How does Jow Forums feel about spending so much time and effort meme-ing this fucking failure into office? Was the entire operation of getting (((him))) elected run by MOSSAD?
>No wall >Sky-rocketting gov't spending >More immigrants from brown countries than any admin in the past >Releasing hundreds of thousands of beaners into the States >Q LARP >yay Wall St do good
For those of you who actually busted your butt making memes and trying to convince friends and family to vote for Trump, how do you feel? Betrayed?
Dude weed LMAO what is Aleppo gang doesn't feel bad.
>Mossad Operation Probably. The Jews are always so many steps ahead, it's ridiculous. I've come to learn that hard lesson.
I do not think it is possible for high IQ to account for it either, it's like they have some contact with demonic entities telling them the future, or something. Something not of this world.
>USA and Russia working together Nah. That's not a thing.
Congress is more Jewish than ever
>His actual foreign policy is bad for Israel He has been sucking Israel's dick for the last two years. Jared made sure of that.
And then you say: >Trump being so pro-Israel allowed....
Make your mind, boomer.
Henry Parker
An old boss taught me long ago that if you fail to deliver something for a client, you had better show yourself to be angry and disappointed and upset at the failure and everybody who caused it, otherwise if you show no concern the customer will direct 100% of his disappointment and anger at you for failing him. Trump is acting like he is delivering when we know he is failing- and his lack of honesty and angst about the situation indicates he doesn't really care - it was a con-job all along.
Noah Robinson
Until they're wiped clean of the Earth, we won't be able to stop them. They were allowed to become too powerful after WWII. Just like niggers, they play the victim card, but they have more wealth and are more intelligent than 99% of the pavement apes. I feel at this point, the only way to take the entire globe back is to just genocide them fuckers.
David Reed
That's how I feel. I voted for Johnson because I did not trust him, and then about 8 months after he won I jumped on the train, but jumped off again last Autumn or so. Even my boomer parents are fed up with (((his))) shit.
Caleb Williams
They were powerful before WW2. The Russian revolution and the world wars were entirely the handiwork of the jew. The Rothschilds, Sassoons and Sacklers are just the tip of the ice(((berg))).
Jow Forums was never about fighting for an ideology. It was for creating chaos and discord. Salt mines and anger fuel this board. Liberals are just easy targets. Trump for whatever reasons just makes liberals heads explode.
Never has our society been in such a chaotic state. Never has tbe status quo been so imbalanced. Id say hes done his job quite well
Andrew Anderson
The creepiest of all Jews
Kayden Sanders
This. Their power stretches back to the days of Babylon and possibly even before. Ancient bloodlines created by The Annunaki. I'll just leave it at that.
Zachary Bennett
>reddit spacing >Trump is destroying Israel by overfeeding the parasite. cringe
Robert Bailey
i agree, who should i vote for instead?
Samuel Foster
So you don’t even know yourself and what you want and about? Thanks for making this thread on your obvious insecurities and attempted justifications for your felt “betrayal” of a politician. If you can’t stomach politics, don’t participate in it and come out crying about how no candidate fit to your bill and those that do are never elected.
Owen Lee
Obama couldn’t even close 1 facility down in 8 years. That’s how much of a loser that retard was. Drumph will take us to the promise land, but it’s not without short term setbacks. >gun ban Whenever the issue is brought up, you’ll see a rise in purchases. It’s the same thing with stopping illegal immigration. There will be a massive short term flood of illegals that want to take advantage because we have horrible laws and not enough resources to combat it. Politics is a game of inches. We will succeed where the gun grabbers have failed though. You will not see Drumph’s success until many years after he’s gone.
The kikes have both sides of this government under their thumb. They run all the ptg threads.
Blake Young
muslims are on our side ipshit. they hate jews
Grayson Thompson
Tell me, who was an alternative to trump then?
Kevin Ward
I'm mostly just disappointed in myself
I was an avid Obama supporter in 08' but after I got 1488 redpilled a few years later I said to myself: "Never again will I be fooled by a politician!"
Welp, looks like I still got fucking bamboozled. Luckily I didn't actually participate in the memewar, but I observed everything that happened and I am extremely emotionally invested. In the end I only have my own lack of insight to blame
Gavin Gonzalez
He was the only credible candidate that could stand up to Hillary and in the process his candidacy forced the establishment to entirely dis-credit itself and in the process dis-credit the entire corrupt system we live under. Trump’s backpedaling and his Pro-Israel and Neo-Con further dis-credits the system.
Tyler Wood
>Was the entire operation of getting (((him))) elected run by MOSSAD? Sure as the fuck seems like it
Jackson Thomas
shut the fuck up with this kike fucking propaganda mossad you stupid faggot
Gavin Bennett
No theyre not. Theyre angry and want to dominate the world. Jews keep sending them into wars. If anything theyre a weapon of the jew
Owen Miller
>Based Muslims! Fucking cringe All semites are dogshit
Ryder Gonzalez
>credible I'm not defending Hillary, but man you haven't done your own research.
Its a double edged sword for me. Jews keep getting muslims to kill each other and if they dont theyll start killing us because theyre stupid savages.
Kill the jews means muslims need to get killed.
Killing muslims means the jews are still there
Dominic Sanders
Unironically this.
Pol was never more than a counter society board.
Chase Harris
what do you propose we do?
Charles Kelly
still a huge W for us because he shifted the overton window and managed to awake a lot of whites. myself included. I would've never found pol if it wasnt for trump
Jackson Sullivan
>awake a lot of whites as in holy shit America has never looked stupider what to do we do type of wake up?
Gavin Robinson
You niggers still think the "meme-ing" of Trump was for to help? Only the trash in /ptg/ fell for that.
Lucas Lewis
Destroy mecca and blame it the indians.
They are a few stops away from all out war between hindus v muslims.
Muzzies are retarded and will still likely bombthe west, hopefully wake up normies.
Day of rope for jews
Isaiah Nelson
I agree, who should we vote for instead?
Christian Harris
>only the trash in /ptg/ fell for that. your "meme-ing" had Jow Forums members on the news for going to Trump Rallies and exposed themselves in the board lol I think you guys fell for it yourself
lol ok but who are you going to vote for? why are you ashamed of it??
Jason Ortiz
>209131056 I literally said anyone but this failure, you're still trying to bait so hard why? I gave you my answer and you can't stick with it. If you've voted before you know that's there's options listed. Anyone but this failure means any candidate not named "Donald Trump".
I'm sorry you couldn't understand the first time. Please get educated first before coming to this board.
Lol you retards clearly were born yesterday if you aren't shills. He's much better than anyone else in politics. Are you new to this? >oh my god he likes israel and isn't saying 1488 kill all immigrants He's don't plenty, and has actually brought us back towards the right unlike bush. >No wall He's putting up as much wall as the rest of the government will let him >Sky-rocketting gov't spending lol no he's spent much less than Obama >More immigrants from brown countries than any admin in the past Another lie, he's deported a shit ton of people increasing the amount multiple times past Obama. He's actually banned countries from Immigrating. He's stopped chain migration and immigration lottery, the two things that brought in so many browns. We actually have standards now about who can immigrate. He's refuse refugees unlike any other admin, he cut aid from countries sending immigrants, etc etc. >Releasing hundreds of thousands of beaners into the States He's resisted this as much as possible, actually building camps outside the border to keep them over there, sending the military down etc. There are laws on the books that allow children with families to be released. The media was throwing a fit about children in cages because he was resisting this despite the law.
You have no idea what you're talking about if you're not a shill.
Thomas Reyes
In what ways did he fail you and who do you think will not fail you on those issues?
so do you have any opinion beyond "orange man bad"
i didn't vote for trump in 2016 but i don't see why i shouldn't vote for him in 2020. and people like you can't even articulate a valid criticism of him so it only shows me that he is the right choice. thanks.
Easton Robinson
I unironically agree with this.
Christian Taylor
>TrUmP iS pErFeCt AnD No OnE eLsE cAn Do BeTtEr what's it like being this obsessed?
i honestly dont care how he's doing. all the candidates in the elections are shit anyways.
Parker Murphy
lol it's pretty funny watching this guy try so hard. he's more of a triggered snowflake than the whole LGBT community.
Carter Wood
Zachary Sanders
I don't think he's perfect at all. I don't want illegals in my country, and even though trump is doing the best job I don't see anybody else doing better. Care to provide an intelligent response or are you just a gay fag? :)
who you gonna vote for though?
Gabriel Perez
confirmed 12yo. Trump is doing the "best job" because there's only one president? Not surprising that you don't understand how politics work.
I vote foe total annihilation of Israel and all its constituents and the Vatican and all those associated with. No more dual citizenship for anyone who holds public office. Mandatory voter ID with tally receipts of votes mandated in all states. Execution of anyone who has violated the constitution. Sarah Backus let terrorists walk free. Terrorists.
The republic is dead.
Kill the pedophiles and the world will regain sanity until then we are in the fast lane towards total destruction of everything benevolent and good in this world.
the libertarian dude weed what's an aleppo gang are just as against borders, the only trick is being against a welfare state means you won't have millions of economic migrants flooding towards your borderless nation to suck the welfare state literally into total collapse; instead we get ancap mad max society where the weak will fear the strong. Every politic in the west is globalhomo these days. White countries for EVERYONE! our corporate oligarchs demand it, for big jewish profits!
Oliver Barnes
What was the alternative?
Joseph Powell
Okay, so here's the deal. In a nutshell, what happened is this: DRUMPF. GOT. OWNED. Sorry Drumpfkins, but them's the fact's. The Cheeto with tiny hands just got trolled, and not just trolled, but epic style too! Try recovering from THAT, Quompf!
Sebastian Reyes
You have to understand, Trump supporters are the absolute bottom of the barrel dumbest fucking subhuman goyim pieces of shit imaginable. There has never been a more pathetic group of people in the history of the world.
Trump literally CANNOT stop sucking Jewish dick, even though they vote 95% democrat and are our #1 enemies.
Evan Hall
I agree, who should I vote for instead?
Christopher Carter
whats the redpill on WW1?
Sebastian Gray
So Trump has been MK Ultra'd and Kushner is his handler. makes sense
Asteroid. Or attempt to take out some politicians good luck though NSA will get you before you can.
But apparently if youre going to blast up a school or a synagogue the NSA doesnt ever seem to stop that. Or a country music fair. Gotta keep that gun grab narrative going strong.
Guaran fucking tee you if you went after a politician youd be apprehended long before hand though.
The republic is fucking dead
Eli Sanchez
>Trump has been MK Ultra'd You're such a fool..
Leo Morgan
I enjoyed every little bit of the journey. I loved watching the hilarious reaction videos in America and abroad. It was the best night of my life. I'll happily shitpost behind my computer soon to get the guy in again.