Christchurch discussion

ITT we expose the sloppy Mossad Psy Op that was the Christchurch shooting.

Video related is from the 2nd Mosque
Note the guy in the green-blue jacket sitting in the beginning, camera moves around next scene he is lying on the floor as if dead except you see his foot moving. Then at 1:30 you see him walking around casually.
0:25 a gay playing dead while on his phone comes into view
Around 0:50 you also see a guy (fat and bald nigger with wide and white clothes) walking around the scene in the middle
Its confirmed the from the Christchurch shooting as you see him here on the cover
>people think this is real

Also out of curiosity

Attached: christchurch 2nd mosque.webm (320x564, 2.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Roosh believes that it was a Mossad operation, also. I'm not sure what to think at this point. Is that what they want, for people not to know what to think?

Reminder to locate all synagogues and mosques in your area so as to keep an estimation of the number of nearby enemies. Know where the desert rats are located in case action is required.

Attached: 8738475345.png (2200x1700, 309K)

How do we know that's the second mosque?

>mfw Lakewood, NJ
Send help or nuke us, either way DO SOMETHING

Remember that alll this accomplished is causing fights between Whites and Muslim while the Kike will seize power and property in the chaos like with every war they kick off. Additionally push for Gunlaws and Internet Censorship.

Across the entire manifesto he makes it seem like the Muslims and other foreigners just happen to come into the country without any specific reason and white people allowing it because they either hate whites themselves or are too stupid.
Not once goes he into the greater sheme that is played. Not once does he talk that the cause for the immigrations are the wars that are led on the account of Israel. Not once does he mention the prevailent racemix propaganda in the jewish owned media. In fact the only point he gets actually close to the truth is
>Pedophile politicians,pedophile priests and pedophile popstars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age
But even that completely ignores the outside influences that bring these people into power.
He goes into the NGOs fucking shit up, but then stops conveniently the moment the next logical step would be to explain (((who))) is funding these and who controlls them.

Either he merely took babies first redpill on race at which point i would say its unbelievable he actually went out to shoot people, or he actually is meaning to hide it, as in is on their side.
Looking at what this will accomplish ultimately (namely nothing aside from painting whites as bad, immigration criticism as evil racism, giving ammunition to shill against guns, and creating sympathy for muslim) I would say its a psy op. But who knows, lots of retarded folks around.

well, they either try to sell a lie to fit their narrative, or if that doesnt work go for confusion and divide and conquer. We cant fight them if we hurt ourselves in confusion.

look at the article i linked and compare to the guy at 0:50, bald, fat nigger with wide white clothes and big patch of blood on his left chest in both

Attached: Shooter blame.png (622x184, 39K)

If you think shitskin Muslims will magically become our friends, you're in for a rude awakening lol they're a people of incest (lowest rate of blood marriage is 30% in Turkey).

Same shit as the retards who say to vote Trump so the democrats don't win. Cope harder

Vid related shows 2 additional gunmen where this guy was arrested, not mentioned anywhere

On the Go Pro footage:
When he walks into the mosque noone seems to care about battlesuit and rifles.
7:05 he is tackled where he seemingly drops a magazine at the entrance to the room at the end of the hallways accidently. you see it lying there in the middle (seen from left to right middle) pretty clearly.
7:13 he drops a magazine to reload in the middle (entrance to end middle)
7:31 he picks up the magazine he lost when tackled. 8:32 he picks up some magazine lying on the floor he dropped at 7:13 again and seemingly uses this previously emptied magazin to reload and continues to pump out about 20 shots
since people say there was already a magazine in there before he came. he did drop it but it should be empty

when the woman is shot at 11:45 there are also couple cars driving next to her. noone seems to care and drives of full speed, but really casually
she also gets appearently 2 headshots, but no visible deformation of the head but her shoulder bursts open (suggested to be a bloodbag) even though such bullets should blow some of your head away, especially when lying against the ground with the force having no way to exit and can only disperse
Also note no headscarf on her which is required for women in the mosque and she had time to search for her shoes while running for her life

12:50 he shoots through the windshield of his car with his rifle
right after a car crosses his path between him and the guy shot, but doesnt care and just drives along casually
then drives couple meters, not even 50, fires a shot to the front left, drives another 5 meter aiming right to his left where he previously shot at where you then see a guy casually walking around before getting shot but being all casual before when the shot must have gone close by.

Attached: Christchurch additional gunmen no sound.webm (532x1080, 2.23M)

Really shitty false flag.
Tarrant is a low IQ patsy.

people drive in between the shooter and the victim and dont even speed off as if nothing happened. Even the guy he shoots at from out of his car shortly after 12:50 didnt care he got shot at a first time.
Then also the issue that the woman didnt wear a hijab in mosque and picked out shoes before running for her life. Both just dont make any sense if there was a real shooting going on.

Conveniently there is this masonic initiation ritual that explains the shoes as it involves having your shoes to be put off. and you see this in quite a lot of false flag attacks that the victims happen to be shot (or whatever) their shoes off (varying from degree to degree and possibly lodge).

Some info on Masonry:
The checkered board you see often with masonic imagery represents the duality of this world, and as such the world itself. Additionally like the chessboard they see the world to be played to win, they want to rise above the duality of this world and ascend to become a god/player outside of the pawns they control which they do by casting off the concept of good and evil, the duality (rising above the duality) and as a result not being held back by things like morals and laws like the lowly plebs

Now some speculation:
Now inside mosques and synagogues (in the past at least) you need to take off your shoes. Considering the checkered board in their temple is a stage (playingfield) we can extrapolate that if they move the stage (their temple symbolically) outside to make a theatreplay to move their pawns (us) they also are required to take the shoes off.

if you think randomly killing 50 muslims has any positive effect while kikes import another 200 of them (which was utterly unadressed by his writing) then i dont think there is much help left for you

Attached: Mason ritual.jpg (600x460, 47K)

In real life, when people get shot there is blood, they dont die immediately all the time, they brain keeps working, heart keeps pumping, etc theres blood and sometimes their body twitches. You didnt see any of that in the video when he was “shooting” at the already dead piles of people. Its complete bullshit.
He was only charged with one murder... the person he was charged with killing was found to be alive...
Take your country back for fuck sake!

Westminster Bridge in London
This guy, if I got it right was hit by the bus, so there is a possibility the shoes flew off, but yet they are placed neatly next to him. Also note it looks like he gets CPR right which is done when the patients breathing and heartbeat stop. This does not happen without unconsciousness yet he holds his arm up.

>He was only charged with one murder... the person he was charged with killing was found to be alive...

Attached: London bridge shoes.jpg (422x449, 74K)

Same incident
This one was stabbed in the belly. Either he lost his shoes through that somehow or there is an unknown medical practice for treating stab wounds which requires shoes (and a sock) to be taken off.

Attached: London Bridge shoes 2.jpg (590x350, 69K)

It's either because they are worried about the ankles/legs swelling and being more difficult to remove or more than likely, if they know the patient is going to the ER and surgery shoes can be a dirty thing in a sanitized OR

Note here that his leg is pulled up like in the Ritual, yet he misses any kind of wound, or at least, if its on the inside, didn't get first aid which involved bandages and compresses which are visible from every angle. He also put up his arm, which is a typical Muslim gesture, but might as well is meant to highlight his wristband (mirroring the rope around the arm/shoulder in the ritual) or is a homage at Baphomets typical gesture.

This Ritual angle gets further enhanced when you realize what March 15 stands for:
>The Ides of March (/aJdz/; Latin: Idus Martiae, Late Latin: Idus Martii)[1] was a day in the Roman calendar that corresponds to 15 March. It was marked by several religious observances and was notable for the Romans as a deadline for settling debts.[2] In 44 BC, it became notorious as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history"
>The Ides of each month were sacred to Jupiter, the Romans' supreme deity. The Flamen Dialis, Jupiter's high priest, led the "Ides sheep" [...] to the arx, where it was sacrificed.[4]
>In addition to the monthly sacrifice, the Ides of March was also the occasion of the Feast of Anna Perenna"
>Macrobius records that offerings were made to her ut annare perannareque commode liceat, i.e. "that the circle of the year may be completed happily"[1] and that people sacrificed to her both publicly and privately."

And this isn't where it ends, the Mosque itself (Al Noor Mosque) is a prominent one as its known as the first Mosque the sun shines upon each day due to its eastern position.
Also the town is called "Christchurch", the Church of Christ in which they perform this satanic ritual in the Mosque that the Sun (often used symbol of God in the Bible) touches

Attached: Mason Christchurch.jpg (700x525, 79K)

Attached: Mason initiation.jpg (269x388, 18K)

This jewsrats shit was very well tested in Syria.

Attached: jewrats in syria.jpg (1200x800, 107K)

Another Zionist shill circlejerk thread. mannequins, actors, fake guns, fake bullets, fake windshields, multiple cars, zikaman and shoes.

fuck off

Also it just so happens that John Podesta, you know the spirit cooking Pedo mentioned in some other posts of mine visited New Zealand shortly before the shooting. Podesta is known for the picture of him with a fish on one palm and a 14 on his others relating to the Osiris Myth
The reason I bring this up is because the shooter happens to put an Odal-Rune onto his gun next to a 14 (likely meant to be seen as a homage to the 14 words, but how many things can we write off as coincidences before we must admit they simply arent?). This together with the other Ritual shit involved probably is no coincidence.

Christchurch happened to have a Mossad Spy-Ring uncovered in 2011 through some earthquake which killed one of the spys and exposed their papers.
And considering that New Zealand is part of the Five Eyes we can assume they were meant to relay Information forth to Israel.

I just realized i messed up the strawpoll answers
better version

Attached: Christchurch fish 14.jpg (966x676, 96K)

and cobra commander
it was so real, bro

fucking brainlet

Attached: AHmyface.png (144x270, 34K)

Kids from Parkland, Florida, from the High school they pulled off the sloppiest false flag in recent History get involved, and of all the people from the MOVIE EFFECTS Workshop

Attached: Christchurch Parkland.jpg (817x677, 71K)

>arrives at the scene
>opperative gives him thumbs up showing everything is prepared and good to go

Attached: Christchurch Thumbs Up.jpg (1920x1080, 255K)

amazing how fast those guys vanished. probably got sent back to their intelligence agency handlers

They released a false statement about these 2 saying they were cops.
First cops on scene were from an active shooter drill taking place in christchurch. They already had all their gear and guns.

>opperative gives him thumbs up
Imagine being this retarded. Imagine making theories about "opperatives". Goddamn.

This whole thread, average IQ around 60. And it this high only because few normal posters like this

This one is incorrect.
The people giving him the go signal are dressed in red.
Signal he gets is person passing with red coat, gives her a sign then turns on the light on his gun

Attached: signal.png (508x319, 129K)

good lord that is some sandyhook shenanigans

>normal posters
>it was real goys
You poor retarded faggots.

The truth is out there, don't let them hide this false flag!

Attached: WHERES MY MEDICINE.png (848x979, 691K)

and like Sandy Hook they also have a guy in camo with a gun being arrested but released later on.

i think thats earlier when he parks for a while on his way to the mosque. the one i posted is right before he gets out of the car and goes into the mosque.

It's the kikes who want to drive Muslims and whites to fight. Without the kikes, Muslims can live with whites in peace.

these shootings never seem to be cut & dry. there is always some bullshit attached like
>oh by the way there was also this guy hiding in the bushes and he was dressed in fully military gear and a had a gun.

>"oh yea there was some kind of live shooter drill going on down the street by total coincidence"

ya, the red coat person appears when he stops the car before the first mosque.
But there are other red coat people all along the video[

at 3min
at 5min
and you have the weird radio message at 6:11-6:14 when he gets his guns from the back. Don't know what language it is however

yep...this one had plenty of weird shit.
Additional shooters (filmed)....shitload of guns explained by the press to have been purchased online but he did not actually use the guns he purchased online (except shotgun).

itt we tell op to take his meds

shoo disinfo shill


This thread is full of so much misinformation it's bordering on hilarity. I used to post the truth in these threads but you guys are so invested in believing the conspiracy it's pointless.
Take your med schizos.

Well, since it is pretty much just OP and some memeflaggot sucking his dick, it won't be too much of work tbqh.

>take your meds [x]
>shizo [x]
>shill [x]
>disinfo [x]
>actual arguments refuting anything in the thread [ ]
makes me think

Attached: let me think about it.jpg (1280x720, 267K)

>makes me think
This is the only part I'm gonna seriously doubt.

fuck off schizo

Stop posting this crap. They were not extra gunmen they were spec ops defending the school. pic fucking related; the same 2 cunts chilling with other operators.

cant just be some cunt shooting up a place, everything is a conspiracy. some of you guys are lunatics.

Attached: 2 shooters.jpg (984x653, 52K)

I'm usually the last one to say this, but jesus fucking christ, you're fucking retarded. This is quite literally schizoposting, you are making connections where there are none, because it confirms what you already believe and reinforces it.

>spec ops
>runs around with the rifles muzzle pointing up going against every gunsafety instruction
if they were actually in any kind of armed force they would never run around like that. at best i would say that shows they use some civillian patsies with some of the actual forces being involved.

>its all just a coincidence goys
if you feel comfier with that thought

Attached: lalilulelo.png (376x652, 357K)

>they were spec ops defending the school
yea sure they were, buddy

Attached: 1514523431186.jpg (3807x1793, 509K)

>t. utter noguns
What to expect from Germany, the worst gun grabbers in the whole world since the late middle ages. In any western military, they teach you two "natural safety" (not sure if this is a good word in English, sorry if it is not) positions with long weapon. To the ground and to the air. Pointing to the air is completely fucking normal. I guess those Navy Seals in pic related are too just civilian patsies. Take your meds already you cretin.

Attached: SEALS.jpg (500x332, 31K)

Any revenge attacks from muslims yet?

Those guys really get more angry at a Muhammad cartoon than 50 muslim deaths?

didnt an earthquake in NZ expose a mossad operation?
>Jul 20, 2011 · The Israeli secret service Mossad has been accused of conducting an intelligence-gathering operation in New Zealand which was unearthed because of February's Christchurch earthquake.
>The operation was interrupted when a van used by a spy cell was crushed by masonry falling from a damaged building, killing one man, it is claimed.

Attached: 1406304869714.jpg (300x393, 30K)

spec ops

>implying thats not just some fancy foto shoot to make them appear cool rather than showing actual seals


these guys were outside a school, miles from the mosques.

>implying you are not just picking for straws like any other double-digit mongoloid
You have no idea you are talking about, Hans. And this applies to this whole sorry excuse for thread.

Attached: Screenshot_20190407_000357.png (1190x840, 1.55M)

ah man I guess no one told the police about the big live shooter drill being run by special ops

>these guys were outside a school, miles from the mosques.
at a place they happen to arrest a guy dressed in full camo carrying, what appears to be a riflebag with him which you see lying in front of him. but sure, just happens to get some kid from school.
>A gun can be seen on the footpath in front of him.
but yeah, lone gunman everyone

No you fucking retard, i'm just saying that your connections are fucking retarded and you are using circular reasoning to reach your conclusion. Is your best arguement literally "This can't be a coincidence?"? Do you have any hard evidence? No? Fuck off. Ever heard of occams razor? No? Fuck off.
You make people who actually hate kikerats, for good reason, look like retards, so i'll gladly take a shit on your delusions.

Hey retard, can you actually read my post?

Attached: IMG_3741.jpg (1024x804, 129K)

its not a rifle bag its his belt with satchels attached. thats why its the same camo colour.

that guy is also suing the cops on how they treated him. he was there to pick up his daughter after he heard about the shooting. you have to understand chch is full if skinhead neo nazi types who like to larp as hard cunts by wearing army fatigues.

so taking your own pic, do you really think a mosque that is radicalizing people, and is known so publicly, would be left open if they arent somehow connected to the government when its pretty obvious the same terror groups these people join are controlled by the same governments?
this in itself is a good hint the mosque was connected to the government which then makes it fairly easy for them to stage something with those people.

and you dont bring anything to the discussion but ad hominem but complain about others. nice projection cheese bruh

its a plot to distract from christchurchs jewish mayors husband making dodgy deals with the chinamen to export our water.

Attached: CFw0dlzy_400x400.jpg (400x400, 29K)

its says right there in the article its a gun lying in front of him, but k.

yeah its some retard journalist who doesn't know what hes looking at

If you seriously think that is a gun, you are not only further confirming what a noguns you are, but you are also blind as bat.

chch is not full of neo nazi types, theres far more ethnic gangs than ballheads. neo nazi types cant even keep it together in jail, all the old 4th reich gang are now mongrel mob sieg fucking heil. nz media sure are scrubbing any anti islamic stories

Attached: nzexec.png (1037x843, 92K)

Attached: 1553208002215.webm (1280x720, 705K)

Pee is stored in the balls.

Attached: 1552885074498.webm (852x480, 381K)

yep, the body bursts open completely elsewhere than where she was shot at, also it bursts with quite some delay.
also was in the mosque without a hijab as a woman

>so taking your own pic, do you really think a mosque that is radicalizing people, would be left open if...
>and is known so publically
Is it? How do you come to that conclusion? Just because it was in the papers?
>these people join are controlled by the same governments?
Do you actually believe that the avarage low-level shitskin ISIS fighter knows who his group is funded by and why, or is just fighting a Jihad in his mind?
>mosque was connected to the government
Even if, so what?
>which then makes it fairly easy for them to stage something with those people.
More assumptions and theorizing, no evidence to actually prove your point. There you go, i answered your shitty loaded question.

>and you dont bring anything to the discussion but ad hominem
Sorry but that podesta post was the most stupid shit i've seen all week, i couldn't help but call you a retard just because of how absurd it is, i cringed way too hard.

>Do you actually believe that the avarage low-level shitskin ISIS fighter knows who his group is funded by and why, or is just fighting a Jihad in his mind?
obviously they dont know, but it doesnt really matter. an ISIS recruitment center would not be left open if the government isnt involved. the mosques leaders have a good chance of being in the know, the jihadis there can be easily riled into the sheme by saying this is to motivate other muslim brothers to go radical and they gladly play along.

and obviously i theorize about what is going on as we arent told the truth. its just fairly obvious that what we are presented is carefully selected propaganda that doesnt match at all together. this includes the stream and manifesto.

but yeah, some more insults surely do the trick

Prove it is a squib.

No it doesn't. You already made yourself look like retard in gun-related things, shut the fuck up.

yes it does

No, it doesn't. Only thing you have is your retarded feeling of a total noguns who just like to make shit up. First round clearly enters through her upper back/shoulder and exits through her arm (as .223/5,56 usually tumbles in your body), showing pieces of red undergarment and possibly some blood. Second round enters through the back of her head, effectively killing her and kicking pieces of skull, blood and scalp. He literally sprays the pavement with her brains, thus effectively turning her into halal speed bump.

Wasn't clinton selling state secrets from nz?

first bullet enters either head or left shoulder, then exits, with delay, on the right elbow, making a 80° turn upon entering the body? the last time i saw a bullet make that turn was with JFK, and we know those were multiple shooters.
also if he really would have blasted open her skull then there would be a whole lot of blood coming from there too as the brain is pretty heavily supplied with blood, yet we only see it from underneath the body, not around the head, nor sprayed around.

.223/5,56 does tumble a lot, ricocheting around your bones. It is a very lightweight round, specifically designed to be as small as possible while still retaining the ability to neutralize in one hit into torso mass. I remember some manuals showing round entering through the upper chest and exiting slightly above the butt-cheek. It can also be just one of the spalls/fragments from the bullet, not the whole round. There is no delay as I see it too.
There is plenty of blood on the pavement, exactly showing the V shape of the exiting pieces of the bullet, skull and other viscera. Again, round entered through the back of her head and exited through the upper face, not the other way around. You can see it sprayed around, look again. Also do tell Hans, from what experience/expertise are you speaking?

yet the bullet would have to make a direct 80° turn upon entry, then go straight through the upper body without hitting anything else to then precisely go into the arm and exit there, despite spine and ribcage being in the way, and all this with a delay between entering and exiting. that would be even more suspicious than JFKs "magic bullet"

>Also do tell Hans, from what experience/expertise are you speaking?
its called common sense.

Did it ever cross your mind that maybe he just laid down? That he wasn't pretending to be dead for some elaborate hoax and that he in fact was just setting his head down?
With bad knees, it's not uncommon to play to allah laying down.

I'm sure mossad had something to do with this but I hate all the overreaching that these retarded skitzo's are doing to try and prove that nobody actually died
nobody actually died on 9/11 either. Who has a video of anyone even inside the building? Those people falling out are just dummies. same with pentagon, how do you even know anyone was there? its all just mannequins and dummies.

Anyways, don't be a fuckin retard.

Holy shit do not fall for this faggotry if you don’t have a VPN or something, police departments/feds can track everything you search and they can use this as a reference

I just explained to you, stop pretending you didn't understand.
>common sense
Yeah, like with muzzle pointing in the air and pretty much rest of this retarded crap. You have nothing you moron.

Daily reminder to renew your prescriptions and take them regularly

Attached: 5a342c6f4eeae2ae8b8f442c84ba6969aea8fd279c193bf97ed6efe7557974e2.jpg (8000x5387, 3.95M)

the people who think it was mossad still cant answer a basic question such as:
Why would mossad film their own mass shooting so everyone finds out its a falseflag?
kys boomer, unironically have ruined this board

Just a coincidence, goyim.
Nothing to worry about.
That happens all the time.
All the time like on 9/11, when the London bombings happened, etc.

Attached: 2019-03-18 NZ Police 'Happened to Be in a Training Session' when mosque shooting began.png (1280x2898, 1.44M)


>Ever heard of occams razor
The theory that is the least complicated is the correct one.

>muh coincidence here
>muh coincidence there
>muh happenstance here
>muh happenstance there
>it was MOS

I select option M for MOS.

>Why would mossad film their own mass shooting so everyone finds out its a falseflag?
propaganda, most people dont look close either way, and having some graphic material always helps for propaganda. just like the poor little boy in vid related. appealing to emotions.

Attached: bomb boy.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

>wow, police trains
Your own under-funded police trains pretty frequently and your special police trains literally every day they are not on raid. Even here, specials train every single day, while training for events like terrorism or mass shooting at least once a month, with really large-scale trainings with hundred of civvie actors at least semi-annually. What does this proves in your empty head?
>That happens all the time.
Yes, that is the point of training.

your so fucking stupid

shut the fuck up mossad shill everybody knows the shooting never happened, tarrant isn't even a real person you fucking retard, you're supposed to ally with us to trample the kikes.

>Why would mossad film their own mass shooting so everyone finds out its a falseflag?
Double false flag.
If they wouldn't have filmed it, everyone would say that it never happened.
So they filmed it and did such a terrible job intentionally, that no one would think that it was a MOS hoax.

But we got them.
We got them now.

Attached: 0f35b2652677f3bb88e4f92fdef71b8b41faf8e9215aa90b8b9a27f7377c5b51.jpg (226x223, 12K)

the shooting never happened you fucking retard, you're like those 9/11 morons that think pentagon was hit by a plane

>Your own under-funded police trains pretty frequently
>your special police trains literally every day
>while training for events like terrorism or mass shooting at least once a month
So what you are saying that the odds of them training something like that are very very low.

>What does this proves in your empty head?
That you attack the messenger and deserve the rope.

the shooting never happened and the manifesto was designed by the cia moron.

just a coincidence they had a training operation for precisely that case going on a few streets away, like on 9/11 there happens to be a military exercize for precisely the same scenario, or like with Parkland where the police held a drill at school, or sandy hoax supposedly had a FEMA drill in the town as well on the very day (even though for that last bit i would need to look it up). yeah, just coincidences

Attached: nothing to see.gif (500x286, 655K)

>shooting never happene

People actually died.
Tarrant actually went on a killing spree and murdered some 50 people.
By saying otherwise, you're simply trying to discredit anyone who doubts the official narrative, and thereby group everyone who questions that narrative into the same camp as those who think it was "all a hoax," that "no one died," that "kool-aid was used in this one picture & not blood," and so on.

The official narrative has nothing to do with the timing of the attacks, which is the key to the entire event. JUST before Tarrant did what he did, Israel bombed the shit out of Gaza and ADMITTED that they did so in error. That is, they reported that Gaza attacked Israel, the lit Gaza the fuck up, then they admitted to the world that the original attack wasn't actually done by Gaza. A (very) short time later, everyone forgot what was happening because of Tarrant's killing spree. But, nah, it's all just a coincidence.

The fact that they're using this attack to enact draconian laws is just a happy plus to the bigger picture. They'd been planning on this for years anyway. (Look up the mossad agents whose hideout was uncovered by the Christchurch earthquake back around 2012.) TPTB have been planning for the last 20-30 years to take all of our weapons, they just need ENOUGH people to go along with it. The only thing they know how to do is false flag attacks, so this shouldn't be a surprise. It has been part of the plan for years; the timing was just left open in order to give TPTB an ace up their sleeve.

>tl;dr Israel did it to cover up for their latest war crimes (pic related). People saying that "it was all a hoax" or that "no one died" are trying to make those doubting the (((official narrative))) look crazy by shouting loud enough so that anyone publicly voicing their concern will be grouped in with those saying "it didn't happen."

Attached: convenient_timing_israeli_air_strikes_and_christchurch_shooting.png (1029x2202, 1.35M)

>like that are very very low.
No, it is not. They don't have five policemen you brain-damaged orangutan fuck. They have metric ton of them and thus the trainings are on frequent rotations.
This is our specials He is talking about training routines. This is same for pretty much every single western special/leo unit from here to USA. You can directly google NZ STG (those "civilian patsies")

saying it was a mossad psyop IS IN ITSELF a mossad psyop
(((They))) recognize the true power not only behind Saint Tarrant's (pbuh) words and actions but the first person style video he blessed us with. It puts the viewer in His shoes. He shows you that its literally that easy to fight the invading army yourself. Why do you think the video and manifesto is being suppressed to such a degree that people are literally being imprisoned for merely possessing it?

If it was a psyop, there would be no video. There would be no manifesto. They would pass it off as just a deranged huwyte supremeist killing a bunch of "innocent" (lol) muslims with his scary assault rifle-15. Did we ever get any video out of the (((las vegas shooting))) or the (((parkland))) shooting? (((Sandy hook)))? No. Do we even know their motives? No.

You see so much shilling saying NZ was a false flag or mossad psyop precisely because it wasnt. Do not belive (((their))) lies. Take the words of blessed Saint Tarrant to heart.

Attached: 10_2.jpg (280x280, 9K)

israel lights up gaza everyday
i seriously hope your trolling, fucking kys