You dumb rednecks are getting out of control

You dumb rednecks are getting out of control

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Get out.

Fake and gay.

(((New york man)))

>new york
try again

Sloppy job mossad

Ilhan Omar is teh queen of Jow Forums. Fuck off.

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That's all we need. A Muslim negress martyr.

The Golem has awakened, and it cannot be stopped!

Mossad tried to kill Scalise and Mossad tried to kill Omar.

The only deaths that will be happening are the deaths of every single Mossad agent and black cube employee.

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Ten bucks says it's a yid.

new york has wannabe rednecks who drive around in lifted pickups with snake flags on the back window. but unlike real rednecks, when it breaks down they take it to Miguel's Auto-Body.

The American right-wing is violent and unhinged.

>Thomas Alonzo Bolin, a resident of Greece, N.Y., maintained a Facebook group called Odin’s Warriors that purports to combine worship of ancient Norse gods and white supremacist beliefs, according to the affidavit.

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>new york man
It's a kike

>The American right-wing is violent and unhinged.
Sloppy Job mossad

lmao fuck the entire east coast. fuck megacity 0

Surpirse surprise, angsty Jews in Jew York want Omar dead.

You need to go to upstate NY sometime.

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Sloppy job mossad

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even the most rural part of ny is probably extremely foul due to the immense amount of human waste and pollution

why would i ever go to a blue state for any reason.

so... not real rednecks then

That was my take away. If his name was Cletus we would have heard it by now.

Also, DubbleDubs? Absolutely Chekt.

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Kek. Imagine being Laura Loomer and Jacob Wohl. How's Jacob's fake police report going?

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Zionist kikes = right-wing = Trump

Go kill yourself, or better yet, take a walk into the ghetto and let Jamal do it for us.

This is the best article I've read all month. Freaking brilliant.

I'm gonna assume (((David Cole))) is Orthodox. Sounds vaguely Kahaneist.

No. Zionists are in both parties. Bibi demands bipartisan support. You're a really stupid shill and you know that I'm right. Trump is outjewing you zionists because he's smarter, richer, and he cares about us all.

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I recognize 2 of those Baizuo.

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>Trump is outjewing you zionists because he's smarter, richer, and he cares about us all.
No, he doesn't.

Ilhan Omar is the most patriotic American in Congress right now.

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Yes he does and that's why you're so angry. Because you have no soul. Trump loves us.

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She's a retard.

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She's more American than you'll ever be.

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>”America will embrace Islam, it is the will of allah. Whites will submit or face retribution”
What did she mean by this?

Islam will save the west

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It's actually quite beautiful outside of NYC. It's a damned shame it has that malignant tumor that fucks up the whole state.

I don't put a religion before my country.

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>born in Somalia
>married her older brother
>refuses to denounce isis (Israel)
>calls for the complete extermination of all non Muslims, and especially all Europeans
>hates white people
>radical left wing extremist
>literal shitskin
>won’t be alive next week

>A white New York City man named Ari Goldblum was arrested by federal authorities Saturday morning at his Manhattan apartment for directing several death threats at Minnesota House representative Ilhan Omar


Hey Laura and Jacob enjoy prison. You're not Americans you're traitors to this country.

>exterminates the entire white race
>look Patrick we saved the West!
>*starves in shitskin*

>white race
Kek. You're funny. Ilhan Omar is more American and a greater patriot than you could ever hope to be.

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The only good thing is she is redpilling people with her anti white hate speech. The entire nation is now understanding the agenda. I hope they don’t kill her too quickly, she should be boiled alive with all her speeches on loop

>extremely foul
Well, there are a few chicken farms over here in Western Jew York.

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People threaten Trump every day so why aren't they arrested? She needs to GO.

I hope this serves a lesson to all would be assassins
>To not air your plans out into the public sphere.


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Buffalo is where dreams go to die.

She’s Jewish....user I...nevermind

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Oh no no no no no noooooooooo.

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No shit. Mossad recruits arabs to go join ISIS. What's new? Ilhan calls out Israel and that's why you're against her. You're a zionist. Which means when Mueller goes public you go to prison.

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that little goblin looks so funny with her garb off. I understand why she wears it now. She also has a tenuous grasp on the English language.

take your meds user

Why are you so bad at shilling? Seriously. Answer the question.
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck nooooooooooooooooooo, but I thought she was based and hated Jews!!!! FUCK!

>snake flags
Kys faggot

That happens when you are born and raised by radical Islamic terrorists in Somalia then smuggled into the US and gifted power by her Jewish overlords

>/our queen/ is a mudslime shitskin

>islamist extremist groups
>By David M. Swindle
Is this supposed to actually be something important? Why are you linking Jewish lies?

you guys just have not accepted there are no indictments lol. You wasted 40 million dollars of taxpayer money and say any day now even though the investigation is done.
FUCCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!! How could she do this?! Why did she side with Israel. She’s literally defending Mossad agents

>no indictments
Actually there's more than 90,000 and that's why kikes like you are trying to spark civil unrest and tons of D&C psy ops. The entire swamp is going down.
Do you think these articles change anyones mind? Everyone knows that she's outspoken about Israel and will be accused of everything in the book.

It really pisses you off that Ilhan omar is the congressperson to speak out about israel doesn't it? She's untouchable and everyone comes off as racist for attacking her. You can't handle it.

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Outrage against her continues to redpill my lifelong CNN obsessed Democrat father on Israel. He was just telling me how retarded it is for the US to keep funding Israel this morning and I asked him what most of the shills for them in our government have in common. He knew the answer.

She is the queen of Mossad.
Sloppy job shill

Upstate ny is redneck af.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a weak bitch compared to Ilhan Omar. Even bibi is too scared to do anything.

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It also says no state religion you complete fucking idiot, which she believes in.

>Israel creates isis
>omar shills non stop for isis
>backed by unlimited Israeli money
>defended religiously by the Jewish media
>works directly with Mossad
>”muh based queen”
>”lol no bro she’s hates Jews”
>”your just mad kike”
>what is false opposition?

Will you commit suicide when the muslims and the west team up to desstroy Israel?

Zionists are losers and Ilhan Omar is single handedly driving you idiots insane.

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Israel > mudslimes

Is that why she’s met with him on nemerous occasions? Or why he’s her largest donor? Forgot to mention that little detail huh?


She has literally said she works for Mossad. Lmfao cope

Why The US Is Now A Fascist Ethnostate Because Senator Turban Said AIPAC Exists - by Hymie Kikenberger


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Death to Israel and death to Muslims. And you two faggots should suck each other off, then walk into the ocean and deeply inhale.


>seething jidf omar shill on suicide watch
What is cope?

This is reality no matter how hard you shill online. You've censored too many people. You have no idea what the populace is thinking anymore. You've done this to yourselves.

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probably a jew

Same thing

normal people will always support Israel over mudslimes

>lol muslims are so based that’s why isis has zero attacks against Jews...wait a second...

i can't help it i'm a yankee.

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>getting charged criminally for threats
Actions are so much more cost effective.

At least Jew don’t fuck you in the ass before killing you

Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11

Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)

Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)

Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)

These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.

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