Germany Jow Forums

Memes aside How german is germany? What are the big cities like? Are most immigrants still european? Hopefully things can change for the better for europe.

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Its hell, I look out the window and I see nigger or ragheads instantly, they are everywhere.
I go outside I don't hear anyone speaking normal german anymore, everyone has some weird accent and everyone bastardized the language with english words.
I walked past a school and I only saw brown children and niggers as teachers.
cant order food or go eat anywhere because all the food is made by disgusting niggers that don't understand basic hygiene.
there is crime everywhere and the police is useless, they always go for the lowest hanging fruit but ignore criminal gangs that steal everything.
racemixing is pushed at every corner and all other real germans that I know don't have kids.
everyone is a hedonist and only looking out for themselves.

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I don't know, I live in a shitskin free city

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Berlin centre and the ruhr area are like pic related.

("Can you show us a place where white people live?")

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Where in the east do you live?

Wanna move out of the ruhr area soon. Looking for saxonia or saxonia-anhalt or meck pomm to go there soon

Multiculti, very multiculti

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>What are the big cities like?
user, what kind of question is this

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This is an actual slum in Berlin. No hoax, no photoshop.

Rents go up in that area 15-30% per year.

That wouldnt have happened under the Führer!

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we're on the path of total chaos right now.
there will be a new order, the only question is who will build it.
probably the jews.

it's like the memes on Jow Forums depict it, but worse.