Show your politiscale

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Bring it up

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Family, work, order

Best there is

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Okay, quit similar. Despite you don’t really believe in the “invisible hand”?

Yours is quite balanced

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I got fatherland as well, I wonder if the flags are constructed dynamically.

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Now what?

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Why do you think free market is bad?

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Attached: PolitiScale Feb 2019.png (800x1200, 223K)

Are you a thought criminal Chinese man?

What makes you think this way?

Those tests are always garbage, because they're made by americans who cannot understand nuance and the necessity to apply different solutions to different situations

Oh by the way, I have also posted mine on Chinese site

i got a similar rating to him and I'll give a short simple answer: free market simply leads to people taking advantage of others. It's human nature.

lmao, some of you tards need to retake macro economics

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-06 PolitiScales.png (580x866, 153K)

I understand your point. However this version is the best one I could find. At least better than political compass or any other simple “right wing vs left wing” tests

I have just finished my macro course at uni, to be honest it is way harder than micro

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Not necessarily. A good institution can always align self interests to the social interests. Just like what Adam Smith have said.
A competitive free market is always self regulated

>Why do you think free market is bad?
Free market is globalism ad absurdum. I'm absolutely willing to sacrifice economic growth for social cohesion etc. Of course, there's a sweet spot. Social cohesion might suffer in a dirt poor state (homo homini lupus and what not). It's a paradoxon. A totally free market hurts the weak (not weak in terms of Darwinism but within the social framework). E.g. monopolies will hurt those who are denied other (maybe violent) means of combating them.

>Fatherland, Work, Justice

Attached: politiscale.jpg (650x832, 71K)

>progressivism and nationalism together
Very interesting

>i got a similar rating to him and I'll give a short simple answer: free market simply leads to people taking advantage of others. It's human nature.
Thanks and agreed.

I'm mostly classic National Socialist w/r to technology, once we get started on interstellar colonization we can have entire ethnoplanets for different Whites.

Well, free market and (((free market))) are different. I understand your point, but do you think a planned or centralized economy is efficient? The answer is no, because the central planner don’t have the knowledge or information of the market at the right time or right place. The central planner cannot predict the market.
However, sometimes government indeed need to step in, but limited power. Such as to prevent monopoly because it causes social welfare loss

Im anti-communist tho but I understand

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Okay, good to hear. Please take care of Africa, Middle East and the rest of Asia but please leave the East Asians alone

Family. Fatherland. Work

National socialism prove me wrong

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If they keep the niggers and shitskins busy extracting minerals for our products then East Asians will get a few planets too and we can live however we want.

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Wait, you are saying you want to conquer the outer space?

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There's nothing I feel strongly about, the only thing I got close/over 50% is capitalism and positivism

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Why the fuck not, we're all going to kill each other on this planet if we get stuck together. At least space colonization is a temporary shared goal.

>Well, free market and (((free market))) are different.
The whole idea of the free marked is inherently Jewish. See (((David Ricardo))) and many before and after him.>I understand your point, but do you think a planned or centralized economy is efficient? The answer is no, because the central planner don’t have the knowledge or information of the market at the right time or right place. The central planner cannot predict the market.
Agreed. However, I think my results reflect my personal ideology (literal national socialism) quite well. Didn't study why I score quite high on "communism" but I see others here do as well.

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A fellow pragmatist/centrist

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