Why are (((they)))coming for us?

Why are (((they)))coming for us?

The American fake news factory which was known to defame anybody that stood with the American whites is now trying to attack India.

Yesterday (((they))) reported some "officials" saying that no f16 were missing and now this real official statement debunks their bullshit.

Is it because they want to discredit the Hindu nationalist government or is it something even bigger?

> remember this is a thread to discuss (((them))) so watch your language.

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Gib link, currynigger.

I havent been hearing much about this at all in the media lately

>I havent been hearing much about this at all in the media lately
No shit, huh? That's why I asked for a link.
I mean, wtf is this shit?
>pic related

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That is my point, isn't it?

OP delivers.

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Lots of fake news about ASAT lauch too. I think you're upto something OP

PAF pilots are no match up against Indian aces. Don't believe the propaganda in the nooz.

You brought this upon yourself for sucking their dicks rather than kicking them out and allying with China and Iran.
This is what cuckoldry, fear, and trying to play the middle man in the face of injustice brings you.

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