Usury is Jewish Slavery

It's pretty weird how we work all day to pay bankers who lent us money that they don't even have. We work all day and they... pretend to own stuff, so they deserve our money?

When are you libertarian fuckwits going to wake up and realize that capitalism is slavery?

Gottfried Feder knew it.
>Manifesto for Breaking the Financial Slavery to Interest
Ezra Pound knew it.
>Social Credit: An Impact
CH Douglas knew it.
Louis Even knew it.
>The Money Myth Exploded

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This nigger again.

usury is jewish slavery, YES.

rent =/= usury, retard.

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The invisible hand of the free market will guide those people to those homes in the most utilitarian ways possible via the use of market forces.

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WTF is this guy's problem with landlords?
Buy a house faggot.
Or it means their costs went up. Landlords have to compete with other landlords and the price of buying a home.

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This thread again

Labor is unironically one of the biggest costs for companies.

Usury is just a market force, goy. Now pay me my interest. My cousin Murray needs more shekels for his trip to Thailand.

And that justifies Wal Mary spending 15 billion on stock buybacks while their employees collect food stamps?

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Don't have 4 kids as a single mom and expect walmart to pay for it.
It is a high turnover job for lower class people trying to work their way up.

>that guy thinks he needs to be paid better than most white collar jobs even though he really had no marketable skills and deserves healthcare that is 100% paid for and a pension equal to more than his average wage while he worked for us for the rest of his life because some kikes in the UAW are holding our business hostage

Bump your own thread more faggot

>implying the system we're under is capitalism.
Explain to us how the government printing money you're required to use for legal trade is capitalism. Explain how eternal taxation based on the value of what you built on your land is capitalism. Explain how the government using your taxes to bring in 60 million invaders who drive up your own housing costs by artificially increasing demand is capitalism.

It isn't just work harder, it is work SMARTER.
You will never be rich being the world's best janitor. But if you invent the world's best mop, you may be on to a fortune.

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Imagine being such a cuck that you defend Jewish investors over working Americans.

The issue is over regulation and over taxation, not usury.

But, but, it's not Real capitalism!

Is that all that this issue was in the 30s?

Imagine being this drunk on kike propaganda.

>just say “kike” or “Jew” and Jow Forums will agree with you

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>real capitalism has never been tried!

How is it capitalistic trannyboy?

imagine being such a cuck that you want government to solve all your problems

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Yes they...own stuff. And they are letting you pay to use the stuff they own. It's pretty simple. I had no idea this was such a debated topic.

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Imagine being such a cuck that you're fine with someone fucking your wife, as long as the government isn't involved.

If you don't support rent, you are a communist. OP is promoting Marxism. Bullet coming

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>just gotta put in a couple more night shifts at Wal-mart and I’ll be a Fortune 500 CEO in no time
imagine being such a prole you unironically believe this


I invested in this post and it turned out to be a good investment. But there was a massive amount of risk and I could have lost all of my investment as well.


sage the slide thread and MAGA


There are people (capitalists) who own means of production.
Thus it is capitalism.

I wonder how he feels about taxes

government unde capitalism is causing the problems, laws are the only way private property is possible. Solving it directly, through violence, is not 'wanting the government to solve your problem'. On the contrary, it is taking an active role in bettering your situation.

I'm not a fan. Nor am I a fan of debt based money.

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>I want Wal-Mart to pay their employees more so they stop getting food stamps from the government
>durr y u want gubermint solve all ur problems XD
unbelievable how cucked you guys are

People who get mad at landlords are fucking stupid.

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if you work to earn enough to buy a property with a house or duplex on it, then renovate it to the point where a tenant will rent it from you, screen applicants until you find someone that you are willing to take a chance on and rent it to them, continue with the legally required maintenance, and business expenses, you might get a better idea of how much goes into being a landlord. the risk taken, the insurance, the paperwork, the taxes, inspections and maintenance etc. all cost money and time. more likely then not, if you want to make any real money, you would have to do this with many properties. while not everyone is grateful, not everyone can afford to buy and maintain their own property. landlords provide a valuable service to their respective communities. some do it significantly better then others. like every profession, some people suck at their job and should seek employment elsewhere, but the point is that it is still a job for them too.

not every landlord is jewish and capitalism is fine as long as you tax the right thing.

The right thing is Land Value Taxation

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Here in commyfornia , people get a loan to buy a property than rent the property out. The cost of the mortgage is the cost of the rent. They do this for ten years and once the principal drops to a manageable payments they take out another loan and proceed to get another loan and start the process over. The housing market crash was created by these fucking leech boomer who never had to do the same thing and would have cried if it had been done to them.

This isn’t a job it is borrowing money to own a home and expecting other people to make the payments on it until you can actually make the payments. These fucking users do this multiple times until they don’t have to work. What makes it worse is the fucking rent is based on what other people are charging in the area and every fucking boomer and faggot idiot think they are actually entitled and productive members of society while screwing anyone else who just needs a place to stay.Hence none of these loan faggots have had to do any real work, they have other people pay for their homes and believe this ride will never end but the second the market crashes they fucking go broke and cry about evil politicians and banks. The hypocrisy of these people is fucking astonishing.

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The landlord sits around and siphons value created by a communities industry

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Taxation and regulation is a cornerstone of capitalism? Didn’t know that, thanks for the lesson, cunt.

A thief also has to build skills and buy expensive equipment. This doesn't make what he does valuable.

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The problem is state backing for banks... i.e. central banks. Remove those, and the over stretched banks collapse in great big piles of pyramided debt.
Bankers can only run the ponzis they do because central banks exist.

It's so simple, but Jow Forums has become so kiked by (((Austrians))) that they can't see their own enslavement.

Make the Reich great again!

>Usury is jewish slavery
You got that part right.
Bumping just for E. Michael Jones.

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>the cost of the mortgage is the cost of the rent
Seems like the owner has a ton of costs coming out of their pocket if the rent only covers the mortgage

>worse is the fucking rent is based on what other people are charging in the area and every fucking boomer and faggot idiot think they are actually entitled and productive members of society while screwing anyone else who just needs a place to stay

Land monopoly has been a thing forever

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>Jews were behind brutal communism which butchered and exploited millions of non-jews
>Jews are behind globalist, rootless capitalism which exploits millions of non-jews

Maybe the problem has to do with jews, not so much economic ideology.
Once we get rid of jews we need an economic system that serves our interest, and it's like to be some sort of middle ground between capitalism and social democracy.

That's literally why US auto companies went bankrupt though...

Don’t bother.

Or we reject both and embrace a 3rd position.

They deserve your money because you signed an agreement to give them your money. If you don't sign that agreement, you won't owe them money.

Yeah, blame the workers, not the fabulously wealthy executives, shareholders, and bondholders.

Pay day loan sharks also get schmucks to sign the papers. But I guess you're okay with that, right Shlomo?


Yes, I am OK with being voluntarily entering contracts.

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I'm more of a fan of unoccupied home taxes. There are a ton of homes that are actually available, but are not on the market because 1) people/banks are holding onto them because they're waiting for the market to go up and 2) If they did put them all on the market, the price for a home would drop like a rock.

For example, I live in a city of 1M people. There are approximately 30k shadow homes here. 30,000. This system is a forgery of supply and demand as the available supply is actually suppressed by a great deal.

So tax the fuck out of these people holding on to property to falsely prop up the market at levels that excludes far too many Americans from owning homes. Fuck 'em right in the wallet and this will fix itself.

I don't recall those companies stealing my money (without using the government to do it) or having the power to falsely imprison me.

so I can assume you read all user agreements for the services and products you use so that you can intelligently give your consent?

Georges Remedy of the single tax aka land value taxation would have the same effect. It would make it so owning land you are not using would be extremely expensive

You're okay with your wife cheating on you as long as she freely agreed to it?

also, show flag

conservatives don't even understand what youre complaining about because they think that capitalism = free market

Not cheating on a spouse of part of the marriage contract. But if it weren't for some reason, I wouldn't be against such a thing in the sense that I wouldn't want to see people get imprisoned for it.

I'm not seeing where you're going with this, but no.

Your a fucking idiot. They created the housing crash and fucked the younger generations in the process making it impossible to afford a home so 5 years later they could do the same thing with even more people who need to rent based off their actions. They squeeze the tenants and raise the rents to the breaking point every time based off greed when that happens people can’t afford to even rent and these ultra kikes crash the market with their fake inflated prices “ remember these same landlords are the same people pushing for open borders because it creates more need for housing and it allowed them to artificially inflate their prices”. When the housing market crashes jobs disappear and the banks get bailed out deflating the value of our dollar for the next 5 generations if not more. These home owners boomer kikes write off the expenses that you believe they pay on their taxes. Basically they are leeches

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its a contract that you enter into with businesses. Don't you read the contracts?

lolbertarian logic

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>i'm okay with my wife cheating on be
behold the libertardian.

Ok, but if I can't afford a mortgage than what the fuck am I supposed to do retard? I'm not living on the street and I make a decent living as an educated man, but I'm not a boomer and I don't have 500K+ to throw at a property. But pay is fucked up. Property values have increased like 5 fold while wages haven't really gone up much. This is all adjusted for inflation btw.

I do not.

hahaha SAVED

Remember to sage and hide leftypol threads.

the alternative to a choice based economy is a duty or obligation based economy.
but what is duty and obligation?
who gets to set that precent?
what is "the final boss" of economy.
who really gets final say im what "economy" even is and its mechanisms behind it?

>reading only part of the post

Good one

If you don't want to get a loan, my suggestion would be to rent for a little but until you are able to save up more.

>Renting a boat is fine
>Renting a car is fine
>renting a gun is fine
>Renting a woman is fine
>renting a house? REEEEEEE

Everything is fine

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right, so you just contradicted your first post.


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>this idiot
Because the house you’re in was free for the landlord

lords and land barons and duchys also had certain responsibilities.
doesnt excuse them exploiting their tenants.

>a replacable low skill retard is worth as much as someone who needs to make decisions that will either make or break the company
What caused poorfags to become self entitled, and how do we end their delusions?

His problem is he’s mad he can’t afford to pay rent from his shitty comic strips

Let me ask you a question, retard. What is the alternative? Disallowing renting? Then the supply of livable homes decreases, increasing their price monumentally. You're worse off without renting.

I think you just described "Intellectual Property" laws

My first post as telling the OP to not enter a contract where he has to pay back a loan if he doesn't want to have to pay someone back for a loan. What does that have to do with what you and I are talking about?

Leveraging debt with debt is retarded and the owner has a net worth in the red

Owning property isn't any cheaper than renting it. You have to pay for your own repairs, property taxes, and sometimes you are forced to pay for improvements to the property such as putting in a sidewalk or being forced to pay for upgrades to infrastructure.

Ownership is stewardship, and stewardship is doing something. I wouldn't expect a 20 year old faggot to understand that though.

Kek, you niggers don't know how it works
>(((banks))) lend out loans for mortgages at 4.4% per annum
>landlord takes loan to build house, tacks on another 3% to rental to make money
>consumers like you pay 7.4% of the house's value per year just to stay in there
For example if the house is worth 400,000 you're paying 29,600 annually just to stay there. Its usury with extra steps.

Ok retard let me spell it out for you. Ill even include some fucking pictures so you can keep up. I can only post 1 image at a time so this is a 2 part post.

What follows is a tutorial on how to end poverty, slash housing prices and generally end all human misery with a few keyboard strokes

>Any government that is too lazy to delve into the economics can simply replace their land titles as follows.

>Here's what modern land titles normally look like. Government, pay attention: These are the ones you DON'T want to use.

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