Is there anything worse than fitnessfags...

Is there anything worse than fitnessfags? People who spend most of their week working their muscles to look "jacked as fuck duude". It's fucking retarded and gay as fuck.

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T. Basedlord who spends all his free time playing vidya and is salty some jacked chad is fucking the girl who rejected him

lol you sound so butthurt. stay weak and flabby you virgin faggot. kys

And they hang out in obnoxious packs of douche bags too with their fuck boy hair cuts. Fucking sheep obsessed with instagram likes.

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with being a virgin. NOTHING.

Girls prefer intelligence. They know men with muscles cheat and are assholes.

>most of their week
Nigga I go like maybe 6-8 hours a week and turned out looking like zyzz. you're just a salty incel
probably the cringiest trip I've seen for a while. fuck off gook

>anything worse
yeah, weak little shitheads who need their girlfriend to carry the groceries because they are too heavy

I either work or study. Gymrats are dunces who spend their money on supplements and roids.

>going to the gym to look good going to the gym
its almost as bad as lycra bikers or starbucks fags


wasting a perfectly good sex organ.

a 45 minute workout means you cant study? what?

If you knew anything about fitness you'd know staying swole and in shape takes only a few hours a week.

It's the fags taking steroids and doing it for "aesthetics" that give it a bad name.

Imagine being as ugly on the inside and outside as you. I stay the fuck away from people like you.

No they prefer men who gorilla fuck them and neglect them emotionally.

FUCK YOU. I had to look up who zyzz fucking gay ass name was and low and behold he's another generic asshole reatrd looking fucktard which is probably what you look like. faggot

No it's saving it for the right girl and protecting yourself from stds

Don't bother. The concept of moving around for anything other than to get food is far beyond their comprehension.

I don't really think you understand what the word generic means

>Being physically fit and being stupid are somehow related.

Except that fact that you aren't a man.

No they don't only a really small percent do. I was at a bar with a friend (traumatizing experience, never going again but thats a story for another time) and I sat there looking at all the whores hanging out with douchebags like the blind sheeple they are. I just laughed and thought of all the cute aryan women making WAY better choices than them and waiting till marriage to have sex. Only girls who go to bars and some at the mall are like that.

I work out but it is really annoying when I hang out with friends who go to the gym, it’s all they talk about and it’s really lame and annoying, it’s their only real hobby. Yesterday they spent like an hour talking about how awesome overhead presses are.

This forum itself is clown world. Now being in shape is bad, and being a fat loser who collects neet bucks is virtuous and sophisticaded.

Do you exercise at all? I pity you if you don't. You will have joint and skeletal pains related to mediocre posture as a minimum punishment; or obesity and drastically reduced life span on the rough end....

Yea I'm not gonna take advice on women from a guy whos never had one.

Imagine reading your own post right now and not realizing how full of shit you are, and evil too.

OP is a fat fucking dyke.

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Doing it for narcissism is stupid. Doing it for women is even worse.

Doing it to prepare your self for the collapse is based and red pilled

cant tell if posts like this are bait or just general betaposters

>9h workday
>2h commute
>1h chores, cooking, etc.
>4h studying
>8h sleep

also it's never just 45mins. you have to pack up your shit, drive to the gym, exercise, take a shower, drive back, unpack your shit. it's an hour and a half I could spend more usefully bettering myself.

condoms also protect you from STDs. and having your first raw experience with the woman you love is basically like losing your virginity all over again.

Yes it means the same as everyone else. When I go to the mall I go to eat at the food court and make sure I sit in front of the place people walk and observe. He looks like the generic asshole type who will die sad and bitter when he wrinkles.

I have that 5'8" and works out like that. Its fucking sad.

Gymrats don't actually get that much women contrary to the popular belief.

Ok, this is epic. She's literally dabbing away bigots- lit style.

wtf how am I evil? Those are the evil people ruing the west.

Lol. All I do is some pullups, pushups and crunches. You don't have to go hardcore into to be in halfway decent shape.

Have you ever considered that you have natcissistic personality disorder? First symptom is that you think you're better than everyone else without good reason.

>a fat loser who collects neet bucks is virtuous and sophisticaded.
It is because we reject this classic sheep mentality of 9 to 5 bs just to come home to some roastie whore who cheats on you with assholes like him
and its stupid because most women dont like men who do either. They like free souls and free thinkers like me

>the "rules" don't matter
Adolescent psychopathy yassssss

I run 20km a week and do 2 hours of yoga. I'm not jacked at all, just slim and healthy. Am I considered a "fitnessfag"?

Well i walk most of the time, i lift sometimes at home, i vacuum and do chores like that etc.

I'm better than subhumans of course but other aryans are just misguided but equal or superior to me in some ways maybe.

>8 hours of sleep.

I remember when I was 16. Y

>decent shape
according to those BMI charts I'm at normal weight at 23.9

Gotta exercise, or lay down and rot and stop fucking talking so much.

Youre just gonna cheat on her

Because you don't look in the mirror. You point the finger ouside of youself.

>it's -it's the world thats wrong! Not me!

Lol bmi

>not hitting the sack at 11PM
I remember when I was 22

I've had hundreds of chances but turned them all down because they were either subhuman or ugly or a whore. A whore who I mistankingly gave my first kiss to wanted to fuck me but I ended up masturbating in the corner of the room instead with my back facing her because she gave me blue balls.



Nah man, it's a pretty productive hobby. Girls will like you more, you'll feel better, you'll be stronger, men will actually like you more too which is interesting. Oh and your brain functions better when you're in shape. If you want to improve your life the first thing you should do is exercise.

How much money did you make today not working for the jew? How is your resume going?

That isn't evil I don't keep foreskins in jars like you kike shill. And I look in the mirror everyday, obserrving my aryan features and observing the inferior traits passed down to me from my polish and russian genetics. Thankfully mostly aryan features from my grandma was passed to me.

Lol you wake up at 7 am? I sleep 6 hours a night max

Okay, I thought "young troll" who doesn't understand the art. Now I know "bad" troll, gotta be 18 kid...
Btw Jow Forums and Jow Forums are the most bro of any two boards. Gotta be swol for the race war and to defend the ethnostate.
>Fuck you /mlp/

I have a college fund but I can barely go because the libtards and coal burners are too much too bear

>uses the word aryan.

Fucking kek. Come back to reality some time, its based.

ever see a dinner bulk itself up for you :)

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>imperial measures
Sorry Amerifriend, just for your reference a kilometre is about eight lengths-of-pig-intestine and six bleets-of-the-goat.

ok I'm seriously getting pissed right now this whole board is starting to roast me. I bet all of you are actually beaners, niggers and subhuman jock asshole normie scum betraying your aryan ancestry.


I totally recognize that there are well-adjusted people who don't need it, but for an autistic/schizoid Jow Forumsack like me lifting before work makes the day 1000x better socially and just moodwise

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Fuck off kike, aryans are alive, well and your time will come

6:30 up
7:15 on train
8:10 at work
6:00 leave walk to gym next door
Hit hard for an hour "real" work not faggy crunches...
7:00 shower at gym, walk to train
7:30 train leaves
8:00 home make dinner and lunch for next day. Have FOUR HOURS to sit and read, tv, whatevs.
12:00 sleep.
Repeat. Not hard.

>be me.
>stomach is a little gurgley but I ignore it
>head to gym
>doing ppl
>on diddly
>super hot thai girl in yoga pants comes over and proceeds to do kettlebell swings
>immediately autistism kicks into overdrive
>instead of my normal lift grunting I consciously deepen my voice and switch to "mmmrrraghh" like chads do
>add more weight
>stare at her ass and don't realize I have added 1pl8 more than my previous max
>perfect thai ass still swinging rhythmically
>accidently proceed to try to outlift my previous max by 90lbs
>instinctively revert to my vanilla grunt which sounds like donkeyrape.
>thai qt stares at me
>get all the way up.
>liquidshit my pants and everything goes black
>Buff handsome blonde guy is inspecting me intently
>Hey you, you're finally awake
>You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.

Gymrats don’t actually spend as much time at the gym as you think. You’re just a pathetic faggot who can’t manage to take 45 minutes out of your pathetic day to better yourself.

lol OP got btfo so hard in the thread he made earlier that he left the thread, put on a meme flag, and made a new thread several hours later. Hes a tubby American btw

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Back to sucking that cock user

And this is how you want to live your life? Structured like a robot?

Thinking too much and making excuses

Bravo. Great story! Have a (You)

7-8 hours sleep would be better for your health.

You sure spelled disciplined weird.

It's called self control, something you keep aluding to in your righteous rage fueled outbursts, but any moron can be controlled in a locked box. You have to go out and "make" the world and be IN the world to exercise self discipline. If you were really a man you would understand this. The future has no place for those weak of will, mind, or body. And you fail on all three

>six bleets-of-the-goat
Not Arab, must have confused us with Sweden.
How many hand egg fields is a km?

>takes 55 min from train to work
>only takes 30 mins from gym(next to work) to home
>spends part of the study time making lunch and dinner
>sleeps 90 mins less
I'd rather not live in a pigsty and spend my time lifting heavy objects instead of investing in my career and future prospects

Still loads more than OP is getting tho

>t. bitchkike

I actually looked this up for you. A km is 10.9 American hand egg fields.

t. PhD in Maths

>What are express trains
Have you ever left your rock?

It’s literally the easiest way to get girls. If you want to win the long game, go back to school and become a doctor. You are guaranteed at least a 8/10 girl (if you’re white).

But instead you shitpost on an anonymous Chinese basket weaving forum and argue with other anonymous people.
>muh valuable time spent wisely.
Fucking retard.

I'm more of a man than you, you sound like some youtube self help guru faggot vlogger

>Nigga I go like maybe 6-8 hours a week and turned out looking like zyzz.
Are you also taking a life threatening amount of steroids you retarded faggot?



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Not everyone can gain muscle retard

You can get pretty jacked going to the gym 4 times a week for 1 hour sessions. Even the small small small percent of gymrats that go twice a day are only at the gym for 14 hours a week, and thats about as intense as you can get.

He definitely doesn't look like Zyzz but going to the gym every day for an hour (7 hours a week) will get you pretty jacked over time.

I do it for the health benefits and the good feels. Good looks are just a bonus.

Poorfag doesn't have a gym in his basement and is a salty incel

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Moron. Yes. They. Can. I wasn't aware your body came from the womb at a fixed mass.
Fuck I didn't mind jdif and shareblue, compared to these limp wristed children.

I drive to work, you know, what white people do

nigga I'm clocking out in an hour and a half. not my problem the office didn't receive the requested documents yet

people building home gyms are deluding themselves in 9/10 times

I figured this applies more to girls who "hit the gym" meaning they do half-hearted exercises and take selfies in the big mirrors.

OP is a faggot though, it's not about being jacked it's about establishing meaningful routines that positevely affect your physical and mental well-being, and let's face it chicks like fit, good looking guys in general.
I lost 60lbs in the last 12 months by dieting and fasting but I realize I need to get my heart rate up more ofthe during the week. I'm starting with basic bodyweight shit and and stretching.