Prove to me you are not racist, say something good about that place

Prove to me you are not racist, say something good about that place

Attached: 1200px-Poland_in_its_region.svg.png (1200x676, 239K)

You're my third favorite country in the world and all the Poles I know are based racists.

Poles still have pride in their country

They are incredibly loyal to their jewish religion even though we all know they're rapists and a novus ordo cult bringing about the white genocide.

Attached: 1552689397086.jpg (1112x835, 82K)

My toilet is practically gleaming.

"their" haha
our rightful clay and you are taking care of it for some time now so do not let the damn shitskins in i want to go back to prussia in the future

>our rightful clay
Berlin is a Polish city, but okay. Just be happy we didn't give them that back too.

Attached: Berlin.png (815x241, 27K)

teen Kasia

I love The Witcher

>my country is so shit i need other people on the internet to validate its existence
when you're done swing by my place pavlov i need someone to fix my toilet