So what will the social and political landscape look like when the vicious and hateful communists attain total power? Will all White males between 18 - 55 be sent off to "Re-Education Gulags"?
What It's Going to be Like When They Have Total Power?
Theyre really trying to meme this into existence
Should White males be scared?
>invent internet
>use it
>like dogs pissing on fire hydrants
Well if dogs created the fire hydrant, they have every right to piss/shit on it.
Scary tbqh. I'm facing anti-white subhumans on /his/ daily, and those people are dedicated. They take "their job" very seriously. We shall weaponize memes against such individuals. You can't loose if your opposition are retards.
Huge White male fetish with this gook. She has some self loathing problems.
>Scary tbqh
Imagine the government being Google Human Resources or Twitter. They hate White males.
>Huge White male fetish with this gook.
Yeah, there was something she said like, "I only fuck White dudes." She's a head case. And The New York Times hired her. She essentially got a raise and a promotion for being anti-White. And which tribe owns the New York Times? Hmmmmm.....
they won't
take off your proxy; the Jew fears the Samurai