Not looking good

Not looking good

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Young people have always been liberal.
They become conservative later when they learn where their tax dollars are going.

Nah, it's just that all of our young people are non-white.

if thats true why does the media keep freaking out about all these radical nazi youths?

Nazi's are socialists

lol are you serious? If they actually showed real polling numbers, it would be like 70% republican now. look at the comment section of Comey's instagram

the only one dying is... you know who

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Which is weird because Gen Z is the most conservative generation in a while. However just as democrats move further left, young republicans move further right. So there are more NAZI and Libertarian Gen Zers than republicans.

The only ones dying out are baby boomers and it feels so damn good.

Everyone made jokes about Trump and others visiting Jow Forums, but they clearly never do.


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That doesn't necessarily mean they're republican.

>that flag


> let's follow the same thing these (((Boomers))) followed to turn America into the great white and traditional state that it is !!
fuck off fucking MIGApede lol sperg

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>young people vote liberal
>young people grow up
>old people vote conservative
great thread, OP

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This. The demographic shift was the war that our boomer parents didn’t see coming. The war is already over sadly. Build a family and find land. It will all collapse in the next 5-20 years.

>New York Times
Wow, such a reliable source /s

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Kek they haven't realized that not only is the party dying but the country is.

They made it clear white males are not welcome unless you are jewish so who cares.

We should honestly just go back to Europe at this point and quit fucking with sketchy ass people who hate us.

An instagram page vs scientific polling

I am no supporter of the libertarian party, but if you think that the united states was some sort of free-wheeling free market in the era of the boomers, I urge you to look into it.

Have you seen how far our education system has devolved? Millenials are completely brainwashed and the young ones are being hot even harder with communist horseshit

Well technically hes right


>Refuse to allow young people to participate in your club
>young people start their own club
>old people club Members start dying off
>old people club squeals and demands young people join their club and support them.

It’s over old men. You were too cucked and jewed.
Enjoy your graves.

It actually feels kinda bad. The boomers really deserved to not die such comfy deaths.

>Younger generation
You mean parasitic non-whites? Voting for the party that will enslave us to gibs them gibs?

They were offered the torch of populism to forge a future.

Republicans rejected this destiny for shekels and power.

>dying off

Kek. As if there was anywhere to turn to.

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>april 6, 2019
they know exactly what the fuck is going on
this is all a part of their plan to kill america
they arent even republicans they are neo trotskyites. the last real republican was andrew jackson.

>he thinks hordes of two digit iq mongrels go on twitter let alone even pay attention to politics
you people are in for a rude awakening
america is dead and diversity killed it

This is way more difficult than just doing it in your head.

And that's why gun rights are the holy Grail. They can't accomplish anything with out making us suffer and once they make us uncomfortable we kill again

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Hopefully all of those felons they gave voting rights to works out for them... It’s guaranteed to be a winning, long term strategy.

>Refuse to allow young people to participate in your club
What the fuck did user mean by this?

>that is why Trump is adding all the Jews
DUH.... shills are so scared today

Society's collapse is the fault of young people. They are lazy good for nothing niggers we should kill everybody under 25 before they destroy everything. Then breed some real fucking men.


>They become conservative later when they learn where their tax dollars are going.
that has no foundation in reality. any polisci class will tell you voting and party affiliations are set by 20s. Gen Y was fucked by bush, reagan and boomers. they as a collective are on the center left, gen z is mosly non-white, generally who vote for democrats, the only GOP supporters are middle class whites, and even they have adopted some democratic concepts.

wtf I'm a liberal now?!

>Which is weird because Gen Z is the most conservative generation in a while
have you actually looked at that study? like the actual numbers on the questions used?

It's what they get for compromising with Dems

The Republican Party would have died with Bush had it not been for Trump. I think they want it that way. They make it clear over and over that they hate their own citizens and hate the rest of the world.

>by the new york times
anyone believing this concern troll shit needs to fuck off of Jow Forums

It doesn't matter. It's China's world now.

>New polling data compiled by the (((New York Times))) has Republican pollsters in full panic mode
How measured, I bet this is exactly what the accurately-collected data shows


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That is a blatant lie. They don't care, at all. If they did, they'd have been an aggressive and effective pro-white (which is inherently pro-America) party. Instead, they deliberately fuck over their supporters and ruin the country alongside progs while being proud slaves of Israel.

You're fucking insane. The GOP is dead after Trump's betrayal. This was their last shot. They'll have to go full "Nazi" to have any hope, now.

not really. i have 4 girls between 9 and 17. totally non religious household. girls are hardcore right wing because they rebel against the peer status-quo. they are atheists conservative who vote like fundamentalists just cuz they fucking hate the fuck out of the left. they see the left for the fucking hellhole it is. the next generation are going to swing to the right sofa king hard bitch.

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>They'll have to go full "Nazi" to have any hope, now.
Actually, I take that back. Due to demographics, even that likely won't save them. They're fucked. They're now the party of Israel and nothing else, which ensures they will drastically lose support going forward.

Maybe they should have put their constituents first instead of their donors. On the other hand, who could realistically expect them to turn down so much (((money)))?

This is what happens when you support Jews, Israel or otherwise. God put you back in your place. You can thank the Zionists for that.

The levels of propaganda has substantially increased in the past few decades. Now men and women never stop being children.

They had an opportunity to rebrand with Trump as a moderate party that opposes demographic destruction of their base. Instead they chose to hamstring him and doom themselves to the Democrats and their plan to import a new electorate.

I'm registered as an unaffiliated voter but I usually vote republic. I hate niggers and women too much to actually vote for them or for programs that help them.

>new York times
Yeah ok user ya fucking tard

>not one person asking for the link

Gen x was the one affected by them. As a gen y millennial, I can say that political affiliation is always going to be a reactionary sort of thing. I was a dyed in the wool liberal for most of my 20's but after seeing how the party has shifted so far left and is blaming me for all the ills of the world, I left it. I would probably still be liberal if they didn't push identity politics more than anything else. Seeing the absolute evil in government today would have made the daily show watching, bush mocking me hang my head in shame.

Fuck off nigger
just stop with the mental gymnastics already, there is nothing socialist about Nazis

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>wages tank
>cost of college skyrockets
>cost of rent/home ownership skyrockets
>muh medicare and social security tho

>one post by this ID
Op is a fag, didn’t even source. Does it show youth voters aren’t voting republican or does it show republicans aren’t getting youths to register under their party. I still don’t have a party next to my name but consistently vote right.