User, why don't you watch my videos anymore?

user, why don't you watch my videos anymore?

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Ancap is retarded

They went from interesting to shit tier clickbait immediately after you got popular

I never did

like all kikes, he lacked foresight.
He does not produce interesting content, he is a backpedalling fence-sitter ancap pseud and he is boring.

He has swindled enough shekels out of his fellow white goyim, he will be fine.

>user, why don't you...
Because faggot

I never did because you are the wife in your marriage.

I haven't watched him in forever, I liked his historical videos, statistical videos & interviews with interesting people but he's all hot takes & cucked interviews now. Charlottesville scared the leaf, he's gotta protect his shekels.

You keep telling the same shit over and over again.

Thats why.

Not you are not right. I'm just not entertained anymore.

He said his mom was Jewish and then scrubbed the ineternet so no one could see it. Then he addressed a question in a recent video where he said his mom ISNT Jewish. He’s a lying snake.

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he does the world a service by interviewing some of the most cucked people on the planet and helping them to right themselves. His interviews helped me to get the self knowledge to make myself better, yet i dont agree with a lot of his political conclusions.

a child can't consent molymeme

Is your life just a big circus? Do you learn for entertainment or because of a thirst for truth?

It’s kind of both for me, I’m not busting your balls. Deep enough into the rabbit hole, you eventually have to bluepill yourself anyway, or end up a delusional monk living in a box.

stop voting for endless government so they'll bring in less immigrants retard

nobody's got the time to listen to you waffling for half an hour

I loved your videos from 2008-2017, but unlike the degenerate retards on this thread, I didn't get bored, I just said, whats the point? The democrats always win anyways?

He trades in blackpills. All he ever does is bitch and moan without providing any solutions.

set the speed to 1.5, idiot.

You know what the solution is. We all do, we just don’t want to accept it.

I support you

Being shot

From what i've seen, i like.
Just not much of an e-celeb watcher.
I prefer to watch niggers in africa ruin what was once great.

or based E. Michael Jones

your a faggot haha

hes said several times he grew up under Christianity and moved away from the church later.

no, you are. moron.

I never did

Oh hey stefan. Go fuck yourself you lying faggot. Lots of us remember when you said your mom was Jewish when you gave that speech at that college. Member? Eat shit

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I watch them, not the Minecraft crap though

that's all you can say. go back to Media Matters, small brain.

But I do still watch your videos. I just watched your newest minecraft video and I'm going to watch your live Q&A in 1.5 hours.

keep swallowing moljizz


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Based and redpilled

Because you and Lauren Southern have been shadowbanned and never appear in my feed or recommendations anymore.

Make more interesting videos.

what's it to you who I listen to, commie?

But I've never watched any of your videos.

Anarchists and libertarians are overwhelmingly in favor of immigration. Fix this retardation and perhaps you'd be considerable.

Until then, you're a meme.

Brenton got pushed over the edge. I think once 2020 gets here there will be droves of people pushed off the edge

>Let's talk about themes young people talk about
>Wow, they are talking about this stuff? Cool
>Let's repeat every time I shoot to the red cross
>Free Market is good goy
>Government is bad goy
>Communities are bad goy
>Individualism is good goy
>Jews are good goy
>Remember to get some debt goy
>If you are poor is because you suck goy
>Ehy goy, listen to me
>Goy, goy!

You went to Poland and became a raging faggot

they're too long, emotional like a woman and barely relevant to our causes.
I liked his vids back when he covered happenings with detailed breakdowns that cut through the media spin

Because you verbally belittled me for donating a dollar to you.

brcause youre a stupid fuck who my drug dealer showed me

And this folks is a typical Molycult fan. Stupid and weak willed.


haha I got that too.
I gave him $10 USD because I used to appreciate his stuff and he had made a begging video.
After that he made a video belittling people who only gave little amounts, not even sure what he was on about, I didn't bother to listen after that

He touched the edge then got scared and ran back to safe territory.

This thread made me choose a random video of his to watch and it's actually really interesting.

because I don't watch your Young Turks bullshit?

yeah until you realize hes preaching to a choir

Honestly, he’s too dramatic and you can really see his history in theater. I’ve started trying to fix things about myself instead of worrying about every little thing he wants to complain about.

no u

I still do, Stef. Don't listen to all the edge.

>The democrats always win anyways?
dude you're retarded. there have been more republican prez than democrat over last 50 years. how fucking stupid are you?

He hasn't had any interesting guests on in quite some time.

I'm actually quite liking Tim Pool right now.
It doesn't feel like I'm a in a right wing circle jerk but I can still get my biases confirmed

These videos are always amazing.
>Stef, I've been listening to FreeDomainRadio for years. You've helped me so much.
>My question is my child is having problems in school and my wife and I don't know what to do.
>Well, I don't have contact with my oldest child from my first marriage. That's not who I called about.
>Well, my child who I called about isn't actually mine, but I promised my wife I'd take care of her children from her previous marriages.
>Well, my wife does use meth, but only when our child is staying with her ex-husband.

Debate jf you faggot.

>plays Minecraft with a child who yells at him that he’s incompetent while he overanalyzes everything in the game
the absolute state of modern internet eceleb philosophy in 2019.

fucking hell Molymeme, I saw that shit too

kek this is too accurate. I don’t even hate molyneux but he dropped the ball not supporting Faith Goldy when she ran for Toronto mayor, he was too chickenshit to get called a nazi associating with her when it a year later he’s called a nazi anyway and saying all the shit she was saying that he should’ve been backing her up on when we had a chance to save this country from the left’s twisted clutches when other right wing candidates all across Canada were inspired to run by faith’s campaign’s success.

Instead he pussied out because he was scared to lose his internet dollars and be called names, and now no one will ever run on an anti-immigration anti-Muslim anti-gun control anti-SJW campaign in this country ever I guess we just watch him play Minecraft until his channel dies as we watch the country burn when Trudeau is elected again.

his “the truth about...” series are the best in depth sourced breakdowns of big complicated subjects. They’re my go to when I want to understand a topic that I don’t have time to research all the little branches of.

>I gave him $10 USD because I used to appreciate his stuff and he had made a begging video.
>Gib's me.....
>um, ok. what's the meaning of life?
>Fuck off, Gib's me more you cheap bastard
>*cries like a bitch*
how many of you people are on meds? asking for a friend.

to be fair it was his step mom that was jewish

>End big government
>Immigration to a crawl
>Race realism
>IQ realism
>Anti communist
>Anti government
>Pro rights
>Aware of the JQ

>h-h-he's a fence sitter!

>emotional moral nihilist with a god complex

Yikes, JF is based but also degenerate scum at the same time

He has gotten better vocally but his videos are still tiresome to watch. I let them run in the backround and when the dude starts one of his yelling rampages it just gets obnoxious

i wish he'd star in blacked porn.

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>Anarchists and libertarians are overwhelmingly in favor of immigration
you fucking autist, without a huge government funding these people to come there would be significantly less, you're literally a meme and a retard

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>without a huge government funding these people to come there would be significantly less
You realize that corporations are one of the major blocks trying to bring in mass migration right?