The left can't mem-

>the left can't mem-

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Consecutive digits and a homeless schizophrenic stabs Bors to death


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Well it wasn't really funny m8, I guess the left truly can't meme if you think this is funny.
You from Londanistan per chance?

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I'm guessing this artist spends way too much time on Twitter and has difficulty telling it apart from real life

>the left can't meme
>boomers can't meme
>christcucks can't meme
>the right can't meme

Only National Socialists can meme, and some closet National Socialists larping for themselves as libertarians. But they'll make the full conversion soon. They all do.

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normies are the new autists

>But they'll make the full conversion soon. They all do.
so what makes someone give up liberty to live under fascism?

they really can't

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feels bad man

There was only a short impression that "the right could meme" because National Socialist goal aligned with the goals of the cucked rightists and conservatards. But the goals don't align anymore. Not since the Great Betrayal by POTATUS.
This is why the right has not produced a single good meme for the last two years. The ones who produced them was never "the right" in the first place, but National Socialists.

Rightists will never be able to replicate the memes that were produced in their name a few years ago. Never.

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incredibly, this cut out is funnier than the comic itself

>the right can me-

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You maximize freedom by ensuring women and minorities can't vote away your rights.

>so what makes someone give up liberty to live under fascism?
Regular people don't give up liberty to live with fascism. Parasites within the nation have their liberties to exploit the regular people. No more, no less. Parasites, or the Swamp, as POTATUS calls them while letting them have free reins.

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uh man how many times are you going to post this? lack of dopamine maybe?

*Parasites within the nation have their liberties to exploit the regular people removed.

I can't read

Nice try mossad

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This is actually funny though, Obama does have big ears

Wow! I'm convinced - the alt-right is bad. Homosexuality and progressive values are good!

Always with so many words. The left REALLY cant meme.

Look how much better it is if you just remove a lot of the text.

Attached: bettyer.png (918x668, 1015K)

>I am silly!

That's actually funny lmao

Some untalented commie owes this man for editing

Kek that actually is kinda funny when you arrange it like that.

This. It's like cartoonists in the US are targeting imbeciles.

I've noticed this as well, but with American humor in general. Everyone feels the need to explain the joke in detail making absolutely sure everyone understands everything about the joke, killing the humor. Instead of allowing the audience to arrive there on their own.

I chuckled

I actually laughed

We actually have Ben Garrison's cartoons featured in one of our newspapers and the editor removes almost all of his captions. Not sure what the point of having everything explained is.

Yawn. Leftytards can't do unfunny jokes under 200 words.

A lot of labels in political cartoons actually serve a purpose. It has to do with political cartoons having a place in history, so that a hundred years from now people will be able to understand whats going on.

If you look at political cartoons from the 1800s, they wouldn't make much sense without the labels.

Its different than over-explaining a joke with too much text.

Wtf this tranny really makes that much fucking money?

Thats why I loved Xavier renegade angel


I still find it hard to believe this massive faggot makes Kelly's comics too

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Mild chuckle. Good job user. The left is shit.

I wonder what is the color of french vanilla.

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>the left can't mem-

you now know why it's appealing to others.

>Cutting steak with a chainsaw.
He is a true chad

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lmao pic related is retarded. The upper middle box doesn't even have anyone in it

>when Jow Forums makes better leftie comics than the lefties
This actually made me kek a bit.

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I have a question are you okay you fucking cunt that you're offended over fucking steaks being well done? Yes I'm going to make fun of you are you okay don't ask me if I'm okay I'm asking if you're okay? How about you fucking fuck yourself and stop having your kids get raped by Muslims you disgusting subhuman British piece of shit. You fucking worthless disgusting subhuman. Your people are so fucked right now that you've look like the South border of the United States but all over the fucking country. You're literally fucked in the fact that Irish are doing better than the actual British it's so hilarious that you're fucking daughters are going to be brown your fucking grandkids are going to be brown your whole fucking family trees are going to get legally raped by a caliphate you fuck. There you go is that the reaction you wanted. Because I'm sure I just shut your fucking thread down. I'll come in here like that fucking idiot ghost from True capitalist radio and I'll come in here and I'll fucking God damn beat your fucking ass around with my manly dominance all over this fucking thread like it ain't shit boy.

Too real.


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Attached: kelly racism is dead.jpg (800x560, 117K)

They lack nuance. The (not so) deep and subtle flavor of "right-wing memes". The ability to joke, without outright offending the target. The subtility of seemingly simple images.
I guess it falls back to the idea that lefts are simply uncapable of getting into a rights mindset, while right is able to emulate lefts. You see it if when a "former right" tries to claim they switched side. They simply can't without severe excaguration say they voted Trump but has now changed. They must add some "I was a slimy poopyhead who thought women should spread their legs for me while I jerk off to anime but then I grew up / got educated / became a good person and realized Hillary is our queen". Obviously who wrote that. But with the right is able to emulate - as said, so you have small subtle takes within what oculd be a genuine post from someone.
It's as if leftists can't risk offending anyone, so you must have the "I AM SILLY" to outright explain who is the good, aand who is the bad.
>Oh, you mean Donald "Voldemort" Trump? He who cages children away from their parents, hates women, colludes with Russia? Yea, I give aa very balanced and fair coverage.

You can tell the author is a retard if he has to put a small avatar of himself in the corner to explain the message of the comic.

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You can tell you're a retard because you use a memeflag and don't realize that its part of the joke

I'll roll for that

You don’t get it

no you


*no u

Bra brev. Based.

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Attached: 220px-Coneheads_Poster.jpg (220x325, 28K)

The image that stopped the "capitalism has failed us" threads for at least a week.


I didn't even crack a smile


>lefties are calm and rational

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I laughed, an easy laugh because I know that my political beliefs aren't tied to a fucking personality cult. Then I got sad because I remembered that that's precisely how 99% of the fucking world works.

Ketchup on steaks is a poor person thing, the leftist elites dont get what it's like to eat cheap steak

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If you have never lived off of thin sliced roast, ground beef, and cheap pork/chicken for at least three months you can’t make fun of poor people food preferences (unless they are eating fast food)

Kek have all my internets sir

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>christcucks can't meme
>forgets jesus was the first meme

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I now know who gets my vote next time..

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Now this is a straw man I can get behind.

but this doesn't come off nearly as superior

there are a lot more than 7000 trannies with 100 bucks a year to blow

No he doesn't he has like 8 thousand donations with a donation range of 2 to 15 dollars I think.

So he's probably making like 16 to 20 thousand a month with youtube shit also. Which is really disgusting still.

just add some spices and it's bbq sauce

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Don't even need to read the thread to know it's pic related and a bunch of "reee left can't meme"

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see and

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the best part about this is that clarence thomas isn't even dead

Hey the first is pretty good. Thank you fren. Saved.

what an excellent example of projection.

I think you missed the point.

3 years later and they still haven't figured it out. Kek.

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someone screencap this for when the original falls out of circulation and they start using this version

That's how it's done.

No I get it "lel left wing memes is too long!!"
I don't disagree. But I also don't think the lefty memes you see on Jow Forums are representative of the majority of lefty memes.


well, you are correct. The majority of left memes involve cats or "diversity is our strength"

>Trying to make a joke, but embarrassing yourself 101

The reason the left can't meme is that a joke needs to have a little bit of truth in it.
When you make a joke that is set in your own fantasy word it's just not funny.

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>low information arts graduate
