give me the low down on vaccinations. Okay, not okay? What's the risk, doctors tell me the risks are minimal, is this true?
I need advice from informed anons about vaccinations
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You're in the years of the fall of the western empire friend it doesn't matter what we can tell you just be ready. this is never truly the end just the end of a book and for another to open.
Check out this site i can't be bothered to spoon feed you or mass dump infographics
White invention that the jews work hard to export to Africa while trying to get whites to stop using in the hopes that a disease will cull our numbers.
Dont vaccinate your fucking kids. My girlfriends son has measles and weve never been happier
>give me the low down on vaccinations
You get vaccinated because you know it is the smart thing to do, protects us all, eradicates easily preventable diseases.
You don't get vaccinated because your IQ is below 40, you're insanely gullible and fall for conspiracy theories, you are psychotic and don't care about humanity, or your death wish is to die of an easily preventable disease while millions of others mock you on social media for being a complete retard.
The Kremlin says you should die a slow and painful death because you live in the West. Please prove the Moscow Jews right and eliminate your sickly self from the healthy herd immediately.
My wife's son wasn't vaccinated and he's fine
No proof vaccines cause autism
They're dysgenic enough as is soonly against the important stuff, rabies for instance
Everything vaccines claim credit for was actually achieved by hygeine, nutrition, and sanitation.
The general idea and concept of vaccines is true and works, but at this point you can't trust them at all.
Literally the more education you have and the more money you have (highly correlated with IQ) the less likely you are to get vaccines for yourself or children.
That's not true. It's quite the contrary. It's usually the low IQ trailer trash that don't vaccinate their kids or the religious retards, like here in France the arab or nigger Muslims.
France stopped sucking Ahmed's cock long enough to tell us his thoughts about vaccines
There’s no fucking middle ground with these people. It’s either you accept they’re totally safe and effective and get all 67 or whatever quantity of shots there are these days, or your a rabid filthy anti- vaxxer. Most adults aren’t immune anymore to the things they were vaccinated against as children. They wear off. Some vaccines don’t even give the kids immunity, they just potentially lessen the symptoms if you catch it ie meningococcal .
Pic related.
This is why vaccines are a losing bet. Even if they weren't chock full of ingredients that are neurotoxic, they can't and don't work as advertised. Until we can develop vaccines that safely activate a Th1 response, few if any vaccines will last more than a dozen years or so (rubella is the only one which--for unknown reasons--gives lifetime immunity), and all of them increase your chances of severe disease complications if you develop an acute infection despite vaccination (vaccine failure). Other than rubella, within 2-12 years you might as well have skipped the vaccines, and considering most childhood diseases are safest in--who'd have thunk it?--CHILDHOOD, what the fuck are we trying to accomplish?
Skip em.
Stop pretending autism is the one and only concern people have when it comes to vaccines
>t. Ben Shapiro
Niggha the only reason people live longer is because of basic sanitation. Not vaccines. Vaccines are a remedy to a problem not a solution. Old dirty 3rd world niggers and beaners need vaccines because they litterally wipe their mouths with shit. Vaccines are only needed when an outbreak is confirmed and you’re seeking to stop its spread. They’re are literally giving kids vaccines for stds. Wtf is that. Fuck you dirty nigger
No, vaccinations are literally made for the poor and stupid. Same with fluoride in the water. Only poor sick idiots need it for their teeth, but they give it to everyone.
Vaccines actually help you if you are weak and stupid and live in squalor to start. Not otherwise.
This is literally the opposite of true. Even the AAP specifically recognizes that it is predominately well-educated, higher social class white people that have the highest rates of vaccine resistance in the US. Most low-IQ trailer trash types would happily take the $25 Wal-Mart gift cards to pump mercury into their children so they can buy another case of PBR.
you can't eat tuna during pregnancy because the high mercury content can give the baby neuro complications, but once it's born, hey want to inject it with high doses of mercury, which is safe in every way
check your facts dipshit. mercury has already been "phased out" of all the vaccines that are given in 1st world countries, except for the flu shot which is given seasonally and is not administered to infants. what's more, there is no evidence that such a low level of mercury is even harmful to infants in the first place. kys
there is no reason to have flouride my dude
This is not true in the same way that margarine has 0% trans fats. The way labeling works is that if it has less than 25 mg of thimerosal, it doesn't have to be listed as an ingredient. 100% of the HepB vaccine supply along with many others on a case-by-case basis also have mercury in them. It isn't just the flu shot: that's just the only one that is higher than that threshold.
*0g trans fat. Ugh. Basically, if it's
Hep B
You burger brained idiot
>the less likely you are to get vaccines for yourself or children.
That's only the credulous and insanely gullible. The sooner they die off from easily preventable disease, the better.
>t. Ben Shapiro
Ben, you're an embrassament to Jow Forums, stop shitting up this place with your batshit stupid posts.
find clean safe ones. spread them out.
>No, vaccinations are literally made for the poor and stupid.
Then why do all the wealthy always have all their vaccinations?
>Same with fluoride in the water.
The weak level of flouride in the water can only arrest dental bacteria. If you had passed 10th grade chemistry, you would know it is NOT the fluorine that is the deadly poison.
>Old dirty 3rd world niggers and beaners need vaccines because they litterally wipe their mouths with shit.
Exposing yourself to bacteria is precisely how vaccines work, dumbfag.
Yes, let's all have 3rd world teeth. Not.
Go back to /plebbit/
recharge your phone user. also again, I'm gonna need a source for this other than "" which for all I know is some mike adams run pseudoscience site
>pic unrelated
Think of an index fund with 500 companies. If the fund returns 5% do you care what the individual stocks do? No, you compare it to other funds on the basis of expense and expected returns. In the same way vaccines are part of a portfolio of public health measures. The question is whether portfolios with vaccines have a better ROI thsn vaccine free portfolios in similar countries with the measure being mortality rates rather than financial return. The evidence suggests that vaccines have no impact at all on mortality across the portfolio and in fact may even cause higher mortality than non-vaccination. Pro-vaxxers never argue the big picture ROI, they always just show scary pictures and tell you how bad the disease is. It is the same as not buying an index fund because there is one company that did really poorly. Public health is not measured by single parameter indicators.
You've got to wonder why they keep pushing these vaccine mandate laws when it literally creates a massive anti-vaccine evangelism army that undermines the whole pharma market. If they weren't trying to force vaccines on people who didn't want them there would be a lot less vaccine resistance.
how do i unvaccinate myself and remove the mercury jew from my brain
Learn about chelation. Also, have any mercury fillings removed. It isn't easy, but its worth it.
will this fix what the government did to me with their fucking faggot needles
You can look it up for yourself at the FDA site: vaccines are considered to have only "trace amounts" if under 25 mcg (0.01%) thimerosal, and therefore don't need to report it. There is a page describing the same thing at the CDC.
BTW: if you go to the HepB page at, the "FDA" link actually links you to the CFR .gov page where that information is discussed. Pretty much everything in the vaccine section of that site is meticulously documented, primarily referencing either pubmed or government sites, outside of general disease descriptions which come from sources such as Wikipedia (which are themselves the references section, not that the information matters other than for general education for people that are completely uneducated in what various diseases even are).
The resistance is always there, as many of those that refuse vaccines have good reasons to, such as witnessing vaccine injury or reading scientific literature. The political pushes only force them to fight in the open rather than largely keeping to themselves and doing their own thing. If I didn't homeschool my kids, I'd be throwing a shit-fit in my state capital right now due to proposed mandate laws.
Okey i think a lot of people are misinformed on the main reasons we still push vaccines, even for diseases that seem trivial. I am a healthy person. If i get the flu I probably won't even realize i have it, but im still infected and will spread it to others. Many people have absolutely shit immune systems, this includes infants and the elderly. A diseases that gives you the sniffles, gives others a 100+ fever. It may not affect you if you don't get the vaccine but it will hurt those around you. My sister wasn't vaccinated when she visited our parents (probably to borrow money, the filthy fucking parasite) and she gave them something real bad and now Ma is bedridden and i have to take a break from work to look after her. Honestly fucking hell get your vaccinations you lazy shits.
this THREAD is being SHILLED
Vaccines are completely safe and fine and only retards with soccer mom tier chemophobia/general ignorance make shit up about them. Though the whole point with this hatred of Anti-Vaxxers all of a sudden has nothing to do with the vaccines and whether they cause autism or anything like that. It's more sinister. It's to demonize anyone who criticizes big pharma as a looney/retard. It's the same reason why you see retard boomers talking about "the moon landing wuz fake" being vilified in the media, sure they're retards but the point is to make it socially unacceptable to criticize a certain thing by making you out to be a crazy retard if you do. That's honestly the who point of this debate here, it's typical subversive jewish media tricks.
America is being overrun by disease carrying spics, diseases that the American immune system hasn’t had to fight in 3-4 generations due to vaccines, and you’re worried about some blog post that says there’s a 0.001% chance of getting autism? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Also, it’s just autism. Who knows, it may give your kid telekinetic powers.
No, once you’re infected with faggot there is no cure.
>Also, it’s just autism. Who knows, it may give your kid telekinetic powers.
Well I mean most users on this site has autism so there are benefits.
I’m a parent user, my wife was never vaccinated and my baby hasn’t been either. We’re homeschooling and not putting the baby in daycare so I don’t see the need to vaccinate against polio, Hep B, etc.
If you are on this board saying cocktails of vaccines don’t cause febrile seizures which damage the brain (autism), you are a Fed.
just like cutting dicks, kikes are trying to make the world suffer the same shit genetics they naturally are born with via vaccinations
They don't, though honestly the point isn't vaccinations, it's control reasons and to make you look retarded for questioning big pharma over questionable things like tranny pills, anti-depressants, various mental health meds etc. that are just awful. I mean a lot of these meds are awful for humans to be taking. Birth Control is a big thing too, that shit causes females to go insane and other effects, it's why we have so many sluts. I mean woman who just get on the cock carousel are mentally defective but now with Birth Control it causes this minor genetic defect to be on mass. Shit is also in our water supply too due to it being in female piss and not filtered out. So yeah. There is a lot more scary shit in the medical industry than vaccines friend.
>What does FDA stand for
Check out thehighwire on jewtube
Actually that’s exactly the right way to think about it and it amazes me that you reach an anti-vaccination conclusion. How do you figure that herd immunity isn’t worth it in the portfolio?
Wiping your mouth with a full strain virus is not the same as generating a weakened one in a lab. Fucking retard. Holy shit.
Herd immunity is a myth. Measles vaccine last 20 yrs at most, meaning most adults aren't immune
aluminum is neurotoxic. 5mg of aluminum hydrochloride causes brain damage in a 170 pound adult human. it's not merely incidental that vaccines have 250mg of aluminum hydrochloride in them and are given in multiple courses to 9 pound babies.
anyone who deflects from this is a shill, aluminum is a serious health concern and aluminum is in more places than just vaccines.
also, anyone talking shit is using the wrong social capital and is therefore a shill. 5mg of aluminum causes brain damage to a 170 pound adult, why is 250mg given to a 9 pound baby several times? i thought liberals could 'follow the money'. fda regulations and mandatory testing for shots, vaccines, and immunizations has stopped, the law was either repealed or has reached the end of it's scheduled authority. since then the number of vaccines and companies making them has increased exponentially. they all were never tested, and they are all mandtory. imagine if you could cook up some bath salts out of whatever bullshit was lying around and your customers could be *forced* to buy it or the government will take away their kids. sounds like a hell of a fucking business plan to me! aluminum hydrochloride is toxic waste, let's put 250 mg of it in a needle and call it a vaccine! if they dont buy it we'll call them crazy, because fraud isn't a felony and psychological abuse doesn't destroy society and doctors dont keep people healthy! it's current year!
this. we are way beyond debating if these substances are poisonous, and we are way beyond debating if they are in shots/needles given as medicine. it's time to confront the people in these institutions directly.
Mm-hmm. Have a chat with my mother, who had polio as a kid. She's still suffering ill effects.
I heard they are also putting carbon in food. Same shit that comes outta cars, fucking disgusting
Vaccines work, don't cause autism, and are literally one of the top 5 lifesaving inventions in human history.
Antidepressants, on the other hand, are one of the greatest medical frauds in human history (except for people with very severe depression). Go look up Paxil.
Herd immunity is demonstrably true.
>pharma is bad
>vaccines are good
fuck off shill
Vaccinating is less dangerous than not vaccinating, that’s what it boils down to. What you should be worrying about is nutrition and keeping your kid away from cell phones plus finding a good preschool.
they're horseshit
western diets weaken immune systems and turn people into pussies who need pharma to give them a placebo that also contains a bunch of neurotoxins
fuck you and your trips, brainlet.
also, anyone talking shit is using the wrong social capital and is therefore a shill.
>unironically responds with a podcast
I have a baby, and reserached it alot, essentially I think the danger MAY be over blown, but the chance of disease is also real, we went with a delayed schelude, so one shot every 2 weeks.
research every single vaccine on your own. download the packet inserts. look up (((official studies))) done on them. look up any credible sources that you can find. Print them all out and then read the whole fucking thing.
I did this before my son was born. Wound up completely filling a 3" binder. I took no ones word for it and did all the research myself. It was extremely tedious and painstaking but I did it. The conclusion I came to is that most of the vaccines present undue risk compared the the relatively benign diseases that they are made for, and their actual, proven, clinical efficacy rates are absolutely piss poor.
There are a couple that I considered to be worth it but they are the ones that are provided in 'multi disease' vaccines and the other vaccines that are included in that same shot are highly questionable.
Another thing worth considering is research "microchimerism", tldr is there is a phenomenon where foreign dna has a tendency to become incorporated in the cells that it contacts. Most of the studies of microchimerism concern womens uterus' sometimes retaining dna from past sexual partners. But, in regard to vaccines, consider microchimerism and then consider the fact that many vaccines contain animal flesh.
Nice debate skills
If you are too lazy to do the research yourself and depend on advice from stranger then your children deserve whatever it is you choose for them.
I'm extremely suspicious that the MSM is pushing anti vax hate especially hard lately. I would like to believe it's because illegals are spreading diseases we thought we had just about eradicated in this country and they want to spin it like white anti vaxxers are the ones causing it. That said I had heard that some think the problem with vaccines is we give too many at one time and that there's nothing really wrong with spreading them out over a little bit of time.
this shit needs sourcing, because you just said a standard single dose of mylanta 200mg is going to make me a retard 40 times over, and that's PO ingestion with ~1% bioavailability
this is breddy mooch what I've conclude after the past month of research because
Based dad.
And yea, the multi vaccines are kike bullshit.
No Proof? Why because 1 study on 1 vaccine shows no link... WITHOUT the aluminum in the study. Come on now. Don't parrot what the Jews (media) want you to say. Vaccines DO cause autism, there is an abundance of information on the harmful effects. Just open your eyes a bit
he's not wrong. it's an hour long, is 2 years out of date, and provides no link in the comments to its sources. the buy in cost to whatever it says is too steep to make it a good source on a board that moves as fast as Jow Forums
If you have this in digital form, upload and post link.
I bet 90% of you pro-vaccine retards won't take a look at anything I've posted. Not even the Pubmed articles
Take your vacinations, don't get sick. Don't take them and get sick and spread disease. Don't be an asshole, take your shots.
Not many people will bother even clicking these if you don’t give context, titles, or abstracts.
Meh. Too lazy. Goodnight Goys
I'll agree in the context of this board discussion it's not a good source. However, I don't care if I win this discussion. If you actually listen to the podcast it might open your mind to the other side of the debate.
first year i haven't been vaccinated. no illness, and i go to college.
on top of that, i'm not suffering from allergies like i normally do this time of year which is odd but nice
it took me a minute to read, suck my dick user
have any of these been replicated to your knowledge? the MMR one I've heard repeatedly, HepB is new to me, and this one
is like...ok? heavy metals bad? ok, now at what concentration and absorbed by what route?
and of course none of them give more than the goddamn abstract so I can't even look at the methodology, I just get to assume it was done properly and uses a representative sample
jesus christ this absolute triple niggerfaggot I hope you twist your ankle
Not cool, bro
>Then why do all the wealthy always have all their vaccinations?
Wealthy and highly educated are far more likely to not vaccinate
I might actually I will check and if I find it provide.. But it wouldnt be today, Id have to dig through many hard drives. For a while I was making photo copies and sending them to people on craigslist and clear web forums.
would anyone inject their child with a needle full of thimerisol, Mercury or aluminum on its own?
Probably not, because they're neurotoxins and they would only do damage to the baby.
Mix a little vaccine for a non lethal disease that is avoided by not playing in dumpsters and all of a sudden you're crazy for not doing it?
Pro-vax people are literal trailer trash
We don't need sanitation in the diverse world of the future user, but we do need vaccines for white people only.