/Reading/ general

Are you guys avid readers? What are you currently reading? Share!

I can start by saying that I am currently reading Ardennes 1944, by Beevor. So far the book is quite interesting i have to say. Thinking about getting Mein Kampf but i have too many books that i need to finish atm..

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Do you guys read anything that isn't related to politics and ideology?

Everything is related to politics and ideology Vova

Reading After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre and Platonism: Christian and Pagan by Gerard O'Daly

I prefer to only read non-fiction, and this will always carry the bias of the writer.

I mean heavily related, focused on those topics.

i mostly read military memoirs.

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>After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre
What do you think of the book?

last book i read was look who's back.I read stalingrad by beevor, pretty entertaining and easy to read.

Julius evola : revolt against the modern world/ride the tiger

léon degrelle : the souls that burns

plato : republic

I just took those books out of my University library yesterday, and only read a few pages of After Virtue. I don't know why I had the preconception that MacIntyre was another rigid analytic; I was surprised to see him using a relatively postmodern lexicon and method of analysis. His points seem somewhat self evident so far, particularly about the nature of moral debates, but I'm still in the second chapter, mind you.

Currently Kafka on the Shore

I am a big fan of Haruki Murakami

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Try Demons by Dostoyevsky, Petya

Your first mistake Cleetus

Spend a lot of time on the bus, always have at least 1 book with me to pass the time. Better than browsing stuff on my phone.

It's not by Kafka

That being said, Kafka created a great literary feel, some of his work just drags a bit too much


My apologies

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He’s reading blank inside cover page
>at least open the book for pic

I read the Black Swan in 2013 an watched it play out irl in 2016 scary af fren,

I am reading brothers karamazov. Imagine reading joke authors like evola
I've also read it. Shatov deserved better.

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I have been reading this. In spite of the title most of the book is not about Bitcoin, but rather talks about the history of money and gold and government, and relentlessly attacks the homosexual John Maynard Keynes on whose "theories" our modern monetary system is based. However the case it presents for BTC is also very compelling.

The Jew will ultimately be defeated when we stop using their fiat money.

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Certain parts read like a prophecy.

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How is it? On my list for summer

Karamazovs is long winded especially when he writes about theology. Otherwise, pretty good.
Demons is much more relatable to today's world imo

Currently reading Meditations, The Bible and Crime and Punishment.

all those books on hitler and still can't find anything he did wrong

Ship of Fools, Tucker Carlson
The Second World Wars, Victor Davis Hanson
The Case for Trump, Victor Davis Hanson
Why Gender Matters, Leonard Sax
The Fourth Turning, William Strauss and Neil Howe
12 Rules for Life, Jordan Peterson
Muqtada, Patrick Cockburn
A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess
The Better Angels of Our Nature, Steven Pinker
The Economics of Inequality, Thomas Piketty
Common Sense on Mutual Funds, John C Bogle
Capital in the Twenty First Century, Thomas Piketty

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Oh, these are all done.

Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How is redpilled

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No, I am an avid weight lifter. I would rather be illiterate than fat.

“On the Jews and Their Lies“ Martin Luther
(“Von den Jüden und jren Lügen“)

This book is banned in Japan.

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Why don't you guys read something fun like Wyndham or Heinlein.

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Soyb0y, the post. Read some real books, fag.


I love reading dakota krout. Hidden red pills when you read between the lines. I guess you could call it teen fiction, but that is how you can reach a younger audience.

I highly recommend it.

Can anyone recommend any good histories on the Spanish Civil War?

E Michael Jones - Libido dominandi
Robert Cialdini - Weapons of influence
Walter Scott - Waverley
Alison Weir - Against our better judgement (The hidden history of how US was used to create Israel)
Petr Hájek - Smrt ve věži (czech redpilled catholic conservative, JQ included)

That's what i have read recently or am reading right now.

Antifragile is another good one by Taleb recommend to me by anons here