I thing the worst thing about the UK is the hoards of white male cucks who support the EU and call you a nazi and a racist if you disagree with any thing they say
Worst thing about your country?
This applies to Western Europe in general tbqh.
Had it too good for too long... Bullseyeing sand-rats in some backwater for the good of Pissrael doesn't make the same caliber of men. We need someone to start some real fucking shit again.
>worst thing about your country?
we still allow other countries to exist when we could overtake the world in less than 15 mins.
Both generations ruining our future in their own special ways.
You couldn't overtake Vietnam after 10 years of Total war
The roaches could destroy you on a whim, pathetic mediterranean mutt
Country has no value other than being power projection for the jews. A meaningless and disgusting melting pot experiment.
They would if they could
Stop daydreaming that your country is some kind of a warrior culture
You don't have a good military record and war was never your thing
If anything, you are the superpower with the worst army in history
Thread will be dead, let me bump quick.