2020 Candidate Pete Buttigug is a Zucc plant

Zucc visited the nobody mayor last year.


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Remember when Zucc hired a PR firm to convince people he was human and they told him to drive across the country?
That's what this was from.

wtf is that creature next to Zuck? Looks like some generic middle aged sympathetic anglo clone.

with Italian and Irish roots...

>wtf is that creature next to Zuck

That's who the world oligarchs have anointed as President.

He's just mayor of a small town in a depressed area and he's on every show all the time.

Interesting... So it's a bit similar to Karol Józef Wojtyła, but in politics?

full video

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E.Michael Jones said that Pete Buttplug would be picked by the elite as the first gay president TWO YEARS AGO.

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does anyone have those edits from his Facebook? Those were fucking hilarious


Mayor Butt-pegged

>be picked by the elite

He was a Rhodes Scholar. Same as Bill Clinton.

Bet those smoked lotsa meats in that car.

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More like Emmanuel macron

wtf is this?

welp RIP buttplug

He's such a nobody. If he's their plant they're beyond desperate.

I think Zucc the cuck won't be gassed in invisible undocumented military trials after six gorillion sealed indictments get unsealed and the sky falls and boom... boom... boom... and the plan the goyim trusted so much gets done.

It's either an alternative origin story for facebook which has been suppressed, or a typo by the author of the article. It's probably the latter though.



>It's either an alternative origin story for facebook which has been suppressed, or a typo by the author of the article.
It's not from an article. It's from facebook dot com in the year 2000.
That is the origin story to a company with facebook's domain 4 years before mark started it.


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Oh shit, you're right. Stupid mistake on my part.

>In 2005, the company dropped "the" from its name after purchasing the domain name facebook.com for US$200,000.[30] The domain had belonged to AboutFace Corporation.
Oh second thought this isn't really noteworthy.

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>Oh second thought this isn't really noteworthy.

Except that the founder is another Jew from Boston with a near identical product and origin story.
And the media has never interviewed him. This Adam Grossman guy.

It's not something I would ordinarily blow the cover of, a data collecting honeypot, rather than the Chinese, but fuck Zucc and Facebook are assholes.

oh so mark knows hes too repulsive and retarded to run for president so hes gonna use a proxy connection

did zuck come out saying he wishes that the government would censor online platforms? bitch, just censor your own website, you fuck. and now he's supporting buttigug. so a vote for him is a vote for facist practices

They probably fucked each other. Two faggots.

That's not faked.

There is nothing particularly strange about a politician meeting with a wealthy person, schizo. It doesn't mean anything.

Its my gay-ass mayor who tried to turn his city into a sanctuary city until the police told him to fuck off. He also spent over a million dollars on a used school bus.

Right now he's trying to earn money so he can run for president. You know, because a man who can spend a million dollars on a used school bus is someone you want as president.

how did Zucc get so lucky?

>There is nothing particularly strange about a politician meeting with a wealthy person

This was a year ago when he was only a mayor.

The CIA probably instructed him to become mayor there to become a folksy candidate for them.

Buttfucker & Zuck....
Thursday nights on TBS

>mayor who tried to turn his city into a sanctuary city

How the people can elect someone to represent them and said representative opens the territory to illegal aliens.

In Ohio here they're bringing in Somalian Muslims by the tanker load.
I don't know which is worse. Actually yes, I do. Black African LEGAL Muslims are worse than Hispanic illegals.

My governor was crying on TV about how we need understand that we WE US the people who voted for him could have been from the 3rd world too.

I can't think of a worse act of war by a government against the people. Maybe Waco.

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Call him Buttplug. He HATES that nickname with a passion.

I can actually verify that that's not the case; it wasn't until LITERALLY the day after Trump came to South Bend and held a rally that was by far the largest event that South Bend had ever had that he thought he could run for mayor. I'm not even joking; he saw on my phone at this one event where he was serving alcohol to people for a while (because he likes doing that) when I showed him how many people were there, as I had attended the rally to support Trump, and he started taking the idea of him being president serious.

>How the people can elect someone to represent them and said representative opens the territory to illegal aliens.
Oh it gets better: Right after he announced this to the police, there was a case of an immigrant overstaying his visa working for the city. It was revealed that this guy was working for the city illegally AFTER said illegal tried to get someone fired for being pro-Trump. Said immigrant then belittled him stating "Nice of you to do this for me, what about the others who live on the West side who are scared and afraid?" Little shit didn't even show gratitude.

I won't name him, but I know who he is and which department he works for

my working assumption is that it is not possible to have multi-billion business success without backing, because of all the gatekeepers that are in the way.
You have to either be C!A, Jew, Illuminati kidf*cker, or whatever other protection racket operates out there. Otherwise they will block you out.