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Will Arab militaries ever have a great triumph of their own?

In the modern day, Arab militaries have struggled in utilizing military force effectively and decisively in combined arms and network based warfare.

Many scoffed at the soviets in the early 20th century at their lack of efficacy. But that was due to internal politics and the insane policies dear old Papa Stalin had in regards to his officer's corps.

My question is do you guys think that modern arab militaries will ever be able to rise to the occasion of information age warfighting? Or are they just too... how should I say this... culturally impaired?

Attached: Arab Militaries.jpg (400x293, 39K)

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Unless they sort their shit out in relation to command and general organization like Soviets did, no

>My question is do you guys think that modern arab militaries will ever be able to rise to the occasion of information age warfighting?
>Or are they just too... how should I say this... culturally impaired?

Arabs CAN learn. Look at 1973 crossing of the canal and early battles. It was a textbook operation.
Later they were fucked over by political pressure.

That's a point of pride for many egyptians sure.

But I've noticed that a lot of Arab militaries just really struggle with gaining decisive advantages and it just become a huge slog and bloodbath after awhile.


but also en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Nickel_Grass

Arabs are lions lead by sheep

Like Italians

Hahahahahahahaha. The Arabs used Soviet equipment and they got btfo'd anyway by the Israelis and they trained like the Soviets and they still failed! Just face it Soviet equipment is trash it sucks it's trash and it's useless compared to the superior American weapons.

>Operation Nickel Grass was a strategic airlift operation conducted by the United States to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In a series of events that took place over 32 days, the Military Airlift Command of the U.S. Air Force shipped 22,325 tons of tanks, artillery, ammunition, and supplies in C-141 Starlifter and C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft between October 14 and November 14, 1973.[1][2]

Israel got massive support

Not until they drop their paranoia. The main reason they're so shit is the lack of cooperation within the military, with various commanders all competing with each other and not properly cooperating with other parts of the military.

This is of course what the Arab leaders want, since they fear a unified military being able to over throw them, with the unfortunately (or fortunate if you're fighting them) side effect of making these militaries utterly useless at doing what they're supposed to do. Arab leaders also value loyalty over initiative, with initiative being actively punished out of fear that they could attempt to compete for power. The fear isn't entirely unwarranted when you consider people like Colonel Gaddafi got to power via coups.