Okay, "Magapedes", I know that because none of you want to admit Trump has flaws...

Okay, "Magapedes", I know that because none of you want to admit Trump has flaws, it has resulted in idolisation and worship of Trump, to the point of cringey obsession, because many of you felt that to criticise him or his mistakes would be giving liberals ammunition.

But tell me how you can justify him saying windmills cause cancer.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he thinks they do it on Jow Forums for free

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>windmills cause cancer.
provide link
Also, i been working on them going on 5 years now. To say X gives you cancer is asinine.
I guess working around carcinogens like fiber glass, oil's, and RF. Then sure it can to the workers.

But Wind Turbines have been linked to neurological issue to the local populace though...that has been proven.



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>multiple posts in catalog with the word magapede
is tumblr still raiding us? i thought it went extinct when they removed most of the kiddie porn

Truth is we need to unite with Australia, Canada and all European countries and all send our nukes towards (((their))) main creation and bodyguard which is America then we can just give Arabs the green light on Israel and after that we can all take the trash out of out own countries and clean things up.

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I dont really like Trump that much. I love how angry he makes my enemies. Stay mad !

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His boomerisms are not the issue here. Him being a zionist puppet is...

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found the Marxist feminists jew

>pro-disarmament (?)
>no wall
>more legal immigration
>tax cuts for the rich
>makes vague neocon threats to Venezuela
>recognizes the Syrian Golan Heights as Jewish territory
>hasn't ended a single military involvement in the Middle East despite having expressed his ostensible will to do so

So how is this orange fuck still a better option than Yang? What has he got left to offer really? More sucking Jews off?

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Retarded boomer, spics are pouring into this country by the tens of thousands, and you're still posting retarded memes from three years ago about "triggering snowflakes"

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>windmills cause cancer
Have you seen the mindmills in Nantucket Bay? Neither have I because the local liberals thought they were an eye cancer so fuck the environment.

This is one of the truest, ultimate "pills" out there. The "Death to America pill". If you don't actively seek and work on destruction of Jewmerica and its circumcised mongrel slave mutts, you aren't doing anything.

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Trump is deceiving us. It is not shameful to be deceived, but it is shameful to stay deceived. I live at Arizona border, the Mexican flag flies alongside the Arizona flag and the American flag in 2 places in Tucson. The Arizona border is wide open, AZ is not in the budget and there are no immediate plans to build a wall here. The men who work the checkpoints barely speak English. Busloads of well-to-do illegals are being bused in for the past 2 years. Ask any trucker who works out of the NOGALES terminal. The buses leave full and return back to Mexico EMPTY only to fill up again. Trump is lying and all I can say is people in the Northwest ought to learn Spanish to remain competitive in the new US job market.


He said it in a mocking tone and said "they say" but you robots take shit like it's in binary so that's where we're at. It's the dumbest thing ever to go off of someone's words alone and nothing else, but you seem to manage it every time.

Its the only way we can solve things I dont care about the huwhite people over there anymore at this point since they will stop being huwhite soon, we need to take (((their))) biggest muscle out then send the Arabs to kill Israel which is the brain so we can all procede to take our countries back from (((them))) and install our own law for once and run our countries however we please.

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I need a cite on the windmills thing but it's entirely logical and the paint and electronics contain carcinogenic materials. Dust from the production process etc, things like that.

Hahaha, you just OWNED Drumpf!!!
MAGA? More like MIGA amirite fellas?
Haha, epic troll!!!!!
Drumpf is literally finished for good this time!

I was cringing so hard when I saw these Jow Forums pic related faggots salivate over Trump few years back, salivate over a jewish piece of shit just because "he trolled pwned pissed of some liberals"...imagine being that dumb, imagine being in that state of mind that you root for whoever "pisses of da libruls".

And look at their president now, sucking Netanyahu dick, groveling to Israel, I've never seen anything like it. And those same jewmericans that bought the retard hats 2 years ago, went around talking about WORLD WAR BACK TO BACK CHAMPS shit as if being a cannon fodder for jews in WW1 and WW2 is something to be proud of.

Fucking cancer of the planet.

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>falling for the green energy Jew


He is right about the home owner value....it's why farmer demand MILLIONS a year in the lease contract.

Cancer to the workers perhaps but populace, not enough information but it does fuck with you neurologically.

Tell me why you care, because you aren’t affected by this at all.
Otherwise it’s just garbage b8.

Pretty much, I knew from the start there will be no wall it was so obvious that he was another peon put in there by (((them))) they knew the dumb Americans were in need of someone like that and thats exactly what they gave them, without any change of course, Americans are do guilable and thought some moron that lives off of shekels was self made and without any political shape shifters behind him, it was all so obvious from the start, their whole political scene has been an Incredible shirshow orchestrated by (((them))) for the past 40 years.

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It's visual cancer

Majority of the windfarms in the US are in conservative states.
>North Dakota
>South Dakota
>West Virginia

Commiefornia, Oregon, and Washington have a lot buuuut Commiefornia been decommissioning them. Colorado is making a surge and so is Minnesota and Illinois

America's openly gay German ambassador will lead Trump's global campaign against 71 countries where gay sex is a crime as the president finds new ways to pressure Iran over human rights


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If Trump says windmills cause cancer then windmills cause cancer. Now fuck off back to your windmill infested shithole and have some spotted dick while you wait to brexit.

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Strawman: The Post

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For the record, wind turbines are cancer.
They're a shit meme that kills birds.

But hey at least they put up a good fight, ya know, in the legendary (((meme war))

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This is the ONLY solution
MuttMassacre WorldWide

Stopped reading

heh, get with the times user. they're migapedes

They sure showed those liberals who daddy is

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Under Trump On Track to Hit Highest Level in a Decade

illegal immigration totals at the southern border were so high that not since 2007 has the country seen this much illegal immigration in October. In October 2007, there were about 51,300 southwest border crossers.

In August, Trump signed a massive $716 billion military budget — a boon for Defense Department contractors — that did not include a penny for his border wall.


We are being invaded and it has gotten worse not better under Trump. I at least expected the numbers of illegals to remain at a constant under Trump if nothing else, but I sure as HELL did not vote for the number of illegals to increase under this President

"B-but at least Hillary ain't the president"

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Trump didn't even really have to revoke DACA. Dreamers were issued two year work permits if they met certain criteria...the permits were only good for two years and this group of people became DACAs. As soon as Trump came in he began issuing two year work permit renewals when their initial ones expired. He was doing exactly the same thing Obama had been doing. Giving out work permits to illegals without Congressional approval. All that Trump had to do was not issue any renewals and DACA would die out on its own. It was only a two year work permit, as soon as the recipients' two years was up that would have been it.

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>$50,000,000,000 to Israel
>Still can't afford $12 billion for our own border protection
I guess Israel's sovereignty is more imporant.

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Wish in one hand

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And is this your first day? Jews have always, and will always control the world.
>if you can’t beat them, join them

Drumpf is a retard like all retardublicans. News at eleven. What do you expect from a bunch of rural and suburban retards who worship the almighty dollar yet believe a magical sky daddy will punish them if they don't offer fealty?

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Who should I vote for instead?

If windmills didn't exist then we would have the cancer of all the faggots that push for clean energy.


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I agree that trump is a cuck, who should I vote for instead?

Beto. He's the only sensible democrat of the bunch. Plus he's anti-Israel.

Trump is all talk, and zero action. He could easily direct the department of defense to construct the wall as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, and they would obey the order. The money could be used from the DoD budget very easily, and honestly wouldn't even put a fucking dent in it.

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You do realize most if not all of his immigration promises such as the wall have never came into reality? We’ve actually imported twice as many shitskins since Trump was elected. I’ve been seeing more and more asians fill up the streets as of late. When is he going to stop that? Oh wait, if immigrants invade legally I guess it’s fine..

Trump Deports Fewer Immigrants Than Obama

During Obama's first term, his administration aggressively enforced immigration law . Deportations from the American interior -- in other words, not of people apprehended near the border — surpassed 200,000 in both those years, also about twice the number reached in 2017.


Trump supporters are basically leftists. I'm not remotely on the same team as civnat Israel worshipers.

most of the trump haters aren't leftypol shills. Trump is a kike cocksucker and it's irrelevant whether or not an actual shill is saying it.


>But tell me how you can justify him saying windmills cause cancer.

Renewable energy sucks, pic related.

Nukes or GTFO!

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.Trump officials open border to 150,000 more foreign workers

Current law limits the number of such visas issued to 66,000 a year — split between the two halves of the year. The cap has already been reached this year. Visas for more than 120,000 positions have been requested so far in fiscal 2017, according to Department of Labor statistics.

This is yet another example of the administration and Congress failing to keep the Trump campaign promise of putting American workers first,” said Roy Beck, president of NumbersUSA, which lobbies to lower immigration levels.

Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, said that instead of "propping up unsustainable businesses by allowing them to become so dependent on foreign workers," the Trump administration should be providing incentives for such employers to hire the "hundreds of thousands" of teenagers, seniors and others looking for entry-level work.

“A lot of the arguments for this kind of program boil down to this: No American worker will do that job. That is a lie. It is a lie. There is no job that Americans will not do,” Cotton said. “If the wage is decent and the employer obeys the law, Americans will do the job. And if it’s not, they should pay higher wages. To say anything else is an insult to the work ethic of the American people who make this country run.”

Trump promised and failed:

_ "Drain the swamp" (purge the financial and Jewish lobbies of the government)

_Building the wall

_Deport 50 (and not 11 as fakenews says) millions of illegal.

_ investigate hillary for his crimes as defense secretary

_ Revoke (and not substitute for another) obamacare.

_ end the wars in the Middle East for the benefit of Israel

_ Support assad

Do not meddle in international affairs that do not concern the US (northern korea, Palestinian,Venezuela,Iran)

_revocate obama executive orders that allow male transsexuals to use women's restrooms and vice versa.

No longer accepting refugees

Decrease the number of green cards category B1 to protect American jobs.

In addition, the Trump government has followed the sexagenarian discriminatory policies that penalize poor whites in accessing universities and employment.

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It’s amazing how Trump has managed to get all the “anti-semites” on his side, yet Trump is the most pro-Jew and pro-Israel President in US history.
It’s an amazing victory of style over substance, of perception over reality.
Exactly how Jewish Trotskyite Communists successfully reinvented themselves as “neo-conservatives” or how a gay Jew like Milo has become “right wing..

Chump is more dangerous than Hillary because people actually trust him. He's the mascot of a fake revolution, nothing more. He's making America great for Israel, not us.

what does any of that have to do with renewable energy being a joke

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Trump is owned by Israel and is a Zionist scumbag. he will be the worst president ever. people need to wake up both sides are one side. Hillary or Obama didn't matter. there all friends for Israel.

The zionist Jews had both candidates in their pocket...they won no matter if Trump or Clinton 'won' the election. The game was fixed from the get go. Don't you see how this is now a nightmare for the palestinians? Trump is a extreme zionist, probably more so than he is an American patriot, he is zionist Israel first....his family, his cabinet are hard line, right wing zionists. Laughably, he has the audacity to call himself a Christian, whereas the truth is he may as well worship at a synagogue, that is if he had any morals and honesty about him..



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The only kind of racism Trump can be accused of is his pro-jhewish racism.

This racism of Trump is real, but it is “kosher”, the leftist/liberal “fighters against racism” do not mind this kind of racism.

Trump supports an ethnocentric jhewish state with jhews-only migration and citizenship laws, 99,9% of migrants, that get Israeli citizenship, are Jhews.

Non-Jhewish Israelis have to pledge allegiance to the Jews in Israel.

A marriage between a Jhew and a non-Jhew cannot be registered in Isssrael.

Israel was created on the ethnically cleansed Palestinian land, it is protected by a big wall, which is build on the Palestinian land. Isssrael applies collective punishment to non-Jhewish native Semmites on the occupied territory.

Trump supports the further ethnic cleansing of Palestine from its native Semmitic population, but he is not called a bigot and a racist because of his support of radical Ziooonism..


In 2008, Obama was touted as a political outsider who will hose away all of the rot and bloody criminality of the Bush years. He turned out to be a deft move by our ruling class. Though fools still refuse to see it, Obama is a perfect servant of our military banking complex. Now, Trump is being trumpeted as another political outsider.
A Trump presidency will temporarily appease restless, lower class whites, while serving as a magnet for liberal anger. This will buy our ruling class time as they continue to wage war abroad while impoverishing Americans back home. Like Obama, Trump won’t fulfill any of his election promises, and this, too, will be blamed on bipartisan politics.

>pro-disarmament (?)
>no wall
>more legal immigration
>tax cuts for the rich
>makes vague neocon threats to Venezuela
>recognizes the Syrian Golan Heights as Jewish territory
>hasn't ended a single military involvement in the Middle East despite having expressed his ostensible will to do so

So how is this orange fuck still a better option than Yang? What has he got left to offer really? More ..sucking Jews off?

This is one of the truest, ultimate "pills" out there. The "Death to America pill". If you don't actively seek and work on destruction of ..Jewmerica and its circumcised mongrel slave mutts, you aren't doing anything.....


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