Honey mustard master race here. If you prefer any other sauce for your tendies, unironically neck yourself

Honey mustard master race here. If you prefer any other sauce for your tendies, unironically neck yourself.

Attached: Tendies.jpg (1000x667, 122K)

Cane's sauce or get lost.

You spelled "BBQ Sauce" wrong.

unironically honey mustard is the best

Eat shit and die leaf, Chick Fil A sauce is superior to all sauces.

the leaf is right

A creamed horsey sauce is pretty good too.
So is Ranch.

Attached: 1405A00B-EF94-4B4F-9EFC-D9BE5CF80B3F.png (341x374, 4K)

Uhm, no.

tendies are child's play, a real man gets his hands dirty with a big pile of wings.