Yang shills and Discord trannies swarming Jow Forums, trying to dog trump solely on israel

>Yang shills and Discord trannies swarming Jow Forums, trying to dog trump solely on israel

yeah boys, I am a single issue voter! forget free speech, tax cuts, rejecting SJW narrative and border security because the president is giving a country money.

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All the shills on Jow Forums are israeli. Yang and Tarrant posters are the same people. Clown posters as well. All the white nationalist posters as well. All the race baiting threads as well.

You people make me sick.

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These retards actually think they're doing anything to Jow Forums. Jow Forums is pure chaos and cannot be controlled by no one. The shitpost is the blood of Jow Forums.

Saying that you don't support trump because of this doesn't mean you're endorsing hillary, you shill. It's trying to send a message that funnelling our money to israel and wars in the middle east is EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID WOULD NOT HAPPEN

Ok, who should I vote for instead??

definitely doesn't seem that way with the flood of posts on this board

The real question is where is the moderation when this place is getting invaded 24/7


If we ban leftists then we aren’t any better than they are. Just laugh at them and call them gay retards and remember to sage their threads when you do it. And remember that you can’t sage if you post an image.

>check Jow Forums
>so now that yang gang is gone can we talk about trannies
>come back an hour later and check Jow Forums
>yang shills are swarming Jow Forums can we talk about trannies
is there something you want to tell us user

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