NEETdom is the result of having a logical brain and train of thought, submitting to wagecucking is the result of very real FOMO on society and socialization. Both are a unique kind of shit, but wagecucking is getting more ridiculous while NEETing is starting to make more sense as time goes on.
David Gray
Nah fag, you're just lazy. These days literally everywhere is screaming for people who can show up on time and aren't druggies. If you can do those things, you can easily get and keep a job. Motherfuckers will bend over backwards for you because the labor market is so tight.
Cameron White
There's a lot of jobs but very little in the way of work with career prospects. Part of the reason why people can't be arsed to care about working too much.
Cameron Murphy
Just sell emotional products to dumbdumbs on the internet
Jeremiah Phillips
yes NEET life is objectively superior in every way with 1 exception: i have no money
>Nah fag, you're just lazy. These days literally everywhere is screaming for people who can show up on time and aren't druggies. If you can do those things, you can easily get and keep a job. Motherfuckers will bend over backwards for you because the labor market is so tight. how come i applied to over 1,000 jobs and only got 3 in-person interviews, which offered the jobs to someone else?
i have a degree from a top ranked uni and 5 year work experience. i have been off drugs for a year, clean piss.
>If you can do those things, you can easily get and keep a job you mean a mcjob cleaning toilets for $8/hr? hmmmmm. i have not started applying to any of those jobs, just ones that my work experience is relevant to
Luke Gray
A lot of job postings already have someone they are going to hire at the time of posting (via networking). On top of that the HR drones filter out shit loads of resumes using applicant tracking software, so most of the time your resume isn't even viewed by a person. Shits pretty fucked.
Elijah Flores
Also resume autists will find 100 things wrong with your resume and discard it.
Jace Johnson
>how come i applied to over 1,000 jobs and only got 3 in-person interviews, which offered the jobs to someone else? How come I got laid off in January and started my next job three weeks later?
(I'm not a lazy faggot)
>but very little in the way of work with career prospects You know, there's a decent point here. Most of the easy to get jobs around here are assembly and manufacturing jobs that start at 12 or 13. If you're a lazy faggot who just does what you're told, you'll get along fine and stay at that level indefinitely.However, in order to become a team leader or higher with any sort of speed, you need to spend time contributing to your kaizen team, identifying 5S opportunities, and generally not being a faggot.
Alexander Peterson
>b-b-best e-e-economy ever r-r-right guise? *pulls out meat scepter*
Samuel Flores
relevant work experience in what field?
Luke Brown
wouldn't having a logical brain result in being a well paid programmer? that's practically all it is.
Jace Thompson
>How come I got laid off in January and started my next job three weeks later? i am not sure. maybe you had qualifications? maybe you have a less competitive field? maybe the job market is better in your state? i am applying mostly in florida
>(I'm not a lazy faggot) be specific. what job is it? how many years experience, what degree?
i mean i literally applied to over 1,000 places and got in contact with 5 temp/recruitment agencies. so if that is 'lazy' what is the solution? apply to 10,000 companies? i apply to 5-10 places per day
Jayden Hall
what caused you to lose your job if you have 5 years experience in your field along with a degree from a top ranked university? maybe that's the reason you aren't landing anything?
Jordan White
% of jobs are from networking (nepotism)
I believe that.
Benjamin Long
LOL, JIM?! Fucking kaizen, LOOOOL
Nah, brown nosing good for nothing faggots get moved to management. If you produce for your manager, you aren't being moved into a position that entails sitting on conference calls and twiddling your dick while you play with spreadsheets.
Joseph Diaz
>what caused you to lose your job i left that job. i basically was getting paid horribly, i made less than half of the median. my dad told me to quit, he said they were exploiting my labor. i also could not afford a new apartment. i was about to be homeless, living out my car just going to work every day.
also it was a web dev position so i moved back with my parents and still did some remote work
on my resume it says i am still working there remotely. also it says i left the job in december when i actually left in june
so i did not "lose" the job i left because it was terrible. also it was totally illegal i was paid under the table, i never paid taxes before. fingers crossed the IRS doesn't come after me demanding i pay them thousands of dollars
Colton Watson
Ive applied to a dollar general and a janitor position at a fucking gym, where he isnt applying im already there at the bottom rung, unlike him im not even getting interviews or calls back,malso fl here
Likewise i havent always been unemployed, but right now fucking sucks a huge dick
I might have to start lying to get even labor jobs around me cause they only looking for experience, even they got enough drunkard walk ins for their menial labor
Fuck this gay earth
Landon Nelson
what job did you lose and what one are you at now
Lincoln Myers
Hahah neet
Colton Butler
What general location are you in? Do you have something naughty on your record? You definitely shouldn't be having that big of an issue finding a new position. Have you checked out Jow Forumscscareerquestions yet? One of the only useful places on that site. If you haven't, give it a look. It could help you land something. Also, depending on location, you might want to consider moving to a city with more development positions.
5 years development experience along with graduating from a top cs school and you can't find a fucking web dev job?
Josiah Gray
>What general location are you in? orlando
>Do you have something naughty on your record? no
>Have you checked out Jow Forumscscareerquestions yet? i'll see. probably just a "walk in, ask for the manager, shake his hand" etc
>you might want to consider moving to a city with more development positions. well i live with my parents for free i have no choice. i would move anywhere if they gave me a job
>5 years development experience along with graduating from a top cs school and you can't find a fucking web dev job? no i didn't graduate with a CS degree. i have an economics meme degree but 5 years experience in web dev (only job offer i ever got in my life)
John Flores
shadow stats is awesome but its worse by a factor at least 3x Soetoro killed off most the homeless still the pressure is there, in reality 90% unemployment the great genocidal lockout while the goyim don't revolt but fap to death