President Ann Coulter

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Other urls found in this thread:

God I can't wait for the entire e-celeb army of Bannon's to go to prison for being subversive agents.

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first trans-sexual president?

MIGA shills right on time

Every illegal immigrant is a piece of America lost. We're being coin-clipped politically.

>Ann Coulter is an e-celeb

You have to be 18 to post here. Ann has been writing books and working as a commentator since the 90s.

Reminder that every 1 post by this ID near the top of Trump-related threads who uses the term "MIGA" and makes a reference to "Israel" and "Zion don" is a discord tranny shill who will never ever be a woman.


fuck you miga shithead. the difference between you people and me is I do this for free because Trump is a sellout piece of shit. I will shill against him 24/7 with no food, no sleep, nothing because that is how fucking mad I am for his betrayal

You are a paid asshole on a shift. You will not win this battle.


Is all this shilling and damage control because of the Joe Biden tweet Trump did or the Mueller nothingburger?
What are you guys going to do when Trump wins in 2020? 4 more years of the same shit?

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Fuck off discord tranny, nobody here likes that paid opposition coalburner.

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Trans-sexual? Is he finally getting that operation and a pair of tits?

Based Ann Coulter calling out the jewish puppet

So Trump is solely to blame for our immigration issues? Not the numerous democrats and neocons who have been stonewalling him at every turn. At least he's keeping the narrative going.

Where's her white children?

Ann won't have white children. Ann won't run for office. She'll just sell books to people like you who are already angry, and have sex with any nonwhite ethnic group.

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fuck you period

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>nobody here likes
You're trying very hard to set consensus to discredit Ann because she's telling the truth. She will primary Trump and you'll be out of a job. Better work on your resume.

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Nope she jokingly said she wouldn't run because women shouldn't work. She hasn't definitely ruled it out, so fuck you and your disinformation you faggot Trump staffer piece of shit. You're all going to be unemployed very soon.

if you like coalburners you need to go back to lereddit where you belong, kike

>executive branch with antagonistic congress
>muh trump's to blame
this cunt is a talking head who makes money from controversy. she's not just a parasite, she's a parasite carrying a virus.

literally paid to post for trump. you all are going to be really sad when you lose your jobs after trump gets blown the fuck out in 2020 because his base is disgusted. you think you can hide reality just by lying non-stop, but that doesn't work in the era of the internet. you cannot stop the truth about this lying, betraying, kike-son-in-law having piece of shit.

based and red pilled.


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>witting properly is reddit

nigga wat? you have to separate paragraphs with lines.

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Wait, hold on, who's the kike again?

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But she’s not going to run unless we really meme this shit hard into existence
She has to know we want her
I want her bad

there will be plenty of room for them since Zion Don certainly isn’t locking up any actual criminals

This can happen. 2020 is going to be a disaster and the end of whites permanently unless we get someone who will put this country on lockdown. It is our last chance--very literally survival on the line at this point

>What are you guys going to do when Trump wins in 2020? 4 more years of the same shit?
Yes. Four more years of letting in future murderous child rapists and paying israel to pay lockheed so they can flood Europe with more immigrants

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Instead, he releases as many heroin dealers as he can, knowing that whites are dying en masse due to opiates

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she has 0 white kids so i dont care about anything she says whatsoever. she is just promoting careerism for young women.

This right here. We cannot take four more years of Trump. He has to go.

Nobody cares what you think. The endless personal attacks on Ann will not work. You are going to be out of a job soon. Your boss is deliberately trying to lose and lose he will. He will get primaried. Better get to work on your CV.

Latest video by Turning Points USA sucking off Israel

Are you talking about Ann Coulter? Or the people that are pathetic Israel cock sucking simulacrum's of her?
Ann Coulter was talking shit and bashing leftists before the internet existed, so E-anything applied to her is a jewish lie.




>purposely trying to lose to Anne
Man 9kD chess confirmed
Checkmate jews

>army of Bannon's
Coulter has been famous since you were shitting in your diapers.

You are a foreigner. Your government is openly and immensely corrupt. You are pathetic. You are not free.

What's it like not to have guns or freedom of speech? You seem to hate the world. Is that just you, or most people in your 1984 ruled country?

Would marry

Shill thread template #3 is up and operational, post it boys

>she is just promoting careerism for young women.

That's literally what the Javanka administration is doing.

forgot pic

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bump just for you retard

>President Ann Coulter
Or we maybe we can all grow up and realize being able to criticize the system is not the same as being able to fixing it.
There is no fucking point on voting these retards in, if all we do afterwards is jerk ourselves to sleep and defend "our guy" from the opposition even when he is fucking up.

Yes, this. The youth working for Trump are low-skill and trying to attack her personally and characterize her as an e-celeb. The people working for Trump really think the base is that stupid that we don't know who Ann Coulter is or what she stands for. That degree of contempt on their part is yet another reason to primary Trump.

>Is all this shilling and damage control because of the Joe Biden tweet Trump did or the Mueller nothingburger?
look at this retard fixated on menial shit to "own the libs"

bumping along, I do my job, 10 cents a post, shill shill shill all day

He's not gonna lose fucktard. And he's right this dumb cunt never blames Congress at all. Shes a flatboard with a loose screw

Ann literally posts links to shitholes like CNN and Vox that say "drumpf is stumpfed" and then she acts like it's fucking absolute truth. She is very blatantly a fucking concern shill looking to sell books by pretending she's the number 1 right winger. Until Trump came around she was 100% in favor of invading Russia and Iran, it was only after that she pretended she was always against war when 5 minutes browsing shit she wrote 10 years ago tells you that she was all in for wars in the third world.

Blaming Congress is like blaming Sauron. What would that achieve?

It's funny because anyone repeating "rebbit spacing" is clearly a newfag, since the meme is just a shitpost to confound people typing a certain way- it has no basis in reality.

What truth? This dumb cunt made prehaps the dumbest tweet I've ever seen from her. I hope someone seriously hands her a bitch slap. She never blames Congress at all when it's clearly there fault. She knows NOTHING about how government works. All she wants is to sell books and fuck niggers

You don't even fucking try. Pathetic.

>Ann literally posts links to shitholes like CNN and Vox that say "drumpf is stumpfed" and then she acts like it's fucking absolute truth
Prove it

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joke’s on you kid, I do it for free

>what she stands for

War with Iran and endless neocon dick sucking. Kill yourself.

>First President to have a train run on her at Bill Maher's house

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What do you like about trumps presidency so far? Owned libtards?

>trump a good boy he dindu nuffin
>it’s all Congress n sheeeit
your best defense of trump is “he’s not malicious, he’s just an ineffectual retard”

Trump is bringing America closer to war with Iran. Trump lined up his cabinet with Neocons. He's doing that NOW in the current administration.

Yet by your logic Trump is good and Ann is bad because she wrote a book supporting Neocons 15 years ago. How do you not explode from your own stupidity

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>Ann won't have white children.
She's 57, anti-white.

Reddit spacing is literally a shill meme used to divide the users here.

Holy fuck haha Ann posted the golem article three times
Father son and Holy Spirit?

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Yeah you're projecting pretty hard, bud. It is actually hilarious how ridiculous that statement is after Trump escalated troops in Afghanistan and kept troops in Syria. Ann does nothing but criticize Trump for being a neocon piece of shit who refuses to withdraw from foreign wars. Kill yourself.

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Whose fault will it be then ?

Because it's true. Ann is acting like Bill Kristol

>giving a fuck about what "coalburner" Coulter has to say

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im voting for Trump because of this thread.
so many parasites and cowards and poisonous little shits just thrilled to turn against their own people, their own nation, and their own leader.
all because of some jewish news stories they'd never believe anything about and some JIDF peer pressure on Jow Forums saying he's the one you should hate.
it has not been 4 years, the president is not a magic genie, he does not even have the power of a king. he cannot instantly solve all of your problems, especially the ones that have been building for generation after generation, like the slow warfare of ideological subversion.

I will vote for him and drive who'd like to vote to the polls, not because of all that he's done for me, but because of you.
you are so disgusting, so easily brainwashed, so sad and frustrating to try and help...
you've made a life long trump fan of me.
if YOU are who he is pissing off, good for him.
you do not deserve to be happy.
also ann coulter burns coal on an industrial revolution scale. ann coalmountain coulter is gargling every word at you with a mouth full of day old nigger cum, enjoy her all you want.
~but you will pay the toll with her~

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It is Congress's fault and the deep state's fault. Look at what's happening fucktard

Yeah calling out Zion don for being a fucking cuck. I’d never listen to that...might upset the fellow pedes

>ann coulter is like neocon literal kike piece of shit

Ann literally names the jew you fucking asshole.

He is withdrawing though

Also how fucking retarded do you have to be to think Trump is to blame? She's not even awake anymore. Ann Coulter McCain.

>word salad
You're going to be out of a job when Trump gets primaried in 2020 by Ann Coulter. Kill yourself now.

This but unironically

Almost everyone itt shilling Ann will vote trump in the election. We’re gaming a decent primaries here faggot
And god forbid Annesty Don doesn’t get another term because he got owned like the libtqrd he is by based Ann

She acts just like him. Look at how he tweets and Ann tweets and there is ZERO difference in style.

Ann exists to make hot takes that get attention. She then uses this attention to sell books. Currently saying anti Trump things gets her the most attention.

>voting for a women
Enjoy becoming worse than Germany, New Zealand and Sweden combined

Also try to be more subtle, I know you’re on the clock but have some pride in your work

Go ahead & provide some examples my miga.

>Zion don
It's cute when you libcuck shills come up with new pet names for your president. Here's the part where you claim you aren't salty lefty. Your tactic isn't working, you aren't going to sway votes here.

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>since the 90s
And Pat Buchanan has been addressing those same points she always makes since the 70s. If anything, Coulters books are cheap knockoffs of Buchanan books

lol faggot 1000 troops left deliberately. then there will be some IsraelISIS incident where there is an "attack" on troops and oops we're back at war again. Trump is leaving them there because he expects to lose 2020 and then the next president escalates

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>it’s congress
>it’s the deep state
>it’s the j—no wait Israel is BASED
>daddy would never betray me, w-would he?

I'd love for her to run, but I don't think she has the constitution for it. I also don't think she could possibly win, since we're majority non-white now, and they'll cheat her to death anyway.

Stop using Israel as a strawman

How about, Open Borders Amnesty Zion Don?

>That dude is less popular on Twitter than Evan Mcmuffin
Her narrative is what Bill Krystol and Paul Ryan pay her to say. Ever wonder why she doesn't criticize Romney or Ryan?

That article was DISPROVEN by the JCOS

>you’re not going to
Considering the growth of these threads and that I’ve been a baker of them myself, I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you
Your future polls are safe with me though gang I promise

How about Try Harder

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"that illegals killed" yet its trumps fault lol this coal burner is insane.

Trump isn't handing out amnesty idiot. You think Jeb would be saying the shit Trump's saying right now?

>d-don’t bully Israel they’re our greatest allies!
fucking trumpniggers. i’d love to call you a kike but your IQ is too low so I’m guessing leddit boomer