would someone of any other race.

And somehow it STILL isn't enough.

America's greatest mistake was ever taking your ancestors from your Stone Age homeland and attempting to civilize them. This nation would've still been built without you, and we wouldn't have suffered a devastating Civil War and a century of self-destructive pandering. We should've left you all there, in disease and squalor and primitive misery, and as a nation would be better off for it.

You are completely free to go back to Africa. I'm sorry that Jew and Arab slave traders bought your ancestors from Africa and brought them here. I'm sorry that you have had to endure a life in America with electricity, air conditioning, running water, and the computer or smartphone that you are accessing the internet on right now. You should have been raised in Africa without any of these things. You can still go back, no one will stop you.

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The approximately 10,455 military engagements, some devastating to human life and some nearly bloodless, plus naval clashes, accidents, suicides, sicknesses, murders, and executions resulted in total casualties of 1,094,453 during the Civil War.

The Federals lost 110,100 killed in action and mortally wounded, and another 224,580 to disease. The Confederates lost approximately 94,000 as a result of battle and another 164,000 to disease. Even if one survived a wound, any projectile that hit bone in either an arm or a leg almost invariably necessitated amputation.

The best estimate of Federal army personnel wounded is 275,175; naval personnel wounded, 2,226. Surviving Confederate records indicate 194,026 wounded.

In dollars and cents, the U.S. government estimated Jan. 1863 that the war was costing $2.5 million daily. A final official estimate in 1879 totaled $6,190,000,000. The Confederacy spent perhaps $2,099,808,707. By 1906 another $3.3 billion already had been spent by the U.S. government on Northerners' pensions and other veterans' benefits for former Federal soldiers. Southern states and private philanthropy provided benefits to the Confederate veterans. The amount spent on benefits eventually well exceeded the war's original cost.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index, $1 in 1860 is equivalent in purchasing power to $30.45 in 2019, a difference of $29.45 over 159 years.

fuck off we gave you a country and you are still welcome to go back.

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Everyone who isn't an ADOS CAME HERE BY CHOICE, WE DID NOT! That's the difference. Hell the vast majority of whites here today can't trace any family lineage back to the founding of the country (or before the Civil War for that matter). The Negro is the most American, most patriotic group in the country. His race has NEVER waged war against America. He has always been over represented in the military. And he's always been ready to die for that flag even when he had little reason to do so.

ahh yes ADOS. I'm glad you said that. It shows that the right ideas and ways of thinking are gaining traction.

So true, this is hilaroius:

I'd rather deport all those people and re-segregate our neighborhoods and schools, so we can go back to the times when we were both happy and successful. Reparations will cause even more patriarch abandonment within your people. And with all the foreign job competition deported, you wouldn't need them anyway, you would be free to open your businesses without having to worry about Chinese or Jews who are sitting on a big pile of family inheritance.

Not how the world works Fuck you.

>living in africa right now

If america never existed I would never exist. We are that deeply tied to this nation. I know its hard for you immigrants to understand.

> (OP)
>fuck off we gave you a country and you are still welcome to go back.

but the descendants of purley voluntary immigrants are not exactly "american" from an ethnic standpoint.

Aight, assuming you arnt a troll

>Black user here, why does this issue enrage other racial groups in america? All of them are the descendants of immigrants, while we are not. We are a literal ethnic creation of american history, and are thus a special group, who deserves special things. Everybody else are americans by choice, and can always return to their homelands if they don't like it. I figure it wouldn't be such a problem for the Jow Forumstard types as much as they like to fap over germany and what not, so actually moving back there would not really be a major stretch.

Using this line of logic, no american is here by choice, most americans are born within the country and didnt have a choice on being there.

>but you can go back!

So can you, but just like you, whites have almost zero connections with their "home" countries beyond superficial shit like genetic tests. We dont share the language or culture of the old country. I mean shit, my grandparents had an opportunity to get me and my brothers to learn hungarian but they decided not to. It was important for them to be American and it was important for them that WE identified as American as well. This is now our home.

>why does this issue enrage other racial groups in america?

Because the vast, VAST majority of americans didn't own slaves, nor did they take advantage of their work. The north was built on the backs and bodies of white immigrants, who I would argue had a harder fucking time due to fuck all safety measures in factories and other hard labor jobs. Immigrant dies off? Who cares, another 20 more idiots just got off the boat to fill the position. Even in the south, slavery had a negative impact on the overall economy, while rich plantations bought and bred slave labor, this also prevented regular people from finding work, good luck competing against large plantations.

According to who? Your assumption of what all society thinks? Black people fight all the time about who is more black. They are not equal and they haven't suffered equally, so it's not reasonable to pass blanket reparation laws to address the issues equally.

Financially punishing whites for things they didn't do is blatantly illegal. If reparations become law then I will start enslaving niggers, because hey, I already paid for them

>but you do.
We do owe you but your faggot govt outlawed lynching..

23 and me gives everyone at least 0.9% African ancestry. That means everyone has African Blood. Everyone deserves reparations if "Black" people get them.

White people more so white men get special treatment all the time though.


Liberia was our colony, but the US government sabotaged it for reasons that are a different discussion entirely. For that alone we deserve to be repaid.


You are an immigrant, you are not an Indian. You wouldn't look exactly the same as you do now but some of your blood would have been used to create a slightly different person.

Not necessarily. The Rwandan genocide was proof that your logic is bullshit.

You worked farms. Boo fucking hoo. You didn't build shit.

A mule is a sterile animal you sociopath. You knew EXACTLY what you were doing by providing a mule and 40 acres.

We're not asking for it, WE DEMAND IT. CUT THE CHECK! PAY WHAT YOU OWE! Jews didn't bow down and beg for their reparations either. The only possible way to save what is left of the American empire is to close the borders, stop playing World Police and take care of the domestic population starting first and foremost with the ADOS. Do you see your nation fall to corporate, globalist power because your masters told you that no matter how poor you are you still "white."

I'd be up for this on the condition that they truly can not leave, and all must go there. Those states smell like ass anyways due to the river, and the niggers.


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And I think you generally captured one of the main problems with "reparations:" They won't appreciably enrich the American black community. As you mentioned, we've already enacted numerous "reparations" programs, and but only a handful of American blacks have taken advantage of them (save for straight-up cash payments in the way of welfare programs). So if we just dolled out sacks of cash to the black population, many of them would simply burn through the cash and then start complaining again. For those few that widely invested the money and started a small business or something, then what of their offspring who would, most likely, fall prey to the same trappings of other black people (poverty, crime, teenage pregnancy)? Reparations simply won't work. They'd be outrageously expensive, be massively divisive (every other race would view reparations as us basically rewarding black people for their highly antisocial conduct), and last, but certainly not least, totally ineffective for the reasons stated above.

tl;dir. Teach a man to fish and he can provide for his family into perpetuity. Give him a basket of fish and you've delayed his starvation.

white is an american concept, europeans refer to themselves by their nationality

Maybe instead of crying for it to be handed to you freely (like blacks always do) you should fight for what you believe is yours.

But you won't, because you are weak.

Nigger if anything the people back at africa owe you it more than us, they sold their own people off to become slaves to Europeans, and i don't think you can take anymore from africa

Blacks havent done shit to deserve any reparations, and they are niggers they misuse the money on impulsive stupidity rather than pool together to improve their communities like human beings.

you're going to have to take away our right to vote first, nigger, because we'll never consent to it.

There is nothing special about you or your in-group.
Try reading some history. Pic related is a good start.

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You are completely free to go back to Africa. I'm sorry that Jew and Arab slave traders bought your ancestors from Africa and brought them here. I'm sorry that you have had to endure a life in America with electricity, air conditioning, running water, and the computer or smartphone that you are accessing the internet on right now. You should have been raised in Africa without any of these things. You can still go back, no one will stop you.

The niggers in Africa that sold amerikangs to us are from a different ethnic group than the tribes Amerikangs came from so the african niggers are literally the ancient enemies of Amerikangs. I giggle everytime an american nigger visits Nigeria considering most of those niggers descent from the assholes who sold them to us.

you can return to your home wherever you like, just get a job and pay for the travel.

but you wont do, because being brought to america was the best thing that could ever happen to a nigger

God. Kill yourself you violent freak.

The faggots who sold your people off deserve reperations under that context
Just remember that we paid millions for slaves from families and prisons who wanted gibs
You descend from faggot families, war prisoners, and flat out prisoners to begin with
People who already werent gonna have a good life, would you rather be in america or starving in a jail somewhere in africa? The fact youre in our country despite being descendents of people who shouldve died is more than enough. A lot of you faggots owe your life to slavery

>brought to america
But I wasn't brought to america, that is an immigrant projection.

This is the correct answer.

Yet they do and they get more money anyways. Money=power and commoners don't matter.

Your estrogen is kicking in.
Also, stop being a delusional leech and take credit for what some black people (not niggers of today), did a handful decades ago, working for their own future. Slavery was kikes, ask them for some shekkels you as if you didn't already live off welfare and even then bitch about it,Oh and one last thing, if you are so "collective" about your race, how about taking responsibility and work on those crime, robbery and theft statistics? Pathetic, useless crybaby chimp.

Sending them back wont do anything, we need to hand over an entire country to them so they can at least get jobs, I propose we completely genocide the Liberians and give that country to the American niggers.

Your own countrymen captured your ancestors and sold them. The line of causality begins with the long and rich tradition of Africans enslaving themselves and others. You can either get them to pay for making you slaves to begin with or you can fuck off back to Africa where your life would be objectively worse.

>only taking into considerationone side of my lineage
I also descend from the founders of america.

So this "would you rather be in africa" is based on a false premise.

>gibs me dat
>gibs me dat
typical nigger mentality.
You want it? Come get it,bl*ckboi

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You're a patriarchal hotel nigger. Fuck off.